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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. I maybe 20 lbs too light for the role, but I AM stronger than Arnold ever was. I am currently 202 with 11% bodyfat. Just an estimate, Arnold was maybe 220 with 10% for the first Conan, and 225 with 8% in the second. Just for reference he was in his best movie shape for Predator... I am guessing 210 with maybe 5% Just to update, incase I can get the role... This morning I was 222 at 10%. I COULD pull off Conan now. congrats on the 10%, hard target to get unless you weigh as much as a girl, just to add to the photoshoped pic, when youve worked your whole life to stay in shape and be a cut above the rest your not going to let yourself get to that point Yeah no kidding. Anyone who has ever exercised will know that pic is fake. That reminds me, whats the best way to measure body fat %?, i was told the most accurate is those electronic scale's. I'd like to get an accurate starting point
  2. Of what your wallet. naw, if ya cant afford maint on it then you really shouldnt have it. if your on a sanctioned SCCA track and spin out in an area that you know your safe in, most people end up with maybe a few stone chips, but most of the time its a bit dusty. of course you dont want to test the limits of your car on a country road with woods on both sides. it is costly driving hard on a car, i know i put a new set of mxx3's on my car every year and rebuilt the seal on the axle a few times. that was my driver. if I had (could afford) a Ferrari i wouldnt expect anyless from that car then my vette. my cousin has a 512 and he DRIVES it, but he works on it himself, put in 2 clutch assy's allready. IMHO why own it if you dont use it for what its intended for, get a Fiero and put a ferrarri body on it. , and most people cant handle the cars, round here when the 1st vipers came out all the engineers got to bring them home i cant count the accidents that that caused
  3. Honestly, I don't feel that bad. If you have the cash for a car like that, you can afford some driving classes and a cheaper car to practice with. Wrecking a mega expensive car (on the track) is the fault of a dumb owner, because they put the car in that position in the first place. its all about testing the limits
  4. I maybe 20 lbs too light for the role, but I AM stronger than Arnold ever was. I am currently 202 with 11% bodyfat. Just an estimate, Arnold was maybe 220 with 10% for the first Conan, and 225 with 8% in the second. Just for reference he was in his best movie shape for Predator... I am guessing 210 with maybe 5% Just to update, incase I can get the role... This morning I was 222 at 10%. I COULD pull off Conan now. congrats on the 10%, hard target to get unless you weigh as much as a girl, just to add to the photoshoped pic, when youve worked your whole life to stay in shape and be a cut above the rest your not going to let yourself get to that point
  5. I had one of those in australia, i'll have to scan the pics. it had a hemi 6 that was rebuilt. i ended up blowing it up and as far as power,,,, a 305 could whup it. it was a 3 speed on the floor
  6. isnt that just a falcon 2 door with a custom fascia
  7. Whow.....sweet (voice of Keaneu Reeves) nice work
  8. Matchbox, mommy got it for me in 80's
  9. Consumer Reports also said the Ford Focus is the best small car in the U.S. That's why you should take them with a grain of salt. consumer reports is bought off, its a common known fact in the auto industry, worked on the 1994 lesabre "car of the year" 1st year in production they welded washers toghther to hold the CHMSL (center high mounted stop lamp) to the rear glass cause the metal shelf sagged so much and the whole body was out of tolerance
  10. square cars are just a fad., Mini's are too. around here, thier a hit for the gay community and its well known (not intended to be offensive whatsoever)
  11. The home depot has em yellow one for 299 and purple one for 399, wife wants one,,,,its nice to want
  12. in the for sale section, jung was selling it
  13. thanks for all the replies, whould a jetfire nose "bolt up"to a reissue? (to get the correct stubby look)
  14. I got the conversion kit, I'm definatly interested in what ya got, yeah, i want to do a full paintjob and make it look factory, no panel lining or shading. thanks
  15. I totally forgot that it has the blunted nose, i needs a jetfire,,, anyone got one? thanks Katana
  16. I bought a elint seeker recast and wanted to know what the best 1/55 is to get for it, pretty much a color choice i guess a VF-1A brownie?
  17. I sooo need to get one of those wings
  18. naw, Im pretty sure Ive seen reverse swept wing RC's
  19. I really don't see any Ferrari-styling on either of those two cars, but if you want to talk about a poor man's Ferrari, look no further than at the current-generation Tiburon, which, I'm told, was supposedly designed by Pininfarina. That was one of the ones I was talking about, that and the new Celica. u gotta admit, for the price range, i guess it isnt a bad deal,,,id never own one,,, closest thing I would get to those would be a subaru for the wife (wagon), my cousin has the ferrarri, i had a vette, if it looks sporty it better be sporty for me to own one,, not just handle decent, my F350 handles decent
  20. ahhh, its probably going to be a completly different animal that wont even fire the correct round
  21. ah yes, no vermouth and extra dirty,,grey goose
  22. just awesome
  23. sopuro = good beer, good with sushi noone has answered what an octopus high ball is yet
  24. LOL,,,, Thats nice,,,, what is that Velvet
  25. another interesting tidbit about ed209 http://www.robocoparchive.com/info/making1-ed209.htm definatly from the sketches an officers battle pod
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