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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. I hate 4 door sports cars for some weird reason,,, as for the GTO, thats one heavy mother and could use a better gear ratio in the rear axle, GM is still for gas milegae in V8 cars I guess its thier claim to fame, while Ford puts drag gears in the mustang which stomps a lot of cars with 200hp, GM puts econo gears in 400hp
  2. I agree with ya man, Ive been looking into kits and factory 5 has a daytona coupe replica that handles like anything on the market today. But if you think about it, if you want a certain look or performance out of the box and you dont know how to do the work yourself (or in the case of some of my freinds, do the work and take it to me to fix it) your going to spend a lot of cash having it done for you, example, guy I work with has 60K into body work on a 39 ford and then the guy wanted more money
  3. GO with the Elise and cancell the order on the M, but like Glane said, exspecially if your modding the motor and rebuilding it, get ussed Good thing about Lotus too is that they use GM engineering for thier ECM's and are over engineered if anything, Does anyone know if its a Mass Air or speed density system (speed density lends itself better to mods) A1, you ever drive a sub 4 second 0-60 car,,,, pretty intense man, your going to be addicted. Ive only had that glory in 1/4 miler cars, would be nice to have the power in something that handles not only in a straight line (which if I ever get my garages done I can get back to work on my project (600hp, 2800lbs )
  4. oh, as far as brake pads go, you ever notice high quality pads have a slit cut in them, it helps braking like sipes in a tire for winter time
  5. Like i said before, I was always a rabid Hater of the Vette (post 60's) Until this years ZO6. And the only thing i hate about it is a debateable matter of opinion. The thing i love is whoever designed the brakes, they're a genius! 342294[/snapback] pretty sure they were done by brembo, at least for the Z, I had the upgraded brakes on my car and loved them, 13" rotors up front, 12's in back, cept rotors and ceramic pads were exspensive. Ive allways liked the vette cept the C5 and C3, good platform to build from 342297[/snapback] It's not the size of the brake that is genius, it's the technology incorporated. The Brake caliper is individual pieces and not one block. The advantage is, the fronter parts of the caliper that take most of the ware can be replaced individually saving the owner money. Also because they're individual blocks (one for each pot, so six in the front four in the rear) they cool much quicker than a single block, in conjunction with the huge brake vent, means more consistent braking on a track and in general. 342326[/snapback] yeah, I know, but the preasure required to stop the rotaing mass is a lot less per inch. Ive been running a ceramic blend for years now, The only thing that gets the most heat is the rotor, Ive experimanted with a heavy truck, and cast rotors will get ate by ceramics. As far as the calipers go, any late model vette has brembo style brakes and those are going on my super truck 342542[/snapback] I had been meaning to edit my last post but internet was out. What i meant to say was, the caliper is one piece (nothing changed) aluminum (not sure if it's Brembo, but high chance of it being so) and the brake pads are individual (much like the ones found on certain airplanes) so there are 20 total pads manning the brakes (6x2 front 4x2 rear). They say it helps braking but i don't know hot true it is, but i do know that it is more efficient for maintenance. The actual production car numbers for the ZO6 aren't as good as the proto test mule. 0-60 in 4.1 and 1/4 mile in 12.1? i know the quatermile was somewhere in the low 12's . Not bad numbers, but it's disappointing how different it was from original mule numbers. 342811[/snapback] all in the tires, they use shitty ones from the factory, I had twin cars with a guy (96 LT4 vette convertibles) from the posted numbers they were running 13.5 from the factory ojn goodyears (scary garbage), he ran a 12.89 with G force BF's on his 1st pass and got kicked off the track (no cage in a convert under 14 seconds) with cheaters, thise GS's are capable of 12.50's with slight tuning
  6. Yeah sorry about that. 342752[/snapback] me2, the quote thing
  7. Fair... Not fair... Pointing at another and whining about how society owes you something... You sound like a liberal. Stop being such a girlie man and go to the gym. 342625[/snapback] Actually, I agree with White Drew as well. This thread is just "out of place". So what does that make me???? 342737[/snapback] A woman who enjoys confrontation... Which is kinda hot. 342741[/snapback] at the risk of being a sexist, isnt that all women
  8. The issue isn't how much teachers get paid, its the fact that they have tenure, and can NOT be fired for any reason other than commiting crimes while teaching. Any one of us can be fired from our jobs for lack of performance, the fact that teachers can't makes it so that people who have little drive become teachers... Once they get tenure, they don't have to do anything anymore. 342546[/snapback] Like I said, I dont know the logistics or reasons, I was just making a long boring example of how stupid the masses are (nothing really to do with Cali's teachers union), and how easy it is to sway thier opinion. I dont know how Bush did it, but Osama came out of the woodwork and said vote for Kerry a few days before election, Hell, I woulda dropped out too. I wonder how many presidents should be guilty of treason, let alone countless polititions. Im just distrought at how this country is fairing and how we try to police everything at the cost of lives, jobs, and the "American way of life", People arnt looking at the big picture in other countries known as superinflation (china for one)
  9. Like i said before, I was always a rabid Hater of the Vette (post 60's) Until this years ZO6. And the only thing i hate about it is a debateable matter of opinion. The thing i love is whoever designed the brakes, they're a genius! 342294[/snapback] pretty sure they were done by brembo, at least for the Z, I had the upgraded brakes on my car and loved them, 13" rotors up front, 12's in back, cept rotors and ceramic pads were exspensive. Ive allways liked the vette cept the C5 and C3, good platform to build from 342297[/snapback] It's not the size of the brake that is genius, it's the technology incorporated. The Brake caliper is individual pieces and not one block. The advantage is, the fronter parts of the caliper that take most of the ware can be replaced individually saving the owner money. Also because they're individual blocks (one for each pot, so six in the front four in the rear) they cool much quicker than a single block, in conjunction with the huge brake vent, means more consistent braking on a track and in general. 342326[/snapback] yeah, I know, but the preasure required to stop the rotaing mass is a lot less per inch. Ive been running a ceramic blend for years now, The only thing that gets the most heat is the rotor, Ive experimanted with a heavy truck, and cast rotors will get ate by ceramics. As far as the calipers go, any late model vette has brembo style brakes and those are going on my super truck
  10. I am 6'1, goth pussy. 341639[/snapback] Well Im nearly 6' and Im 15 so ha but I bet you guys can beat the crap out of 20 times over so uh . Not quite. Contrary to popular belief (perpetuated by the above-mentioned caricatures), Napoleon was not especially short. After his death in 1821, the French emperor's height was recorded as 5 feet 2 inches in French feet. This corresponds to 5 feet 6.5 inches in Imperial (British) feet, or 1.686 meters, making him slightly taller than an average Frenchman of the 19th century. The metric system was introduced during his lifetime, so it was natural that he would be measured in feet and inches for much of his life. A French inch was 2.71 centimetres, whereas an Imperial inch is 2.54 centimetres. In addition to this miscalculation, his nickname le petit caporal adds to the confusion, as non-francophones mistakenly take petit literally as meaning "small"; in fact, it is an affectionate term reflecting on his camaraderie with ordinary soldiers. He also surrounded himself with soldiers, his elite guard, who were always six feet tall or taller. 341841[/snapback] Hitler wasn't such a short lil bugger too. About 5'10''. Not tall even for his time, but not the little shorty most people make him out to be. 342168[/snapback] you know wayy to much about Hitler 342170[/snapback] Arnold said Hitler was such a bastard because he only had one testicle, and he was pissed about that fact... Arnold is never wrong. 342210[/snapback] are you sure? 342267[/snapback] About what?.. Yes I am sure, Arnold is never wrong. 342395[/snapback] Arnold is never wrong, what have you been smoking !? He did so many mistakes and had so many misunderstadnings of the public my friend hates Arnold cause her Father is a fire fighter and has so much taken away from him. I think I should run to the corner now ... 342438[/snapback] As you mentioned before, you are 15... When you are older and wiser you will notice how liberal lobby groups scare stupid people into voting against common sense for their gain. Tell your friend either she is stupid or her father is stupid as Arnold hasn't done a thing to the fire fighters, he is after the teachers union. Unions just stick together. 342516[/snapback] fug it, might as well totally derail it, Political beliefs are opinions and nothing more if he's after the teachers union, what makes that right, the mass of "stupid people" think thier making too much? How much value would you put on your childs education, probably limitless, but when a Millage goes to vote for on the ballat you vote it down every time. Unions have thier place, now more then ever with this world economy B.S.,,, bad days are comin, not only for the middle guy. If you average out the masses and give everyone equal everyone would be poor by OUR standards. Its happening everywhier, teachers, police, firefighters, jails, socialworkers, In my state, they let a few thousand people out of jail early cause of overcrowding and tight budgets. If polititions arnt helping, thier hurting. A person is smart, People are Stupid. Im not saying Arnold is bad for cali (hes probably the best thing to get into office thier), Im just giving an example with what was said
  11. Like i said before, I was always a rabid Hater of the Vette (post 60's) Until this years ZO6. And the only thing i hate about it is a debateable matter of opinion. The thing i love is whoever designed the brakes, they're a genius! 342294[/snapback] pretty sure they were done by brembo, at least for the Z, I had the upgraded brakes on my car and loved them, 13" rotors up front, 12's in back, cept rotors and ceramic pads were exspensive. Ive allways liked the vette cept the C5 and C3, good platform to build from
  12. Im really getting an itch to drive the new Z06,,,,,no more home improvements, Im going to take my midlife crissis now thanks
  13. ANY actor/actress on the Lifetime network, Im putting a parental lock on it. Its not allowed on when Im in the house
  14. thats awesome carl, do you have a gif showwing the cycles in action?
  15. HAHAHA! Thanks man! 342272[/snapback] I like the quote in the sig
  16. I like to use 0-60 as a baseline since most of thiese cars will never see a track allthough I have been known to pull a 4 wheel slide on a freeway off ramp, which reminds me of the worst mistake I ever made in a car,,,,letting off the gas , definatlly agree about lambo's, but porche is going in the wrong direction IMO starting with the boxster (ya ever feel the wheel hop in that car?)
  17. ya know, some people say that about steak
  18. Not quite. Contrary to popular belief (perpetuated by the above-mentioned caricatures), Napoleon was not especially short. After his death in 1821, the French emperor's height was recorded as 5 feet 2 inches in French feet. This corresponds to 5 feet 6.5 inches in Imperial (British) feet, or 1.686 meters, making him slightly taller than an average Frenchman of the 19th century. The metric system was introduced during his lifetime, so it was natural that he would be measured in feet and inches for much of his life. A French inch was 2.71 centimetres, whereas an Imperial inch is 2.54 centimetres. In addition to this miscalculation, his nickname le petit caporal adds to the confusion, as non-francophones mistakenly take petit literally as meaning "small"; in fact, it is an affectionate term reflecting on his camaraderie with ordinary soldiers. He also surrounded himself with soldiers, his elite guard, who were always six feet tall or taller. 341841[/snapback] Hitler wasn't such a short lil bugger too. About 5'10''. Not tall even for his time, but not the little shorty most people make him out to be. 342168[/snapback] you know wayy to much about Hitler 342170[/snapback] Arnold said Hitler was such a bastard because he only had one testicle, and he was pissed about that fact... Arnold is never wrong. 342210[/snapback] are you sure?
  19. Oh how you've hurt me... boohoo... Whatever.... 342207[/snapback] eh, you have a good sense of humor. Some people would have started bitching and crying, so I guess I am wrong, I figured you were like 12 or something. Some think Agent ONE is mean, but this isn't true at all... Agent ONE is either mean OR totally awesome. 342209[/snapback] I've been surfing various interest boards for years and there isn't much I haven't seen. Thus I don't let such things get to me very often.... 342250[/snapback] A1 can rub you the wrong way, but he's supposed too
  20. What's a nubian? 342255[/snapback] a black person originating from the african continent
  21. The NSX is not a glorified daily driver. It's a supercar without the supercar quirks, such as tricky transmission, ridiculously expensive upkeep, etc... With supercars, you're paying more for the brand name than anything, though admittedly Ferrari engines are pretty impressive. 342206[/snapback] I beg to differ, The newest NSX out only has 290HP and 224lb torque!? That's horribly pitiful for an 89,000 dollar Car, and definitely not supercar status (supercars in the motorsports world, are cars that hit 200mph, or have a 0-60 in the 3 second range) the 350Z VQ35 puts out more hp than that, and it's a production car! What you're really paying for with the NSX is the hand built body, and the low maintenance (as advertised ALL over the Acura, Honda Japan websites). It's so pitiful that I believe it was either Road & Track or Car & Driver that did a comparison test of the NSX vs. S2000, and the S2000 BARELY lost in SOME categories. the NSX 0-60 was the same as the S2000 and the quarter mile was .1 second slower! Personally the only good reason anyone has for owning one is if they got it for a good price second hand. 342212[/snapback] Thats always been my impression of the NSX. However 0-60 in 3 to be a supercar? Wow, thats like 3 cars in the world. The Ferrari 360 is 0-60 mph in 4.3 seconds, the Aston Martin DB9 is 5.4... 342221[/snapback] Aston martins are over weight luxury cars, hell, my 96 GS vette ran 4.7-5.1 0-60 depending on the magazine, M3 is like 5.0 or 5.2 (from memory), A supercar should be 4.5 or faster and pull over a "G" on the skidpad 342245[/snapback] There are even less cars that pull over 1.0G in the skidpad than there are that go 0-60 in the 3 second range. And yeh 3 seconds is a little harsh, let's say high 4's 5's is pushing it. The new ZO6 has a 3.6 1/4 mile so does the Ford GT. 342254[/snapback] exactly, when the "big 3" all have cars that can do it(mass production), it just pushes up the envelope a bit for the hand builders (ferrari, lambo, ect)
  22. james woods,
  23. The NSX is not a glorified daily driver. It's a supercar without the supercar quirks, such as tricky transmission, ridiculously expensive upkeep, etc... With supercars, you're paying more for the brand name than anything, though admittedly Ferrari engines are pretty impressive. 342206[/snapback] I beg to differ, The newest NSX out only has 290HP and 224lb torque!? That's horribly pitiful for an 89,000 dollar Car, and definitely not supercar status (supercars in the motorsports world, are cars that hit 200mph, or have a 0-60 in the 3 second range) the 350Z VQ35 puts out more hp than that, and it's a production car! What you're really paying for with the NSX is the hand built body, and the low maintenance (as advertised ALL over the Acura, Honda Japan websites). It's so pitiful that I believe it was either Road & Track or Car & Driver that did a comparison test of the NSX vs. S2000, and the S2000 BARELY lost in SOME categories. the NSX 0-60 was the same as the S2000 and the quarter mile was .1 second slower! Personally the only good reason anyone has for owning one is if they got it for a good price second hand. 342212[/snapback] Thats always been my impression of the NSX. However 0-60 in 3 to be a supercar? Wow, thats like 3 cars in the world. The Ferrari 360 is 0-60 mph in 4.3 seconds, the Aston Martin DB9 is 5.4... 342221[/snapback] Aston martins are over weight luxury cars, hell, my 96 GS vette ran 4.7-5.1 0-60 depending on the magazine, M3 is like 5.0 or 5.2 (from memory), A supercar should be 4.5 or faster and pull over a "G" on the skidpad
  24. eh, its still better then the godzilla days,,,,,shal I even mention clash of the bionoids
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