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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. pfunk


    holy crap, i never knew how much the capt, looked like Zappa
  2. BC-NA-ODD--US-AutoShow-N 01-18 0164 Woman poses naked on car displayed at Detroit auto show DETROIT (AP) - Officials are trying to figure out how a woman sneaked into the North American International Auto Show after closing time to pose naked atop the new Dodge Challenger. It happened around 2:30 a.m. Monday when only workers and security guards were supposed to be inside Cobo Center, The Detroit News reported Wednesday. Guards found the woman and about a dozen gawkers taking photographs with camera phones, workers told The Detroit News. ``We heard they were all over the Challenger,'' said Jason Vines, a spokesman for the Chrysler Group, to which Dodge belongs. The company had earlier had tried to give its cars more sex appeal by bringing in fully clothed ``Desperate Housewives'' star Eva Longoria to pose at its exhibit. Cobo Director Glenn Blanton said disciplinary action would be taken if employees were involved in the security breach. `We heard they were all over the Challenger,'' said Jason Vines, a > spokesman for the Chrysler Group, to which Dodge belongs. waiting for pictures to come out on the internet
  3. Are they in the sister Z car?
  4. I dont think it will light either, Ive thrown a lit cigg into diesel fuel and nothing, but I use a cigg to light my oxy/acetaline torch
  5. troy does awesome work, The market that Im shooting for is those with the cash. Ive done everything from classics to ricers,,, I just never wanted money for it. A guy I ussed to work with dumped 45,000 into a 37 ford coupe,,,,,just the body, and the guy never finished it( very popular builder) the car was supposed to be in Hot Rod from start to finish, needless to say, he had to pay a local guy about 10,000 to finish the car and put it together. Granted thier was a lot of mods and it was supposed to go to the ridler's the work wasnt that good and I know I can do better. 1st I have to finish our house and garages to do the work,,,,I have been contacted to build ornimental fences and security bars for a local computor company in thier new building, we'll have to see what happens, I may just do cars for myself and close freinds
  6. house (fixer upper) kid, wife,,,,,nothing more need to be said
  7. funny story, my buddy has a 72 scout (bronco looking truck) and he travels a lot with it 4wheeling and such and in oregon the guy couldnt get the pump to seal on his tank and he told the guy to leave the nozzle part way out to fill it, or it would kepp shutting off. The guy wouldnt have anything to do with it, so after 1/2 hour and 5 gallons of fuel he went to the store bought a 5 gallon can and went back to the gas station, same guy filled up the can and he just took it and poored it into the truck at the pump as for Foose, im planning on doing cars somewhat like that and entering them into autoshows (autorama, ridler, ect....) to get a side business going. Im doing my truck 1st and me and the same guy with the scout are going to do a 32 ford roadster. If Katana lived closer, Id help him out on the 67. I have another freind with a 69 he wants help on
  8. and consiquintly 3 people in India died as a result
  9. oh hell yes
  10. Ive allways loved the countach, I think the cheap fiero kit cars and cheap look alike ground effects ruined it for a lot of people, just like the Testarossa. but I still love both cars. The reason the countach was "hard to drive" was it had pirreli 225mm tires up front which were just shy of 9", and the rears were 335's,,,, my vette was special ordered sport package and it came with 275's up front and 285's rear. if you were on uneven pavement and wernt holding on, it would pull you right in the ditch.
  11. he was here not too long ago,,,,,,,,or was that WMchang
  12. yup, thats the one,,,,awesome
  13. I prefer this shelbyhttp://http://www.factoryfive.com/table/ff.../coupe/wpe4.jpg
  14. haha. Well, the problem with me is I really have no restraint when it comes to inapropriate material. I just don't believe in much censorship. Here are some ideas I had for MW if I ever became an admin: - A Pissing contest, yeah I mean litterally. Take a photograph of your urine stream hitting something in the community, like a sidewalk, a star on Hollywood Blvd, a dog, a sleeping homeless man... You get the idea. Then we vote for whoever has the best pic. - A MILF section. Post pics of your mom so we can decide who's mom is most boneable. - A feature to add to the board where when someone says something positive about Macross 7 they automatically get directed to Oprah.com. - A "how to use steriods properly" section... This could also be called the Schwarzenegger section. What do you guys think? 359658[/snapback] I got one for the pissing contest, me and few guys I ussed to work with at a bar pissing on a picture of Binladin from 9/11 you could also have a what happens when your 50 after all the steriods and your heart doesnt work properly section I also vote for if you start a thread with VS. in it, you automatically get a envolope full of cat $hit mailed to 3 of your closest relatives with your picture on the front
  15. ah, creative finansing,,,,,thier was a guy around Cali that wrote off 100% of his Ferrari. It was stated that the car was a symbol of the companies style and engineering (I think it was a cabinet company) He was audited, but got away with it,,,,,,you ever consider leasing it to yourself through the company?,,, thats an excelent way to do it, not that risky, but saves a lot of cash
  16. No, I'm all talk. I haven't gotten around to it... I was never in a hurry, just kicking around some ideas here before I pull the tirgger. But I am about 90% on the Lotus. 359033[/snapback] get it, you only live once,,,,,,otherwise youll calculate it over in your head and see how unrealistic owning another sports car is and end up buying a damn CTS grocery getter
  17. A1, show S&G and step up to the plate, make a diference, you complain about it enough and your legit points are of the same opinion as most members here,,,,,,,well, i guess even some of the unlegit points too, but we wont talk about Kieth or Mac7 here
  18. naw, he's all talk
  19. A1 would hev rules to follow, it wouldnt be his site, he'd just help out. I thought he was serious about the job and would take it seriouslly cause of a strict disapline with a workout/health regiment. Guess I was wrong and he's just a talker......... I withdraw my vote, sorry dude
  20. carbed versions are notorious for high maint prices. injected are much less
  21. you could turn the end into anything you want, thats the whole idea, they couldve died, space fold to explore a diferent galaxy, or just plain shut the radio off and jumped eachothers bones, I think the ending was left up to you, the viewers
  22. Ive seen the twin turbo 6 ltrs (diablo vttt), but never a 5.7, I think the 6 was at about 750hp and they were capable of 1200 but the viscous couplings wont handle the torque so Im sure if this guy ussed sticky rubber and ran it at the track in the right conditions, something would break
  23. and should be beat accordingly
  24. naw, it didnt have the internals
  25. pfunk

    Latest 1/48 GBP Pics

    I think I'll have to order another one. 355393[/snapback] look under everything, just as detailed if not a bit more then the Fastpacks, a wash would look saweet
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