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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. pft, at 1st word, Id sell my Gakkens and wait for the rerelease, but I'd probably get screwed like the yf19, SOB's
  2. so you think it wasnt "fair"
  3. I've always liked the look of the Legioss (although not as much as the VF-1) and Shinji Aramaki, the designer of the Legioss is my second favorite mecha designer after Kawamori. However, it's clear that Aramaki designs his mecha to look cool, without thinking too much of the real-world practicality or workability of the design, unlike Kawamori. My major issue with the Legioss is that it has no method of pitch control in Armo-fighter mode for atmospheric flight. Although neither the VF-1 or the Legioss have any horizontal tail surfaces or elevators, the VF-1's thrust vectoring feet move up and down to provide pitch control. However, the Legioss's feet can only move side to side and thus cannot provide any pitch control. IIRC, we once had a discussion in another thread about whether the Legioss would fly in an atmosphere and the consensus was that it would not (David Hingtgen or other knowledgable MW aviation experts, please feel free to step in and correct me if I am wrong). Other issues I have with the Legioss are: - 1) In Armo-fighter mode, the boxy shoulder missile launchers are very unaerodynamic and would probably create lots of buffeting and limit maximum speed in atmosphere to sub-sonic. 2) While the Legioss carries lots of micro-missiles, they are all short-range only. Lack of any medium or long range weapons is a major disadvantage. 3) While the curved gunpod magazine may look cool, it's a impractical as far as carriage of the weapon in fighter mode. The magazine actually just is a battery pack and does not hold cannon shells, so there is no reason to make it curved and have it sticking out at 90º to the gunpod body. Heck, on the toynami MPC you have to remove the magazine to attach the gunpod to the wing in fighter mode! 4) having the wings folding down in Armo-Diver mode provides less lift. Graham 367221[/snapback] look at the B2 bomber, the wings on the legioss go back quite a bit (anime not any toys)
  4. Right. The car's fine right now, I just feel that in the future if I ever wanted the LT4 it would be easier to buy a complete one than to try and upgrade my current block. All of this trouble for a forgotten 4th gen F-body, lol... 367386[/snapback] it will be cheaper to rebuild yours, but if you havnt rebuilt a SBC before, id get the crate or at least a short block and buy the LT4 upgrade seperate
  5. not really, thiers a few programmers out thier that would move the shift points for ya, youll need to reprogramanyway cause the injectors are larger along with fuel consumption of the larger cam. The only thing the kit doesnt come with is the undercut crank and dual mass balencer. you can put a fluidamper on it and get better results. The problem is if you get a crate motor that isnt an LT series, you will have to get all the injection/intake parts along with things like the water pump (cam drivin on the LT motors)
  6. the people, the machinary, and the mistakes
  7. completlly diferent heads, the ports are higher in the head to allow for flow directlly down the shaft of the valve, it has the only GM production engine to use roller fulcrum rockers and a whole buncha machine work, heres a link with the details, the factory ratings were very underated, ive seen basically stock LT4's run high 12's in the quarter on street tires, none came with autos though http://www.grandsportregistry.com/lt1vslt4.htm
  8. I thought he said grand canyon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  9. You'd like mine then, as it is a bright red convertible complete with the bird beak of a front end that wrongfully disappeared the following year in '98. I was not able to find a 6-speed, apparently those were typically special ordered and was even more rare of a find on convertibles. Plans for this car if money ever started to grow on trees would include an LT-4 conversion, taller rear-end gears and the best structural reinforcing that money can buy, as this car's body flexes like a twizzler... 366870[/snapback] had an LT4 in my vette, you will love it, forget the hotcam though, its a fraction of a fraction above stock and most dynoruns dont know the difference, youll want to change the shift points on your trans too, LT4 powerband goes to 6400 rpms
  10. im changing mine to what Katana said
  11. hopefully not a 1A , for collectability, if not someone should be beat for saying its a limited edition
  12. contrary to popular belief a factory sunroof adds integrity to the overall structure (since late 90's) because a pince flange is added and the internal "B" side structure has more shape to it. it definatlly adds weight though and personally i would only want one in a SUV
  13. I've had my 72 chevelle called a mustang twice, and a nova innumerable times. "what year nova?" "2004" "Nice mustang dude" " " 365842[/snapback] I have a 1969 AMC Rambler (currently in the planning stages to become and SC car, paint scheme "A"), and many a times, a lot of people would come up and say nice Nova or nice Falcon. I just grin and say, "It's a Rambler." All of a sudden they break out with a funny story of when their parents or grandparents had a Rambler. It's pretty cool. 365888[/snapback] like my buddy with his 72 scout, he cringes when people say NICE BRONCO
  14. give him a call and tell him your mustang has the rare trans am body kit
  15. im going to make mine transform into all 3 modes,,,,,,,,,,,,,then sell it
  16. havent looked at this thread in a long time,,,,,seeing I have to build a bench before I can have something lying around on it till the they will all be in boxes till the right time
  17. V8 99% sure
  18. I've been told by many that front-engine Porsches are crap, especially the 928 series. Not worth the time or money. 365174[/snapback] I have never owned one, but thats just a rumor started by people who couldn't afford one (kinda like the people who call 911s a "penis extention"). The 944 and 928 were a blast in their day. If you want to see some design cues taken from Porsche, look at a 944 then look at an Aston Martin Vanquish. 365182[/snapback] When I worked at GM, a guy owned a 87 928 (S i think) he ddrove it everyday in the summer, never had aproblem with it and everytime he left, he left sideways, Sounded weird to me like an american V8 in a porsche body Good freind of mine owned a 944 bought it ussed for 10,000 low miles 4 banger turbo, he never said anything bad about it,,,,I ussed to call it his souped up jetta though
  19. hmmmmmmmmm http://images.autotrader.com/images/2006/1...1_A.562x421.jpg
  20. all i have to say is HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  21. congrats and condolences on the Camaro, glad to see its getting done by a guy who has "done it" so many people dont relize the amounts of money that go into a car. When you tell them to build a hotrod its going to cost them 10,000 in just parts and the cost of a DECENT car, they are like yeah right, I can get a motor and trans brand new for 4,000. They ussually show up with the car in peices, half the parts to do the job and a big for sale sign saying they have 10,000 in it allready. Now say you have a 69 DZ302 camaro and want it restored to factory new, parts are going to cost you double
  22. no doubt, at least in the 60's and part of the 70's they had to run a similar built motor/drivetrain. I wonder how the v6 overweight monti carlo would fair
  23. AMX's are very nice cars, too bad they went under/sold out. Thiers a really nice one down the street, I think a 1970 as for Nascar, Im not a big fan, but racing is racing. It will be interesting to see if Toyota can build a 350CI motor that will compete, oh, and they were never not allowed
  24. I cant help but put in my 2 cents. People arnt looking at the production numbers,,, for example take the production from say a transformer to a low vis valk, probably 1/10000. when you quote to produce a plastic thing (for better words) when I would quote ABS from a manufacturer and wanted to do some test parts, so say I needed 10lbs of vigin ABS pellets, the price was around $20, thats 50 cents a pound, in a production situation, your ordering 1000 lbs at about 10 cents a pound. Also, tooling, you take your tool to a press shop and want 100 pieces, they have to set it up just like they would for high volume, test shoot, ect,,, piece price would be say $2500 a part say you wanted to run 10,000 parts peice price would run $25 a part to get the same cash,,,oh, and BTW you pay and ship the material now this is drastic automotive situation, but the same is true for ANYTHING mass produced
  25. just spectacular, keep up the great work,,,,,,I wouldnt be able to get an IGES file of that bad boy huh?
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