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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. when yota can pull and haul what I need it to, Ill gladly get one, thier just to weak for what I use a truck for. Ive destroyed many a 1/2 ton that could suposidly pull 8,000+lbs, not to mention the broke springs Ive incured. Yotas are great for 4wheeling exspecialy the ones from the 80's with the nice axles and suspension. Not a good work truck though. I think the american trucks have that market cornered becides Izuzu's heavy duties (they developed the Duramax in the GM diesels,,,,,,,which suck imo)
  2. its the international engines that do it, dont get a 02 up to 04 with the 6.0, I got one of the last 7.3's. Reason is that ford tried to manufacture the 6ltrs and international took over and worked the bugs out
  3. I love the interior room in my truck, not the fanciest, but it doesnt need to be fancy, My 2500 was like driving a car, I hated that along with all the problems and weak sheetmetal (I bent the rail of the truck bed pulling myself up) I got a great deal on mine 28g's out the 2002 door crew cab 350 diesel lariat with 50k on the odometer,,, a buddy of mine has a 97 with 200k and he pulls a 10k lb trailer all the time, never had a problem (cept the usuall springs, shocks, brakes ect,,,,,) Im keeping mine till the wheels fall off, then I may put them back on and keep it longer edit: I get 14mpg in the city and 19-20 on the highway, how many 8,000lb vehicals can say that?
  4. I love my F350 its a friggin work horse, I hated my GMC2500HD
  5. pretty cool. I like the Enzo's
  6. my cousins called me pfunk since we were little,,,,,from 1st name Pat and george clinton did the rest "we want the funk" from GC and the pfunk allstars
  7. sell, take money and buy microsoft and a small island to retire on
  8. all definatly true though
  9. Heineken export Domestic Dutch Heineken would have been a waste 374444[/snapback] was waiting for that
  10. back to what yellow was saying, yes I know lambo had the lm002, but it was as much as a contach and not marketed twards normal folk
  11. thiers a lot of rotary fans here,,,,,,,,,,but not me, im in the mullet crowd
  12. comercialized is when your cars sell for over 50k and just to sell more product you introduce a 25k entry vehicle,,,, maybe lambo has been making bad cars for years,,,,,but at least they stuck to it
  13. Porsche has comercialized, kinda like the Beemers and mercedees building SUV's and small cheap cars just so the average man can own one. Lambo and ferrari havent,,,,,,,,,,,yet
  14. build the house out of the shipping boxes your valks came in, could be at least 2,000 sqft
  15. same thing as Jars above, but fully automatic with a push of a button, just to another level also an inbit that fights it automatically (and gets destroyed),,,,make that at least 10 rebuildable inbits. Naturally variuos parts of the house would need patchwork and cosmetic repair after each battle
  16. lol, at least we have another convert
  17. Ive seen the ben dixon masterpeice go for under that, but thats about it. if you up it a bit, you can get a bandai 1/55 for about $40 on evilbay
  18. this is a great addition to the site, thanks to all involved
  19. nice ride man, cool that thiers a few that still do thier own work
  20. it is all relative I guess, but its probably the same formula that has the little turtle on it. companies thrive on consumer goods like bleach products (tilex and other bathroom cleaners that are basivally bleach and water)
  21. I could eat tuna for hours
  22. lemme just say to all the guys thinking they were going to rerelease the "real" lowvis that was limited,,,,,watch the prices skyrocket now the Stealth is awesome, dont pass on that one cause for damn sure the price will go up for it
  23. youll get a lot more comfortable miles ou tof a 911, just like yer 3. I ussed to know a guy who only drove a 911c4 traded them in for the exact same model every 3 years with over 100,000 miles on em. It was his primary car (and probably still is), you cant match the paint quality on those cars (ii think they still use enamal instead of base/clear) just a good rub out and like new. His 1st one was out right out at the factory when he worked for them (back in the 80's) just cause the massive discount. he was going to ship it to the us (US spec) and sell it, but he fell in love with the car
  24. the cobra was alunimum alloy, The remakes are a lot better/safer to drive, a tremac 5 speed does wonders for the car along with better suspension and chassis. I drove one with a hopped up 5.0 5speed, independant rear and i would put it against any supercar made today,,,, the only thing I hated abou tthe car was he got it from an owner in canada and they required him to put a 3rd (chmsl) brake light,,,,looked rediculous,,, it didnt have any of the horrible oversteer a mustang has, but you could coaks it too I really like the datona coupe better, but I havent drove one yet,,,,,yet
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