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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. They have been ussing a blocker anti porn gaming swimsuit program here at work and for some reason it blocked MW and called it a gaming website. So whoever changed the listing or whatever you call it,,,,,,THANKS!!!!!, Im BACK
  2. awesome, love the servo idea
  3. just a thing i found, I dont know, this website this Zim guy is an administrator to is being accused about hacking into sites and forums. I also noticed that thier is an advertisement for ABC. Prety interesting how it shows diferent IP addresses http://www.planetcricket.net/forums/showthread.php?t=1498
  4. this zim has a complex
  5. here she is
  6. thanks everyone i really apreciate it! just have to get my wife through a stupid clot in her leg, a few more days delay on getting home. Well, Im back off to the hospital pics, i promise
  7. Hey everyone,,, Mackenzie Elizabeth 4lbs 4oz 17in 8-12-06 8.33am shes six weeks early because of some complications (mom had high blood preasure and protein she was born with cord around her neck (wrapped 3 times), but didnt do any harm.) shes off the resparator and eating allready, moms doing OK, she still has high blood preasure, but she had to get a IV in her main artery so thats causing some issues. Pics soon
  8. how about quicker transformation times, how awesome would it be to transfor a 1/48 in the same time as a 1/55 bandai
  9. SDF-1 (and enemy ships,,,,pickles) DESTROIDS PODS AND GLAUGS FOR EVERYONE
  10. I've always seen/heard numbers well above the tens of thousands for most toys/models. But I certainly don't know, so won't argue. Also would like to point out that Yamato has always had piss-poor mold alignment issues, with flash and mis-aligned parts since the beginning. I am not at all impressed by the 1/48's actual molding--not crisp, not even, not symmetrical, with poor fit. They also pay NO attention to the back/underside of parts it seems--if it's hidden in the final product it's left as rough as possible, and that sometimes interferes with fit. It's a lot better than their earlier stuff, but still not up to snuff, especially considering the price. Maybe Yamato flat-out uses cheap molds... Maybe it's that molds to my standard cost 100K... 421983[/snapback] blame china for poor mold alignment, we offshore a lot to them and obviuosly japan does too. we allways have to do the finals before prototyping/testshots. give you an example a TPO high preasure injecting mold for the corvette (c6) front fascia was about 80K (thats not including changes before production). Thats a lot of steel and surface. When I was doing blow molds out of aluminum that were about 5'x2'x3' high (obviuosly split in half) they ran about 8 grand tested. Granted this was about 8 years ago, but the price for tooling is about the same, just the cost of the materials went up (count for about 1/3 of the final mold price)now when you factor in the quality and china is doing molds for about 2times the price of material. say material (p20 production steel (china usses a softer material, let alone toy production) would run aproximatly 6grand tops for a complete 1/48 yammie and double that you get 12g's. buy the time its all said and done, i would be very impressed if they had 20grand into one tool also, the second is allways cheaper since the cutter paths are allready done (ussually about 10%) now if you count all the engineering/cad/testing/raw material/shipping and packaging, I could see easily 100k long gone before the 1st tool is delivered and set in a injection molding press (manufacturers will use one mold (ussing sprues and gates similar to plastic models) for most the parts so the color between batches is the same)
  11. 100+k for valk tooling, I dont think so. P20 toolsteel CNC and EDM cutdetailed and chromed might be at the top 20grand. Now if you count all the engineering, test shots and prototype runs and tools, youll run up the mula quick.you can insert a tool to make diferent varients, but it ussually costs 1/3-1/2 the price of a new tool depending on the complexity. Also if not done properly you can have some pretty bad parting line/flash issues
  12. i like to collect, panel line/detail, display and play
  13. sorry to hear, if ya lived closer, I could help ya out with the car
  14. my wife made money too before our 1st kid, I did want her to stop working to raise our children, but as the old saying goes "if your not making it, your spending it",,, plus I havent worked any OT in the past year (about a friggin 30K out of pocket cut,,,,,,,,dont get me started)
  15. probably been said before, but this boggles me. when Yamato 1st introduced the 1/48 line they had provisions for the fast packs, so obviuosly they were designed allready. If Toynami didnt design provisions for the beta on the Alpha how do they expect it to attach?
  16. wifes excuse now is "Im not buying myself anything, just your son",,,,,my responce "My son is going to grow out of those $30 nike's in a week",,,,
  17. pfunk

    2 seater 1/48s

    ooops... errr... I'm kidding about the slashed tires too! 421375[/snapback] no problem, they were bald and now the insurance can replace em
  18. pfunk

    2 seater 1/48s

    another yf-19 deal
  19. pfunk

    2 seater 1/48s

    he knows i was kidding
  20. that's why it was really a "hostile Takeover" instead of a real "merger".... 420189[/snapback] oh yeah, Im was on a chrysler program when the axe hit, a lot of higher ups were on the street
  21. hehe, wait till your married, I thought my job paid well, till now
  22. thats what your supposed to do, the clay bar only cleans the paint, you need to protect it with wax
  23. pfunk

    2 seater 1/48s

    whares the you suck and bring on the 2seaters button
  24. I currently only own 2 Yamato 1/48's .... but plan on getting at least 2 more this fall. 421102[/snapback] unfortunatly I am a completist and will take food off the table for my family if thats what it takes to have "one of each" not really, but a little too close sometimes in my collecting
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