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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. is it for a "Valks-wagon" thats cool
  2. my buddy makes high end model rockets, i should see how much carbon fiber is in his scrap pile
  3. it sounds greaqt in thoery, but at what size do you start sacrificing stability. imagine all the metal you would have to use to keep things from warping and twisting, you might as well build the whole thing out of billit aluminum and make it fire m80's and walk on its own
  4. if i ever put a name on my boat, its going to have some sort of jolly roger flag
  5. most are going to be a metric machine panhead, their are places that sell common sizes for pretty cheap online, or you can go to the local hardware store edit some are going to be high low thread for tapping into plastic
  6. and thats all i have to say about that
  7. Vista scares me, like when i went to XP, a ton of specialty programs I had didnt work. Id hate to go through the same thing again
  8. new 350z, so new infinity
  9. yeah, i do like Starsceam though, just the color is off, but like prime, i think he is pretty faithfull to the anime,,,,,megs on the other hand
  10. very, very nice. looks friggin perfect
  11. nice pose with the MP
  12. ALLWAYS QUESTION AUTHORITIE weither it be for dads or kids, for gods sake come up with something completly new
  13. ah, its all so clear to me now
  14. my next post was going to be "I have a pent III 600 laptop ill trade ya for,,,,,firefox runs GREAT on it"
  15. you got too nice a computor for it, time to downsize
  16. nothing good is going to come of this
  17. either way, i think its good news
  18. Jetfire, and the gakken Alpha's (robotech) learned about macross in the 90's, bought a small model and its been scratching at my wallet ever since
  19. good one, nobody expected that from the Cap, how many guys were in on it?
  20. nice, hopefully not
  21. I noticed that some of the links are still .com
  22. eh, i like the stealth too, but i think im only going to stick to the anime colors and versions,,,,,,
  23. tell me about it
  24. Thanks man
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