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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. Ill have to get it anyway I just cant help myself
  2. yyeeeeaaaaahhh, that pic looks horrible, i think toynami did it better
  3. exactly, the 1st thing women (and maybe some men) try to do is change you when you take "the next step". I'll just say this, Stand your ground for what you believe in and if you can comprimise (instead of displaying them in a china cabinet in the dinning room, display them in the basement or computor room, you do have to remember she will be living thier too and you can use this to get the things that bother you IE frilly doilies on the kitchen table)
  4. those pics are bad ass, im sure thier will be hopes and dreams crushed with this release. Im looking forwad to anytype of tread other then the overpriced not so hot looking one that never quite made it
  5. this may have been said before, but a radio station around here said that U2 is doing the soundtrack and its going to be a type of musical
  6. the milkman delivers, i completly agree
  7. all in boxes in basement, ussed to display my Hick "J" super, but now he is tucked away till i remodel the basement and get some display areas
  8. beta from robotech alpha maybe
  9. that would be the best thing since sliced bread. I wonder if animego will get ahold of it
  10. in the prototype photo, the legioss looks like it sits better then the toynami versions. The colored pics look like MPC's thoug, so maybe they did make quite a few improvements
  11. hmmmm, welcome to the realization which is known as Macross, not Robotech, and welcome to the site
  12. LOL, The only complaints I have for 1/48's are the time it takes to transform,,,,but i refuse to have removable parts. so that in mind, for the best sculpt and not having to remove parts, thats what makes a 1/48 awesome. now for playablity and extreme ease of transformation,,,,,,bandai 1/55 or the MPC 1/55 if you dont mind breaking chit,,,,,and yes, Im a fan of <EXO>
  13. wow, that is awesome. can you use that same file to run a rapid prototype (SLS, SLA) machine?
  14. thiers a lot of cool cars in that movie, but the story line and actors are class "B" to me
  15. blah, crap, probably same production llines as the toynami's
  16. that looks really good
  17. ah, i have the IMAI kits, but looking at all of the detail and changes I have to do to make them look even close is rediculous
  18. sweet, i have those tiny models from IMAI i have to get to one day, whats the scale on that beast
  19. kill em all and let god sort em out,,,,BTW thiers this new site, gaystraightlesbiansinglesinyourarea.com you really need to check out JK, i do like the idea of having to reply to a certain topic before you can post on the boards idea
  20. only a couple months off and no pics yet
  21. thats what he was talking about, they do make a rust binder that basically turns rust into a primer like material. Ive ussed it on cars as a rust preventer after doing body work woth good success. The best thing to do is remove all the rust with a wire brush or wheel, then use that stuff, it will turn the remaining rust black and then you can paint right over it. I think it is called rust preventor and you can get it at home depot
  22. wow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i remember that show
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