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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. LOL i hear ya lurker
  2. thats friggin tiny, not even 6". Personally, i like that scale of the gakkens. But more detail would be much appreciated
  3. number 1, for as fast as that thing looks, im not impressed with the numbers
  4. Id drive it!!! you wouldnt have to worry about road rage
  5. why are they using high gloss paint on a mecha?
  6. hollywood needs people like him
  7. carefull, ABS and most thermo plastics will become brittle if over exposed to alchohol
  8. cool site
  9. cant wait, cant wait. the action seems very intense and fast,, borderline tooo fast
  10. no doubt, lets stick to the task at hand
  11. naw, I like thins just the way 5they "R"
  12. I would drive that,,, but it would have to be painted like the mystery machine
  13. pfunk

    Storing toys

    oxygen, water (humidity), and light are the enemy of plastics. cardboard is a wick for moisture, id be leary of keeping them in a damp basement
  14. they hit AP today
  15. sounds way too good to be true. that would be great if they did and came with all the varients
  16. awesome, i like the wallpapers too.
  17. and you know what assume means
  18. Rob had some on his site (monkey)
  19. youll kil yourself trying to figureout how girls tick Jack Nicholson said it best when he describs how he knows women so wel ""First I think of a man, then I take away reason and accountability."
  20. EXCELENT WORK!!!!!!
  21. noticed some of you guys are talking modeling room, That actually is my plan in the basement. untill then, its cardboard boxes
  22. Ive actually noticed that Macross items dont gain in value quite like transformers unless they are a limited edition or thier isnt anything being released. Ive actually been collecting transformers for my son and so far on the books its about 200% my macross only seems to climb to 150% (mainly due to the lowVis and it creeps back down when they rerun the planes
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