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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. one of the guys here had it as thier avatar
  2. commander, whats up? lookin good on the track. let us know what you do with the motor
  3. I think if they had aTV version rau with more gadgety type details like the 1/48's I think it wouldve outsold the DYRL's rau. As far as regults,,,,I for one would be all over it. I dont know why they test the waters with DYRL stuff when the majority of sales would be higher with TV versions (like the "J"s)
  4. side note, a guy at work has a 03 Z06. wheel to wheel tuned it for him and with headers/exhaust and intake could only get 365hp at the tires with tuning. the guy estimated 425 at the flywheel,,,it was hot and humid yesterday, but those numbers seem really low to me since the LT4's were dynoing that without all the mods
  5. should do well, if they can keep the motor together. Ive heard bad things about the cooling in those cars, especially on the track
  6. wish I could help, Ive been working on the house
  7. I second that, we looked at a TT when they 1st came out and were incredibly disapointed
  8. so are going to mass produce destroids to "live" in it?
  9. check out this bike http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Indian-Chie...126588030QQrdZ1
  10. looks beefy, almost destroid like
  11. great idea, pics????
  12. they had another good idea that I noticed, allways use flouresant lights. they show the smallest imperfections. in my car painting days we had them on carts bout 12 feet long to check the body work
  13. very nice
  14. ah, Ive allways had a soft spot for the 850,,, so unBMW sedan mold
  15. the light source makes noise, ever see cosmetic surgery?
  16. whare are you at?, I know the guy who painted that GTO on the BF goodrich mag ads. Name is Jake and business is Pro Body Collision. He isnt cheap, but he is really good (586) 997-5060
  17. MT hehe, i cant wait to see that beast done, one thing i left out was I plan on ussing a sheet metal brake (cousin has one, but you can rent one from HD) and bending all the front edges back and putting flanges on the rest so I can fasten with screws Never had a potatoe gun, but we've ussed exhaust tubing, acetelyne, and a tennis ball. that ball went outta site
  18. uh, yyyeeeaaaahhhh. Im hitching the 1st comet outta here
  19. I did a lot of reading and research because I want to have a hobby room eventually in the basement. Their were plenty of people who ussed cardboard, but one idea tat stuck in my mind was to use a peice of sheetmetal (galvanized from homedepot) and as its flat, cut a round hole in it (6" diameter) and you can buy a peice of steel duct that will connect into the hole, then you can use many diferent hoses. you can cut diferent size pieces for the sides and top ussing sheetmetal screws to fasten. The idea that I liked was about the top cutting diferent slots and such for holding parts, supplies and such
  20. Its OK to be the teachers pet, you just need to know the ramifications on the playground. It shouldnt bother ya
  21. the roadster is a bit fat comming in at 3800lbs, thats like SUV territory
  22. goodness graciuos
  23. depends on the finish, base clear urethane about a month of good 70 degree plus days if it wasnt baked. if it was baked, you can wax right away (recommended) most enamels and laquers you can wax immediatly
  24. That sucks, exspecially for the hold on progress. As for the crime, certain precausions should have been made (hind site is allways 20/20. I like my buddies sign on his property to keep hunters off. it goes kinda like this No Trespassing Violators will be shot, stripped of all valuables, drug into the woods and burried. thank you he hasnt had a problem since the "new" signage has been up
  25. I waited specifically for the QC issues to be resolved, plus I like the sets over the single birds IE Stealth super/and the TV "J"'s
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