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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. for the price of an eclipse, not bad, thiese are going to sell very good
  2. Mega house looks exceptional, Ill definatly get for the looks. But my collector side will take over and get all of them
  3. Fellas, Thats awesome. I didnt think Yamato percieved MW as anything but a small American based fan forum. Big congrats go to Shawn or Graham!!!! ,,,,,,Just a small question though,,,,,,why are they using Megazone 23 and not a Macross item?
  4. thiers a type of low "E" glass that blocks UV, we have it in the windows in our house
  5. sweet, my favorite female character
  6. Very Very Nice
  7. well, when thier designing cars around platforms like the tarus you cant expect much
  8. I get that quite often, just try and try again
  9. I think I threw up in my mouth a bit
  10. haha, happy birthday
  11. yeah, thanks bud, I just got off ebay from buying one
  12. I think the bulb rating on the unit i saw was like 1700 hours (definatly dont want to watch regular tv on it) and the cost was 360 to replace,,,,,,,,the unit was 3500 though (1400 lumins HD),, thats a lot of cash I could put twards a really nice LCD RP I really like my buddies 70" rp LCD sony, we got a guy to get it for 2500 which I thought was amazingly low. Hell, by the time I make it to the inside of the house with remodeling BluRay will be considered old
  13. something just wrong with that
  14. I was originally thinking a drop down, But that will be one hell of a sale to the wife. My freind has one in his basement. Its a cheap model that doesnt have a lot of lumins and the picture quality is so-so. Ill probably go with a 65" LCD rear projection HD since we have the room. I did like my old 55 in the old house, we sat about 10 ft away, but the TV with the stereo took up the whole wall. Id like to have built ins with doors for the TV in this house
  15. Dave, try this out http://www.myhometheater.homestead.com/vie...calculator.html I need a 110" tv for my living room to get minimum resolution at 17' (THX and SMPTE certified),,,,,damn thats going to cost a lot
  16. yeah, Im waiting till thiese "wars" are over, seems line samsung is comming out with a combo drive. At least I know that my reciever is up to date (Harmon Cardon) Im also waiting for the HD Tv's to come down a bit more since standardizing by the feds
  17. the only thing I read about the blu is that the protective layer on the disk is thinner then HD because it holds more data then HD and also is manufactured to tighter tolerances so they are a higher cost, so watch out for scratches.
  18. haha, A good freind in highschool's dad had a delorian. we took turns riding in it cruising around the local beach. it grabbed a lot of attention excpecially when it overheated from trying to get it to do a brake torque (BTW never happened) It only had 500miles on it and the only way you could get it to squeel the tires was to floor it around a corner. I remember him having BAD electrical problems
  19. safty requirements are the main reason cars weigh so much now adays. I remember working at GM and they did a study on how much cost and content airbags did to the car. the coat was about 6000-10000 per car and the added mass to keep the instument panel from coming apart during deployment was HUGE. some cars were introduced with a magnesuim I/P structure, but like emagin said, most stuck to the steel structure. It has allways been a competition with the insurance companies pushing safty standards down the FEDs neck and the EPA wanting cars with less mass. Another big contributor to weight is sound deadening. People want thier cobalt to sound and ride like a caddy and not hear the engine inside the vehicle. If anyone has played around with dynomat, they know how much that stuff weighs. Now with side curtain airbags thier adding mass to the pillars along with the head impact requirements everywhare (known as FMVSS 201) so along with adding structure to handle the airbag, you have to protect against that structure. A little tidbit of info. if your not correctly seated in your car in the event of an impact (IE ol lady too close to the steering wheel, or "gangster" leaning on the side window) your as good as dead. If I ever get a car with side airbags, thier getting disconnected (yellow connectors in the I/P for shipping)
  20. yeah, that was after GM employee pricing It only has VVT for the time being, but for a 8 passenger "van" that weighs in at 4700lbs curb it gets 18/26mpg. They really ned to reduce the mass on thiese cars and trucks, then you will see some impressive numbers. Hell, people think that old cars are heavy. Heres some food for thought. A 1970 chevelle weighed in at about 3300 lbs with no options. My wifes old 2 door grandam weighed in at 3400lbs somethings wrong with all this content in cars today
  21. talk about a maintenance nightmare, not to mention cost, electric or hybrid puts shivers down my spine. Speaking of VVT my wife LOVES the new GMC acadia (it usses VVT) it costs 40+ for a loaded one and starts at 400 for lease WAY too much IMO. I refuse to buy a new motor like that, but it does have the 100K warranty
  22. I do like the VVT and DI, but I really dont see huge reliability in VVT because it relies on either a servo (moving a cam at the valves to increase or decrease thier ratio) or cylinoid that operates the valves (completly electronic). DI has been a proven technology in diesels (mechanically driven with high preasure and the electronics only on the low pressure part). The only complaint is that the wiring going to the injectors decays because of being internal (high heat cycles), but in thier defence in a gas motor is only made to run 100-150K which is about the time they ussually go in a diesel(so VVT will have the same problem). In my buddies truck, he has replaced the harness for the injectors 2 times in 275K miles. Personally I see diesels making a huge impact on automakers since they are 40% more effecient then gasoline motors. its just that a low compression turbo diesel is still about 18:1 and you need big mass in the motor to contain all tat pressure
  23. Well, its all mathmatics. My 96LT4 got over 30 on the highway. An effecient gasoline engine burns at about 14/1 air to fuel ratio. GM has learned to lean out thier engines at highway speed to about 15-16/1 and the computor finds the perfect timing for the cars conditions at every startup (so if you drive in the mountains, its a good idea to shut off your car and restart so the timing program can run again. youll notice a huge diference at elevation). GM runs the show as far as engine effeciency ussing displacement instead of forced induction for the mainstay of motors they offer. People dont realize that smaller displacement 300hp motor requires just as much fuel and air as a 300 hp large displacement engine. some effeciencies are lost due to rotating mass or on a smaller displacement engines turbo or supercharger. After that, you deal with mass of the vehicle and at highway speeds aerodynamics. 300hp and 40 MPG is realativly easy,,, but are you going to pay the price for the same car that was steel and aluminum thats now carbon fiber and titanium and looks like a teardrop? Watch out in the next few years about the EPA requirements on MPG's. thier talking 30+ for cars and light trucks. GM has allready ussed aluminum extensivly in the front of thier truck platform and gets about 18-20 on the highway. theyl have to reduce mass and increase aerodynamics at a cost to you, the consumer
  24. Very nice, I think brushing adds the scale for a smaller model
  25. hopefully he's resting in a pit o fire about now
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