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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. boy am i in trouble
  2. whow, The control area really gives it some scale,, LOVE the bridge crane awesomeness................. Now all you need is a 1/200 scale Zentran ship for that thing to punch through
  3. haha awesome
  4. OK ya talked me into it,,,, just picked up MW3 at Sams club for $54 so Ill have to try BF3
  5. Hey man,, don't talk me into getting another game I was thinking of getting BF3, but I've been hearing mixed reviews on multiplayer and honestly that's the reason I got into gaming at all
  6. If you fast forward to only the mecha parts its pretty good
  7. recently got a dell, i5 (newer socket) 8gig,, BOY DID THEY SKIMP ON THE MOTHERBOARD only 2 dims and no USB3,, that will be the 1st thing to be replaced
  8. Very Cool man I love the cockpit,, never see anything like that
  9. Ill be getting MW3, just for the fun factor in multiplayer. Dont have Black Ops because heard it wasnt that fun. I know its a minor improved MW2, but I enjoy that game for the online multiplayer and the maps get old
  10. Lucky, my mom was like "save your money" but I did end up with a matchbox SDF1 though
  11. Very cool A7, I worked for those guys a bit in Melbourne on the Commodore. Thing about the glass is that you can curve it in any direction you like, but as soon as you add a compound curve you start to magnify. The feds usually allow a little bit around the corners (4th gen firebird anyone), but nothing in the direct pillar areas,, now you have all kinds of impact requirements and the pillars have to have absorbing mechanisms or bags Hey A1, whats happinin? EDIT, i wish they would have gave it a rear wheel opening
  12. ummm, WOW, thats one sexy valk. You scaled that thing beautifully, one would be hard guessed to scale it
  13. Nice Job integrating the ball joints
  14. Nice, there are a couple around here, but need sheetmetal work for over 3 grand http://detroit.craigslist.org/mcb/cto/2688064349.html
  15. I network mine for vids to my computer. Works pretty good cept some of the HD movies skip sometimes on the wireless
  16. I was thinking the model which is only 200,,,, did I say only
  17. someone help me stop the temptation of yammy 1/3000 SDF-1 model...........................................
  18. Was my ol matchbox SDF-1 that I sold,, (would love to buy it back)
  19. Those are a beautiful machine, back inthe day they used to sell kits to convert them to a chevy V8, id love to take that on one day.
  20. Anyone staying up late for MW3,, Im going to wait a week or so till the store craziness dies down
  21. Pretty cool cars, I hope they hit their price point, they have a lot of content for the money. Personally I think a big company (maybe an investor) is going to swoop them up, they have the best battery technology out and its proven with the roadster.The thing I always tell people about electric cars is only to get them if they are supplied with clean power (ie not coal), it burns 6.5lbs of coal per day to put the needed 15-17 KWH charge for a 50 mile trip
  22. Never mind, they did post interior pics,, cool http://www.teslamotors.com/models/features#/interior
  23. zr1,, crap photo, but the guy did a nice smokey burnout passing a bunch of cars on the right after turning the corner
  24. Another car I worked on this year, (notice no pics of the interior yet ),, http://www.teslamotors.com/models going to be pretty cool and not like the flopped Fisker Karma http://www.plugincars.com/2012-fisker-karma-returns-516-miles-electric-only-mode-109793.html
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