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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. Sweet Camo job, all that taping is at least paying off
  2. surface prep http://www.monokote.com/lustrekote/painting-tips/topr7200tip3.html
  3. wow, 1st attempt is a slam dunk,, nice work and 2nd kudos on the color
  4. The only thing you cant use a is a 6 core processor otherwise the 1155 does the trick. If you plan to do heavy 3d rendering, then maybe wait till the 2011 comes down in price (might be a while)
  5. Wow, cool pics,, I really need a lego Glaug
  6. Wow, love it! Great detail
  7. Turkey turkey turkey for you and me...... Happy Thanksgiving!
  8. I like it, very cool
  9. BAAGH!!!! its in my head now
  10. Basically he built a "new" computer and stated he replaced a defective motherboard. Purchased version not preloaded (new as in chipset, motherboard and harddrive same box)
  11. Replace the mother board and you have to call MS everything else is easy re key license (recently nuked a hard drive and I wanted to make sure it was keyd to the motherboard and it is). Friend of mine did the rebuilding of a system and called MS, only took like 20 minutes with them to release the license to the new motherboard (basically installed it and when it wouldn't verify, called MS) Just to add the machine was a 6 core solid state drive,) boots right now))
  12. interesting tangent I was thinking more like pets, ya know take a Vajra to the park on a leash
  13. That is a really good sum up, SDF-1 love
  14. So ah any takers????
  15. Lol, come on what would be sweet is to have someone who knows HTML and embed it in a graphic timeline and have it part of this site
  16. I know of a couple, but I think it would be good to quantify it,,, sure as heck reducing the amount of questions
  17. Sweet, cant wait to see
  18. Yeah, I think something of that nature and then the overlap or continuity of somethings would be obvious, but at least instead of "ironing them out" it would be apparent which makes the most sense instead of trying to cover up and color code the lettering (timeline would be cool though) to show that discontinuity so it makes more sense
  19. Naw man,. the way you wrote LINK is fine, cept instead of referencing a blog, maybe link to the Compendiums (at work here and elsewhere they block blogs and personal sites) Would that make it easier,, maybe. Whats yer thoughts
  20. Not sure, something of a clickable timeline that even puts you too the Compendiums or other references like stated earlier which would make it a bit more interactive and editable like a click to reference maybe as it evolved maybe even clickable pictures or under (not flash, but regular HTML)
  21. That would be kick @$$ if someone graphed that and put the movies and series within the timeline (like different colors like you have it listed, but horizontal) and then make it clickable
  22. I know there is a an unreleased toy topic pinned which is very helpful, but all these years I never saw a true Macross movie and TV series timeline pinned here. I know a few gifted individuals would be more then happy
  23. Plus 2, it seems they are stuck in a garage all the time and not actually "robots in disguise"
  24. wow, really good production and the voice actors hit the target
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