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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. Well, being an insider If I told you things like Lotus Engineering designs a LOT of German cars suspensions and uniframe/body you might think Im crazy (motor too believe it or not),,, they also designed the ecotech motor for GM,, or the exterior of the Holden Commadore (couple generations ago) I cant, for job security reasons, give current examples of others that would blow your mind,, , but trust me, the OEM's are all in the same bed,, its just how they spend their money (we design and manufacture a lot of stuff for the cars you love,, and the same guy for the cars you hate),, lol we have Germans working for us too (and a few German plants),,,, not saying if they are good or better then anyone else, but headquarters is in Michigan. Point is everything is outsourced including design and engineering. Companies like Chrysler who have a rep for cheaping out,, are well cheap... and companies that have a good rep like BMW for example spend the cash (which translates into an expensive vehicle). Heck most designers and engineers AT the OEM's are contractors that have worked on everything under the sun to which I have done also. I cant tell you what we build, but if your the investigative sort you can find it and be really surprised. http://www.intevaproducts.com/index.htm http://search.autonews.com/suppliers/inteva.htm Now if your talking about service parts, that's because they dont have a large development area in service like the american OEMs and they produce a lot less vehicles.. yes they can, but there's reasons.. hence the development of the 1 series and the smaller benzes which have a larger and more extensive list of service parts
  2. Top comment on youtube " Can i get a giant version...with a cannon on it?" LOL YES
  3. My issue, now I have a windows phone, love it except the bluetooth streaming music is horrid, like a 75 bitrate and the pictures are also equally bad,, I unfortunately am going to plug into the apple machine next year and become part of the machine,,, resistance is futileYeah, all my friends and especially if you are in the dating scene,, you have to text and three tapping on that net10 was old fast
  4. Thats pretty amazing, was looking at the 3's all wheel drive (late 2000's used), for the price point, it makes a pretty good family sedan. maint is high, but I do all the work myself in a shop so its actually pretty cheap, the only thing I don't care for is if say you want to replace a ball joint, they make you replace the whole control arm on some models,, $20 part compared to a $200 part
  5. A German car will feel more refined, and the vette will feel more sloppy. The power in a European car will come on a lot more smoothly (except maybe a few turbo cars,, the 930 comes to mind). I used to run M3s (and drove the previous model (e46)) all the time in my LT4, and would take them, but the feel is a lot different. Personally I like the raw and violent over refined, but most people will take the refined "feel" I will say the beemers felt really smooth in all aspects and it was easy to take close to its limits, but the vette had larger limits,, but with higher consequences. I have been knocked back and forth from not properly hanging it out around corners, which is a learning curve. Id love to tackle a built up Porsche turbo one day BTW if you really want violent and unrefined,, Viper GTS-R comes to mind,, that car is all over the place.. Which I had the joy of driving a pepped up one (750 hp),,, hell, the door panel was worn out from peoples knee operating the clutch,, bad designs, but what a ride
  6. Borg warner was working with nissan for the gtr and those improvements made it into the vette
  7. Thats kick @$$
  8. He needs a mechanic, not a doctor,,, metal endoskeleton
  9. its all perception, the vette is a front runner, and for the money, the leaderedit, if your going for base, get the GS package, you get a lot of high quality parts from the Z06 for a little cost
  10. If you can get a picture and dimensions, I can make an IGES/IGS file of the part If you want to ship me the part, I can CAD it out better then just a pic,, like perfect, then you can send the file in to have it printed,, BTW I have about 22+ years CAD experience, so no problem
  11. Ah cool,, mini Inbit ship
  12. Love it,, the wear in high contact areas,, awesome
  13. well the numbers of the ZR1 and the C6r don't lie,, the 930 was more then a guard rail lover then any vette could dream,, not that I wouldn't love to try one out
  14. Bad form Peter...........
  15. pfunk

    1/48 enemy pod

    WOW, amazing
  16. Looking at the pictures again, the structure looks caved in at the rear like a bar was dropped on it,,, and notice that dent follows all the way into the wheel well inner sheetmetal along with the left hand door frame,,, exploding from the inside would not do that,, the panels were pried off. The interior is designed to handle "explosions" IE the air bags which are huge in the pressure department started by solid fuel,,, It doesn't look like that as the panels are cracked like they were struck with a sharp object.
  17. yes, but there would be residual with that much gas as there wasnt enough oxygen around it for a clean burn, I have acetylene torches and have played around a bit, mainly with shop rags stuffed in 20oz pop bottles. Becides still doesnt explain the airbags and the no death from the pressure differential in the mans body and what it took to move all that steel,, just opening the door would have made someone dang near pass out or at least eyes water and get dizzy as hell,, let alone jump in, shut the door, start it, try to roll a window down..... sorry, as an engineer, I stick by my BS remark
  18. its bs, the airbags went off and they work as an accelerometer and are located throughout the vehicle at differing angles (on the outside and not in the interior) to send info to the computer which interpolates the info and sends the signal for the bag to deploy AND the pressure it takes to move structure like that the guy would be dead or at least bleeding from most of his orfaces Just to add and add, acetylene burns extremely sooty which is non existent in the photos and the concentration it would have took to explode like that breathing in for the time it took to start it and hit the power windows, the guy would a passed out
  19. This is probably a more appropriate place to post it, but has anyone have any news on this Its a reference from the official Macross forum that The Ride could possibly under development or m I reading the translation wrong. Or just a reference to a want.... マクロスシリーズ生誕30周年に向けて、提言は大きく2つ。 デルタ6 2012/01/30(Mon) 22:17 [ No.9388 ] 1.アニメ作品の更なる充実化 未だにアニメ化されていないM3・2036・永遠のラブソング・トゥルーラヴソング・7トラッシュ・マクロスザライドそして完全新作とを、OVAを中心に作る。2036と永遠~ぬついては、ぬえによる真解釈によるものでもいい。新作はFの続編を見てみたいが、ゲームオリジナルキャラも、挙って正式参入して欲しい。 2.移民事業の再確認 どの移民船団が、どの星から出発し、どの星に辿り着いたのか、それともまだ航海の途中なのか、そこもはっきりして欲しい。 For the 30th anniversary of the birth of Macross series, has two main proposals. Delta 6 2012/01/30 (Mon) seventeen past ten p.m. [No.9388] 1. To further enrich the animation work and a completely new song Love and True Love Eternal Song 7 Trash Macross M3 · 2036 · The Ride is not animated yet, mainly produce OVA. For 2036 and lac-ever, even better due to a new interpretation by the Nue. Like to see is a new sequel of F, original character game, I want you to enter formally raised. 2. Reconfirmation of business immigration immigration fleets which, starting from any star, or which had reached the star, or a still or during the voyage, hope it's fairly obvious
  20. From the official Japanese site http://macross.co.jp/bbs/entry.cgi?mode=all&list=tree&no=9388 For the 30th anniversary of the birth of Macross series, has two main proposals. Delta 6 2012/01/30 (Mon) seventeen past ten p.m. [No.9388] 1. To further enrich the animation work and a completely new song Love and True Love Eternal Song 7 Trash Macross M3 · 2036 · The Ride is not animated yet, mainly produce OVA. So does this mean that they are currently working on an OVA?
  21. make a quick account, its easy, then search his name and area
  22. Killer work. and for the old guys IMHO
  23. Nice, it really pops from the background Agreed
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