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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. So by route of Chile we get the thread here Ah, sorry Ron from Cali,,,, anyone take pics of the dioramas?
  2. Please NO, there is nothing leading up to it,, time bandits was pretty good, but at least its in the name like Back to the Future
  3. wow is Ferrari behind the times in performance and a bit in styling. I actually like the styling on this car, except maybe the headlights, but it still seems dated. Lambo is definitely taking the horse to the glue factory
  4. dreaming of 16 gig and a solid state drive,, guy at work has that set up and it still makes him giggle when he boots it up like a school girl
  5. I can live with that,, if Don Knotts had a body like that On a side note, I think the ship design is pretty good and the lines are classic
  6. With the money your dumping on the card, its like having a Lamborghini motor in a Malibu, you might as well get all the guts for a few hundred more,, but then again you can always unplug the graphics card and put it in a new motherboard if your unsatisfied with the performance. Id buy the card and ram is pretty cheap, you'd need to upgrade the power supply anyway so iff you want to go all out it wont cost you but time and a little bit of ram you can always craigslist
  7. Your friend from Chile kicks major rear, that was sweet
  8. no prob man,, cept gas might be more expensive then the DVDs
  9. who cares about her face man when she is bent over a barrel, shes hot from the neck down
  10. mmmmmm ospeada goodness Ordered Ghost in the Shell second season and the movie, (I really liked the first one) and the complete season of Cowboy Bebop hoping it lives up to the hype
  11. nice custom hanger, Id like to see it when its all done
  12. Very true, both are gifted individuals and successful, I think Kawamori is just better known in the industry. Doesn't make him more or less talented It started as a comparison of Macek which is absurd to compare him to either
  13. Um yeah, the most known design on the planet which is Optimus Prime not to mention other transformers, As any kid about MASK, then ask em about Optimus Prime, case closed
  14. Killer!, this thread keeps getting better,, love the 19 man,, dont make yourself blind
  15. Edit, the hot lesbian part doesnt sound all that bad either Plus 1 guys
  16. Congrats Man,,, we wont ask what type of movies your watching in bed with the wife......
  17. Wow man are you serious, that is amazing
  18. Yeah for 25 bucks you get the faster memory, probably the route I would go if I wasn't on the cheap
  19. Nice, its the processor I have,, but the motherboard I wanthttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130609 it has great reviews and for the price, really good performance in a standard kinda no frills card
  20. wow, man a regult, you crazy. Looking pretty good so far,,, but you have to make thousands of em for the diorama anyone remember those shrinky dinks things you heated in the oven and they shrunk,,,,, possibilities here
  21. Too bad you weren't over here, small claims court can get the ball moving quite quickly
  22. aw, a little inbit ankle biter
  23. Ha! you did it, nice work man!
  24. I was waiting for someone else to say it new mondial comes o mind, I think Lambo has taken a lead in the Italian stable and I have always been a Ferrari fan
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