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Everything posted by pfunk

  1. wow man was that from two days ago
  2. You guys are being way to hard on the Mospeada franchise,,,,, sniff..............
  3. Pry not Micho50, but you may find someone who owns an unassembled one to part with. i am glad you posted, I never saw this and what a spectacular work of art it is....
  4. Thats really talented, nice design. I dont know about the head lasers there Frothy
  5. um whoa, thats killer
  6. Haha, yes she does
  7. Im happy with mine too, AFTER I reloaded windows and got rid of all the bloatware
  8. Wicked, the removable pilot in robot mode rocks
  9. No doubt, you have been a member for a long time. I like these boards also. Glad the guy got wind and stepped up.
  10. If I order two sets can ya throw in a ride armor,,, Nice work man, I just need a bike
  11. Very Cool and interested,, thanks for the work!
  12. Oh yeah,,, but the bike,, id commission a more accurate one
  13. Right now, no kidding a girl I am dating has an Asus and the hard drive went within a year. I packaged it for shipping Sunday. Asus is covering it, but she didn't back up the info unfortunately. Her school program is getting her a laptop so she is fixing this one and then selling it.
  14. Yup, just like the date that went bad, no call for a reason. Do all you can man and I wouldn't feel at all guilty
  15. Wonder if we will ever see anything like the SR-71 again,, 85,000 feet and an unclassified mach 3.2. Plus is was just wicked looking, how many just speed up when locked on with a missile.
  16. Those will probably be the ones I let the kids watch while I make NACHOS,,, nachos or Jar Jar,, what do you guys think?
  17. I am sure Ill enjoy it, plus the kids are HUGE Star Wars fans,,,, well with the help of me
  18. Yup
  19. Just by reading this thread I went and bought season one,,, thanks guys
  20. I like Mean Joe Green too, I have the old red model (leader one go bots) Id like to get the greeny and customize it
  21. probably better off closing your eyes
  22. wow, those are cool, thanks for all the links Lob
  23. when you have that great of complexity you have a greater chance for error which I think is the case with the oxygen systems, they are the integrator, but the part might well (and most likely is) be within the specifications but is something completely random
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