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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Hey there. The renewal version does have a different box--it's the one with the YF-19 shown in a three-quarter angle with a dark blue background, with a pink energy burst. And yeah, it IS supposed to be better; my guess is that it's from the DN and BoP batch instead of repackaged originals. To be fair, though, some of the owners of the originals [second batch, bundled with fold booster and Jan Neuman fig] have reported that theirs had no problems with QC and/or loose joints. I'd opt for the the renewal version, if I were you, just to be safe. You can always get the fold booster pack separately.
  2. And that's just one out of six to form the combiner. The other five might actually be even more expensive. Way out of my budget.
  3. Cool. M7's really not my thing, but I can see why everyone's got so much love for the fig.
  4. Wow, the red on that looks really deep, unlike the other pics I've seen--custom paint job, or does it look that good in person? Well, if the man could pilot a super-complex, three mode mecha with a guitar, what else can't he do?
  5. The GERWALK mode look almost as good as a Yamato Valk's...or was it done by "cheating" [unlocking the hips] like the early Bandai VF-25's?
  6. With the exception of the production type VF-1's, non-canon valks [read: low-viz] and destroids, I've got all of the Macross TV Valks. Completed the MacPlus line, too. As for my personal favorites, I like the MacZero Valks the best. While technically predecessors to the VF-1, I see the VF-0 as modernized versions of the classic VF-1 Valkyrie design--no matter how you look at it, those cameras on the sides of the nose are anachronisms. I personally like realistic looking Valks, and the VF-0 models are by far the most realistic ones.
  7. Awesome pictures. It puts a smile on my face when I look at the United Jazz and Track figs on my display shelf, and back at these pics.
  8. If you're referring to the DOTM line, there is as yet no confirmation or announcement for a Hasbro Leader class Optimus or Megatron. Takara's releasing a leader class Optimus for DOTM which is slightly retooled from the ROTF leader mold, called Jetwing Optimus--scheduled release is sometime in June or July.
  9. Unlike Binaltech/Alternators, Generations/United, or Henkei/Classics, the movieverse figs sold by Takara and Hasbro come from the same factories with no differences in paint, and probably no improvements in QC--the only different is in the sticker on the box. I've bought both Takara and Hasbro movie figs, and I can't say there's any noticeable difference in QC at all. The only exception so far is with HA Jazz, whose Takara version sports screen-accurate black hands, a black-tinted visor and clear headlights and windows as opposed to Hasbro's gold/bronze hands, blue visor, headlights and windows.
  10. I particularly like the improvements they made to the gunpod placement in fighter mode. In the YF-19, the gunpod was so high up that it can't possibly fire because the crotch piece in battroid gets in the way. I've never been a fan of M7 or the Fire Kai, but this looks to be one good-looking toy.
  11. I'm liking what I see. The best thing about this trailer is that it seems the Autobots are fighting their own battle this time, instead of relying on the cavalry to come charging in with "high-heat sabot rounds." Watching giant battle-hardened robots get pwned by a measly few tanks and artillery fire is annoying. Looking forward to the film.
  12. By the looks of it, the driver is either a minicon or a power/head/target master, so the most obvious guess would be that it's Ginrai/Powermaster Optimus. I've always liked Ginrai design. Seeing a super-articulated representation of him would be sweet to say the least.
  13. Robocop...nice! Personally, I'd prefer an ED-209. It'd be really cool if they made one after the Robocop fig.
  14. I'll just add a little to what Eugimon has already said. Incandescent bulbs and LED's are, like he said, the safest, as they don't emit any UV rays at all. But if you're using compact fluorescent bulbs [aka energy-saving bulbs], try to use the encapsulated versions. Basically, it's just a white dome that covers the fluorescent tube, thereby reducing whatever UV rays that are emitted. They look almost identical to incandescent bulbs, but holding an encapsulated bulb up to a source of light will reveal the spiral fluorescent tube inside. For even better protection, install them in shaded lamps for an extra layer of UV protection. But if you can get your hands on LED's, those are the best choice.
  15. You just made my day, friend. Finally, a DOTM fig worth waiting for. Like you said, $100 is not unreasonable, considering all the parts it comes with--chain-guns, jet wings and all. Definitely on my [currently pretty slim] list of DOTM figs to buy.
  16. Dunno if this has been posted yet, but if it ain't disturbing, I don't know what is:
  17. In the words of the character himself: "Well that's just prime...." So I guess they DID make a DOTM leader class retool of ROTF Prime...except it's the wrong color, and [from what I understand] a lucky draw/lottery prize. Well, there's still hope. If Takara has any business sense, and I hope they do, they'll reuse this mold for a non-exclusive, color-accurate, retail version, because those dinky DOTM Prime figs Hasbro is selling just don't cut it for adult collectors [not me, at least.] As for Masterpiece Prime, a modernized G1 is actually better than Bayverse, personally speaking. I passed on MP Hot Rod[imus] because I just didn't like him as a character, so hopefully, this eventual modern G1 Prime would prove to be a worthy purchase.
  18. IMO, ROTF leader class Prime was as perfect of a Bayverse Optimus as one could hope for. Hasbro could have [read: SHOULD HAVE] just retooled the existing leader class Prime with those new "abs" and added the trailer. Alas, they decided to simplify the transformation o the point where it looks almost nothing like the CG model. I guess they really meant it when they said they were trying to "bring Transformers back to the kids." Thing is, Bayverse designs are way too complex or that to work. I've said it once and I'll say it again; for me, it's either the dual model kit or a possible retooled ROTF leader class Optimus with trailer that Takara might manufacture to sate its local toy collector market. Come to think of it, could this rumored "reborn Optimus" of the Masterpiece line be a DOTM leader class Prime for their Movie Masterpiece line?
  19. Something else you should know is that [for the current 1/60 version of the YF-19, at least] the neck shield is known to be a little hard to pull out from the head. The one on my YF-19 DN was so tight that I had to fricking gouge it out with a pair of tweezers, leaving marks on the neck shield. And when I finally got the damn thing out, I had a hard time putting it back in. Left it up there ever since. The one on my YF-19 "original color version" is similarly tight. Hopefully, they'll make the necessary improvements on the neck shield in the Fire Kai and the later VF-19's.
  20. Yeah, there's absolutely no way Prime and Starscream could ever be of equal size in bot mode when the size of their vehicle modes differ by that much. So much for Bay and his insistence on mass-shifting accuracy.
  21. Thanks for the info, Westfall! The ROTF leader class Optimus is about less than an inch taller [somewhere around 10 inches]. The difference can be easily camouflaged when posed. I'll definitely be getting the model kit. And yeah, in-scale dual model kits of the whole cast would be awesome! IMO, the lack of scale in Transformers can really be a problem for us adult collectors. While the different classes like deluxe, voyager, leader and supreme DO lend a decent semblance of scale, the way Hasbro chooses to place certain characters in certain classes [ie. popularity and screen time] pretty much defeats that. Hence, we have leader class Bumblebees and deluxe class Bonecrushers. And don't get me started with the Arcee sisters.
  22. Really? The sound stage didn't reveal much of anything, just random voice clips that some said mentioned the names of Rodimus and Megatron. The words, "Last Shot" is etched onto the figure's back, which is visible during transformation and alt mode. Is that itself a clue, or just to differentiate this "final" release from the previous ones? In any case, if it really is a new Optimus, I hope its an updated design of G1, like in those IDW comics. Those looked cool.
  23. GU-11

    1/60 Yamato Glaug

    I have neither the model-building skills nor the kind of cash to spend on this.
  24. 50 USD threshold?! Man, that's harsh on the wallet. BTW, this is probably the fastest delivery time for HLJ. The last time I shipped via FedEx for my YF-19, it took around four to five days from the moment I placed the order. Nice buys. The VF-1D looks awesome with Roy's VF-1S.
  25. While I'm aware that neon light bulbs aka energy-saving bulbs are more economical and environmentally friendly, they can also be a toy collector's nightmare. These bulbs emit UV rays, which can potentially yellow any white plastic. You definitely do NOT want to place your VF-1J or -1S anywhere near these bulbs when they're switched on. I'd opt for LED bulbs, but they're simply not available at my country [yet.] The so-called "domed" CLF bulb [don't remember the proper name], in which a glass globe is installed over the neon tube, is said reduce UV emission--but is it enough to be safe around plastic? Who knows? That said, I plan to fully use LED lighting in my house as soon as these become available locally. Hopefully soon.
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