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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Been watching 07-Ghost. My first impression was that it felt somewhat "brokeback", what with all the pretty boy characters. But as I kept watching the episodes, the character development was quite well done, and while nothing new, the story kept me interested.
  2. Another thing: BB only has yellow paint on the middle part of his fingers, like this: Hope this helps some.
  3. Sweet! If I wasn't currently building my Exia, I'd start working on DMK OP RIGHT NOW! The fig looks cool even without any drybrushing and/or panel lining. All those details.... Personally, I'm going to try to dry-brush those visible parts of his inner frame as well as apply some chrome silver on his thigh parts. Those swirls on the gray plastic are driving me nuts, although they don't look quite as apparent in the photos. Either way, awesome build!
  4. I like this game version of BRS. Too bad it's a Wonderfest exclusive.
  5. Good advice. I guess that's one of the problems with using die-cast on figures. Damn, I gotta be even more careful with these Bandai Valks than I do with Yamato's.
  6. Thanks for the info! Sucks that paint-chipping is still a problem. I'd rather they simply molded the fig in glossy plastic instead of painting it. Hopefully I can get a hold of some Pledge Floor Finish aka Future Floor Polish and brush a layer of it on the VF-25 for protection before transforming it. Well, at least there's gonna be a stand included.
  7. Just out of curiosity, does it come with a stand? Never bought a DX Chogokin before. Another thing? Is it going to have paint-chipping issues like the VF-27's nose cone? What I like about Yamato's Valks is that they use as little paint as possible on the figs, minimizing the possibility of chipping.
  8. The Optimus dual model kit's sold out in AmiAmi, and discontinued in HLJ. I got mine from a local hobby store, and had to buy both Optimus and Bee, as they were sold as a bundled set for some reason.
  9. Thanks for the info and the link, areaseven! Glad I don't have to mix the paints myself.
  10. Guess you're right. Either way, since all pre-orders are closed for now, my only choice now is to wait for the review, and get the second batch.
  11. You mean orange mixed with yellow? What's the ratio? I kinda suck at telling how close a color of wet paint is to the plastic. Thanks.
  12. Damn, that just reminded me of those pics I saw in Scorched Earth--the head lasers on Ozma's valk were bent to hell. Getting cold feet again about pre-ordering the V2.
  13. Very nice! I also had to paint up DOTM BB's calves. They looked horrid in unpainted yellow plastic. BTW, which yellow paint did you use to touch up the fingers and "ribs"? I've been trying to find the right tone of yellow from the Tamiya range, but couldn't find one that was close enough to use right out of the bottle. Did you mix your own paint?
  14. I wonder why they never thought to give Starscream the smaller F-35 Lightning II as an alt mode. Like others have already pointed out, he's completely out of scale with everyone else in bot mode if his alt mode was a Raptor.
  15. My bad. Haven't gotten much sleep lately. Couldn't detect sarcasm if you crammed it into the barrel of a canon and shot it at my head. QFT.
  16. Dunno if you're being sarcastic here, but I don't think entirely true. You're right in that there's no mass-shifting for the most part, but the guys at ILM admitted to cheating when it came to the transformations of the TF's, several months after the 2007 TF movie was released. Depending on who you choose to believe, Spielberg insisted that the CG transformation was 100% accurate, but the ILM guys later admitted that there was a crapload of "smoke and mirrors" involved with the transformations. They said it was damn near impossible to achieve a perfectly proportionate transformation given the fact that there was so much "kibble" [TF speak for alt mode parts that don't belong in a bot's basic anatomy] that was taken away from the bot modes. Case in point, the rooftops of the car bots [bee, Jazz, Barricade]. They just slide out of view, and seem to magically disappear. Optimus' rear wheel covers are also missing in bot mode.
  17. Thanks for the info, Aurance. What with so much positive response to the V2, I think I'll see if I can pre-order it at my local hobby store--less of a hassle and no need to wait for it to get shipped here. Failing that, I'll just get one from AmiAmi.
  18. Thanks for the tip, man. Overall, this V2 from Bandai is starting to look like a winner. Still wondering if I should pre-order it or wait for it to come out and get a review to see how good it is. For such a hot item, Bandai should be reissuing these pretty quickly...I think.
  19. Thanks for the heads-up. Well, as long as it's supposed to be that way...I guess I can deal with it.
  20. I've a question about the renewal -25's battroid mode. In the pic, his crotch is flipped up and outward, like he's doing some sort of groin thrust. Is it supposed to be this way, or just a case of mistransformation? Don't remember it looking like that in the anime.
  21. I guess that DMK OP and DA-28 Striker OP I planned to buy are going in the back burner. This VF-25 MUST BE BOUGHT!
  22. Sorry for the redundant thread. Haven't been here for a while, and didn't see the older thread.
  23. According to this blog, Bandai's releasing a "renewal" version of its DX-Chogokin VF-25 Alto version Messiah, coming out some time in October this year. No further details were given, and I can't tell from the pics if it's a new mold. Anybody have any info on this? If it IS a remold with all the improvements of the Lucifer and YF-29, I'm wondering if I should pick it up or hold out for an eventual Yamato version.
  24. Awesome cammo paint job, MickyG! One question, though; why's the canopy painted up as well? Sorry, I just skipped to the latest page.
  25. If he's already got a box ready and all, what's with all the teaser BS? Is Takara trying to get us to buy Jetwing first, only to realize they've got a better one lined up? Between the DA-28 and Jetwings, I'm more interested in the former. With the Jet Wings version you really can't pose with a lot of variety without a stand. I hear the DA-28 is supposed to be a triple-changer, although I'm not keeping my hopes up. The gun and shield will probably be attached to various parts to simulate stealth mode. Even so, the gun and shield should allow for more versatile poses than Jet Wings.
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