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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Man, how could I have forgotten about Olga? She was great in MGS2...except for the hair-in-her-pits thing. Yeah, if HT makes a fig of her in that suit, she is bought on sight.
  2. The model whose likeness was used for Laughing Octopus has always been my personal favorite, followed by [Raging?] Raven and Crying Wolf. Mantis? Not so much. Actually, I wouldn't mind having a Naomi fig to go with Vamp [both MGS4 versions]. Drool worthy... Light-up eyes won't be a problem. HT's been doing that for their Iron Man and Nolan Batman [TDK Bat Radar thingy version] figs for a while now.
  3. Been watching Lucky Star reruns. What is it about comedy involving Japanese schoolgirls that makes you want to keep watching? It all started with K-ON!, and now I seem to have developed a taste for high school comedy anime. The only kind of anime I ever used to watch were hardcore cyberpunk stuff like GitS and Armitage. Back in the day, I even found Macross 7 too "saccharine" for my tastes.
  4. I'm willing to forgo a few deluxe TF's here and a couple of Gundam model kits there for the funds to buy an ED-209, but the cracking rubber dome issue had better be resolved. I'm not paying all that cash for spontaneous "battle damage." As for MGS, the only fig's I might be from the line would be Cyborg Raiden, the B&B corps, and maybe Vamp. I'm crazy about MGS cyborgs and mecha, but don't really care for Snake. Gekko's would be nice, but those are probably way too large to make in scale, to say nothing of the Metal Gears.
  5. I agree. Drones are the way to go. If anything, they've proven to be exceedingly effective against terrorists [at least that's what Discovery Channel and certain news articles say ], which are basically the US's number one enemy right now. Fighter jets, while cool and awesome, really are more of a deterrent these days than anything else. IMO, most governments aren't too keen on fighting open wars anymore [at least not against the US], and most weapons are made/bought for the sole purpose of deterrence. Just my personal opinion, though.
  6. You mean the ED with the cracking rubber dome? All this while I thought it was from Medicom. I wouldn't worry about the nuke. HT's been known to include any and every imaginable accessory with a figure. The RE5 Jill Valentine Battle Suit fig I bought has all her weapons from The Mercenaries mini-game--it also includes herb sprays and ammo boxes, her mask and cloak, and even a handgun I never saw her use.
  7. Question is, can the USAF/Pentagon/US afford a replacement so early? I remember George W getting a crapload of flak for authorizing the F22 project, and the economy back then was way better than it is now. Unless this new jet has some super new tech like a visual cloaking device or force field thing, I don't see how the project will ever get the green light.
  8. Mike, you're a life saver. I never knew they made adaptors for that. I just hope amazon ships to Southeast Asia, or I'm sunk. I doubt they sell these where I'm at.
  9. I'll pass on the 1/6 Murphy, and save up for a possible ED-209--damn, that's going to cost me a pretty penny. BTW, didn't Figma have problems in getting the license to use Peter Weller's likeness or something? How's HT going to get around that?
  10. I just wish the Rising team would make up its damn mind what kind of game they want this to be. I hope they won't try to copy Deus Ex - Human Revolution in giving you freedom to use deadly force, but then skewing the level-up system and forcing you to go the stealth route.
  11. So far, the interviews with the staff and the trailers just don't seem to gel. The former tells us it won't be a hack-and-slash, but the latter shows otherwise. Based on the trailers, I was half-expecting a Tenchu/Ninja Gaiden hybrid, until an article I read said it's the design team's policy not to encourage mass-killing.
  12. This is probably not the best place to post this, but does anyone know if Creative's new Recon3D sound enhancer will work with the PS3? A review says that it has SPDIF [coaxial] input, but AFAIK the PS3 uses one of those fiber optic cables [don't remember what they're called; digital cable or something?] To make matters more complicated, I'm currently using an old Altec Lansing ADA 885 5.1 speaker system, which uses a coaxial cable [the one that looks like your regular red, yellow and white analog cables, except it's black and digital] for Dolby Digital. So far, I've been using prologic for my gaming audio due to the cable incompatibility. So, short of getting a full-blown home theater system, would this Recon3D thingy be able to solve the problem cause by the cable incompatibility, as in being able to input from a PS3's digital cable, and output to my ADA 885 via a coaxial cable?
  13. I second that opinion. Many HA's are awesome, and are more movie-accurate than deluxes, except when it comes to scale, obviously. I have HA Barricade and Jazz as well, and I can't recommend them enough. That said, there are some that I personally wouldn't recommend. HA Sideswipe has half of his damn car mode hanging off his back, and his thunder thighs are awful. HA Soundwave's feet look nothing like his movie CG model, and the blue paint accents aren't helping. I wouldn't advise buying HA Bumblebee either; the legs are inaccurate, and his bug eyes scare me.
  14. I've a feeling that I'm probably the only one who even cares about FF XIII-2 here, but has anyone played the Japanese version yet? I heard some complaints at gamefaqs about there being only two playable characters in the form of Sera Farron and some kid named Noel. But what with the forum being primarily populated by 13-year-olds, I have my doubts on how believable the news is. But if it's true; kinda skimpy on the character roster, ain't it? Honestly, I shouldn't even care about the sequel after the somewhat disappointment of FF XIII, but IGN's been waxing poetic about how XIII-2's such a massive improvement from the first XIII game. Just looking for a decent FF game to tide me over until Versus XIII finally come out.
  15. Is it even out yet? Personally, I'm going to wait and see what the reviews are like when the game out before deciding whether to buy it or not. I already know it's not Metal Gear Solid as I know it, but I'm waiting to see if MGS-R is a game I'd like in and of itself.
  16. I'm all for a VF-4, but it being a web exclusive and possibly an un-assembled kit.... If it's a plastic kit, I can still hack it, but resin kits are WAY out of my league. Not exactly a maestro with kit painting, either.
  17. It's a thing of beauty.
  18. Why is it that Final Fantasy figs are the only ones cursed with bad designs in the Play Arts Kai line? The FF XIII-2 Lightning fig I just got actually has soft rubber feet instead of plastic. WTF?! Could hardly stand the thing up on its own, and it even come with a display stand! For that kind of price, Figmas are certainly much better value for money.
  19. Didn't really intend for these to be Christmas gifts to myself, but my preorders of a Figma BRS2035 and Play Arts Kai FF XIII-2 Lightning figs arrived on Christmas eve.
  20. I just stumbled upon a few posts on a game forum where members were complaining that the ending to FFXIII-2 is DLC, which I take to be the FMV cutscene. Honestly, I have no effing idea what that means. I read through the whole damn thread to bet a better understanding, but no one mentioned anything in detail, just that there's the ending is going to be a DLC. ...guess that's what Youtube clips are for.
  21. What's all this I hear about FFXIII-2 having DLC endings? I mean all the extra costumes, weapons and mini-missions being DLC for most games these days is bad enough, but now we have to PAY to see the fricking ENDING of a game?!
  22. Do Figma Black Rock Shooter figures count? I've been collecting the whole series ever since the original BRS fig was released, and I'm currently waiting for them to release that damn BRS game bike. Would love to post some pics, but I don;t have a camera on hand right now.
  23. Awesome pics, AreaSeven. The YF-19's fighter mode is my favorite of all the three different modes. I like the GERWALK mode too, but it makes the toy's already short wings look even shorter.
  24. The 1/60 YF-19...until the V2 gets made. Macrossjunkie, awesome weathering on the Max VF-22S. To be honest, I really hated the pastel tones of the Max and Milia customs, and only bought the Gamlin custom. But that nice detailing and weathering you did on yours makes it look worlds better than what it looks like out of the box. Too bad I have neither the skills nor an airbrush to detail it up, or I'd consider getting a Max custom of my own while it's on sale at HLJ and weather it up.
  25. MGS-R certainly doesn't feel like the MGS I know, but that's not a bad thing. AFAIC, the Solid Snake saga ended with Guns of the Patriots, and Cyborg Raiden obviously does things very differently from Snake. Overall, I don't think it would be all that different play-wise. I remember reading an interview once, where the game designers vowed not to reward players for high kill-rates, as its their policy not to promote violence. Pretty contradictory policy for a game that allows you to chop the limbs off of your enemies. Anyways, it'll most probably still revolve around sneaking past the enemy as much as possible, but with a some modifications.
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