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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Thanks again. I'll do a few practice paint jobs on a piece of scrap plastic before trying it on an actual fig. @JasonC and MechTech: Thanks for the info, guys! I was a little concerned when the label on the bottles warned against inhaling the vapors. I guess inhaling too much alcohol might get you intoxicated or dizzy. But as long as it's nothing toxic or harmful, then I'll feel safe to use them in my air-conditioned room. @ MechTech: About that link; it said Tamiya Acrylic Thinners. Does this also apply to the paints? I read through the thread, and they seem focused more on the thinner than the paints themselves, which are what I was concerned about. Oh, and just a few more questions for the first-time hand-painter here: 1. Some websites advise against stirring the paints inside the bottle, as it tends to limit the shelf life. But how the hell do you get the paint out of the bottle if the paint itself is separated from the alcohol? Even if I were to separately extract the paint and the alcohol, how would I know how much of each to extract? Or did I misread the whole thing? Maybe they said not to shake the bottle, but gentle stirring is okay? 2. I've read that you can't mix different colors from Tamiya's acrylics line very well. It this true or just BS? 3. Another thing I read; some have complained that you can't layer two different color coats of Tamiya paint one over the other, as the solvents from the new paint will liquify the paint underneath, even after curing. This can't be true, can it? I'm looking to do some metallic dry brushing on my DMK-1 Optimuc model kit, using Tamiya's gun metal gray as a base and several different layers silver paints, so I'm a little concerned.
  2. Macross pretty much flew right over my head. I was about twelve when Robotech aired. Watched it, enjoyed it, and moved on. There was a locally dubbed version of Macross, which I also watched and enjoyed, but ultimately moved on to other things. It was Macross Plus that made a Macross fan of me. I was in college then, and the anime boom was in full swing. MacPlus turned out to be one of my all-time favorites. While there still is a bit of nostalgia for me as far as Macross/Robotech is concerned, MacPlus is what started it all for me.
  3. Might it be too early to hope for a Masterpiece version of the Bayverse TF's? The so-called Movie Masterpiece line doesn't count. It was just a gimmick using repainted generic molds. Yeah, I'm one of those wretched fans of TF's that look like super-complex junkyard sculptures.
  4. Thanks for all the tips, Jefuemon. I'm using Tamiya acrylics, actually. Strangely, they don't carry a lot of enamel paints here. I guess I'll stick to using Tamiya acrylic thinner for now, since it's made specifically for their own brand of paints. So, 1 drop of thinner for every 9 drops of paint, right? Got it. Thanks. One more thing: how long should I let the paint dry between layers? Seems like a stupid question, but I'm just worried that letting the paint completely dry would affect the amount of brushs marks.
  5. GU-11

    Miria's Q-Rau

    Yikes! Thanks for the word of caution, cool8or! I guess there are some things you just can't skimp on. Future will remain strictly as a clear coat and paint diluter for me.
  6. Is it better to dilute with water, Future or thinner? I have a bottle of Tamiya thinner, but I heard that Future is a good leveling agent, as it's actually self-leveling. I use Tamiya paints exclusively, because it's the only brand I can easily get my hands on. Most sites I've been to recommend diluting the paint in a 1:1 ratio. I've always wondered if that might be too thin. BTW, this is my first time painting with a brush. I've been using spray cans previously, until I discovered Future, and wanted to try using it as a cheaper and more durable alternative to canned clear coat sprays. I don't have an airbrush, so painting by hand is my only alternative.
  7. That's exactly how I felt when I first laid hands on my newly bought MP-10. As a kid, my parents either refused to pay for or simply couldn't afford G1 Optimus, and the closest I ever got to owning the mold was in the form of a "budget" Takara Ultra Magnus toy, where the head had to be stuck into a peg in bot mode, and the trailer was a dinky piece of foldable cardboard. Owning MP-10 is like a childhood dream come true after so long. Either that or MP Soundwave. Just think of all those cassette bots!
  8. I've got to get my hands on this one. All these behind-the-scenes controversies alone are worth the watch. I like the wacky title. If it's as crazy as I hope it is, this series has earned a new fan.
  9. Thanks for the advice! It's much easier to concentrate on painting your fig without droplets of sweat constantly getting into your eyes. I just hope the paint doesn't evaporate too quicky due to the air-conditioning. Maybe a drop of paint retarder might be necessasry.
  10. I must say I like the custom colors, although it does make the fig look sort of monochrome.
  11. Well, I've read that they're looking into swarm-based AI that's basically free of human influence. Just program it into the system, and the AI goes about it its own way. Sort of like Global Hawk. No real-time maneuvering. Not a reliable system by any means, but that's the direction UCAV technology seems to be heading. Good point. The threat of systems being hacked is always present, to say nothing of EMP's. But that said, for every counter-offence, there will be a counter-counter-offence in the form of EMP-shielding and what not. That's the way the arms race has been for the past few decades, and that's probably the way it will be in the future. No one stays on top for very long.
  12. Anno? As in Hideaki Anno, he of the whiny kid sitting on a foldable chair under a spotlight? I've got to check this one out.
  13. I've always envied guys who could afford arcade machines in their home. When I was still a teen, the only place I could get access to these machines was in the smoke-filled interior of seedy arcade shops, sharing elbow space with not-so-savory types. Street Fighter Turbo was worth it, though.
  14. Like the title says. Is it safe? I know that atomized paints gets into the lungs far easier, but does the smell from paint do the same? The weather where I'm at [southeast Asia] is starting to get really warm again, and I was wondering if it's safe to do some hand-painting in an air-conditioned room. Also, if I paint outdoors [paintbrushes, not spraying], do I still need a mask or respirator, or an exhaust fan? Thanks for any advice.
  15. High losses in Afghanistan? Didn't know that. I did read that Predators scored quite a few high-profile kills, though. Besides, drones should be far more cost-effective than manned fighters or even infantry. I agree that air superiority is important for most any country, and will remain so in the foreseeable future, but pilots seem to be more of a limiting factor than anything else. Most experts [in Discovery Channel ] say that modern fighters are limited only by the G's a pilot is able to endure. Take the human factor away, and aerial performance enters a whole new level. Drones will pose their own set of problems, but cost effectiveness and massively increased performance are tempting factors.
  16. LOL! Middle-age...ouch. I'm personally attracted to the comedy elements of the shows. Sometimes it;s just nice to watch something lighthearted after a days work and laugh away the fatigue. Thanks for the recommendation, BTW. I've been meaning to watch School Rumble. Quite a few people have recommended it. Funny thing about Azumanga Daioh; I've only come across ero-doujinshi's of the manga so far. Strange... Been watching Baka and Test, too. Typical underdog-makes-good plot with staple otaku fodder [tsundere and yandere characters in love with underdog protag], but I like the individual characters.
  17. Nice work! Your kungfu is indeed stronger. That said, I'm probably too much of a perfectionist; even with the clear part covering the sticker, I kept seeing seams where the sides come together on mine where others couldn't even see through all that dark green opacity. It doesn't end there. I couldn't get the perfect angle on some of the decals. Know that awesome-looking decal on the left shoulder? I screwed up the angle by a fraction of a millimeter, and scraped it off in a fit of pseudo-artistic frustration, only to regret it a minute later. I also forgot to apply a few decals like the ones on the "ears" and shoulders. I had started the build several weeks earlier before stopping after I realized I didn't have enough matte spray. When I continued building the head, I had totally forgotten where I left off, and went ahead in clear coating the head without panel lining or applying decals. I was too lazy to sand off the matte coat, and left it at that. The moral of this story: once you start a build, don't stop. Better yet, make sure you've got everything ready before starting. BTW, did you photoshop that pic, or did you actually repaint the crotch and chin blue. The parts that were supposed to be red are replaced by dull blue tones.
  18. GU-11

    Miria's Q-Rau

    Wow, I never knew you could use Future as primer, and you could even brush it on! That will definitely save me a ton of cash from buying all those cans of Tamiya primer.
  19. GU-11

    Miria's Q-Rau

    That's a masterpiece if I ever saw one. Love the weathering. Heheh, so Klan was lying when she said Zentran equipment remains pristine even after centuries. BTW, did the kit come with the Milia fig?
  20. Yeah, skewers are definitely better than boards. Some parts have multiple sides like the cone on the GN-drive that would be more easily sprayed on a skewer. Fortunately, I was able to use blutack to loosely assemble the armor parts on the legs and spray them before proper assembly with the clear parts and hologram strips. Saved me about a quarter can of matte, and probably a few days of work. Speaking of which, the sticker for the chest is utterly useless. No one who's ever built an MG Exia was able to apply that damn sticker properly [unless you managed to ] . In any case, the clear part is so opaque that you couldn't see inside of it anyhow, unless you shone a flashlight at it. Next up is Kotobukiya's Anubis ZoE Jehuty. That might be another headache waiting to happen, what with all the fluorescent lines running across its body that I thought were pre-painted.
  21. That's a pretty nice setup you've got there. Since I've neither a spray booth or an proper respirator, I do all my spraying in the patio or front porch. For assembly work, I use either my workstation or my IKEA Malm chest. Tamiya paints are stored in a tool box, while brushes, markers and files are stored in a TV remote holder. No point in showing pics since its not even a proper workbench.
  22. Awesome pics, Superhobo! Honestly, I was never a fan of buying pre-assembled Gundam figs until I started building the 00Exia. I'm all too glad to make an exception for the 00 line. Those damn clear parts make it a bitch to even clear coat. I took the easy path of simply decaling and then matte coating my Exia, but even then I had to spray them almost part by part to avoid dulling up the GN drives. Basically, I stuck several parts on a skewer and sprayed. That's two cans of Tamiya matte coat I had to use due to wastage from spraying individual parts, for what should have only taken less than a can on a fully assembled kit. I could have lined all the parts up and sprayed them like a Nazi execution squad, but I was worried I might the the parts all mixed up.
  23. I guess that's the main source of its comedy elements.
  24. True. Maybe she could have a sun-themed codename like Inferno or Flare or something. Man, I wish you didn't remind me about Big Mama. What had once been silken and perfectly bouncy are now sagging and...good gosh, somebody cover her up with a cardigan!
  25. Yeah, the kid show good potential, especially now that Snake's retired. What with Rising and all, it seems they're looking for the next Solid Snake. But with a name like Sunny....
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