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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Yeah, one of the main reasons the PS3 was so late in release was partially because they wanted the absolute best tech and hardware that was supposed to knock the socks off the Wii and XBox 360. They did in a way, but the late release cost the PS3 a large chunk of the pie with game companies opening up their former PS-exclusive games to XBox and Wii. I think the guy in charge of the PS3 project was ordered to resign as a result of that. I remember quite well that Sony said the PS3's hardware was meant to outlive the XBox 360 and Wii. They also repeated that statement after announcing that there would be no PS4 announcement at this year's E3. While they probably won't be waiting the full ten years before releasing the PS4, the PS3 is supposed to stay relevant longer than the PS2's six years, if that makes any sense. In any case, Sony has repeatedly said that current games haven't even started to challenge the capabilities of the PS3. Honestly, it's hard to imagine what the PS4 would be like, since each new generation of the Playstation is accompanied by a new generation of content storage for the games. When the PS was launched, it used CD's to house game content instead of cartridges, and then the PS2 used DVD's, followed by BD's for the PS3. Not sure if or when there will be another revolutionary data storage media in the horizon, or it they'd simply move to direct downloads instead. That kind of sucks, IMO, since the data is intangible [not store in physical media but inside the HDD, and they obviously won't let you copy it into discs for safe keeping]--if the HDD crashes, that's your whole game collection gone. Or would Sony allow you to re-download the games in case of such an event? All that said, some are suspicious that Sony might be trying to pull the wool over our eyes with all these announcements about "no PS4."
  2. I've been wondering the same thing. Graphics-wise, the PS3 might still be able to measure up to 4th gen consoles in the first year or so. Depending on who you listen to, PS3 graphics have been said to be the best among current gen consoles, although more than a few x box owners would love to debate that. Either way, the PS3 was built with a 10 year lifespan in mind, so it'll probably still be around for a while yet. As for revolutionary gaming, I think we're curently waiting for technology to give us that next eureka moment. In other words, gaming tech seems to have reached a plateau. I don't see any holodeck gaming in the cards or at least the next thirty to forty years or so. For the time being, there's 3D gaming, but unless you're playing on a relatively large screen [50" and above], it's probably rather underwhelming. And then there's the question of those clunky glasses.
  3. Just started FF XIII-2 last night. Feels like an RPG again; you can talk to random people and go on quests. The environment feels like you're a part of it instead of trudging through the areas like a tunnel tour in XIII. Tons of choices to make, and supposedly each choice affects the ending in some way. It's also nice to see that they've improved on a minor gripe I;ve always noticed in RPG; clicking on the same NPC repeatedly no longer gives you the same old dialogue, but a different line each time...at least, up to a certain point. I clicked "talk" on an NPC up to four times, and she still gave a different line each time. Nothing major, but still nice. English voice acting is decent and natural enough; nothing over-dramatic or out of character. The moogle noises annoy me, though. But then the Japanese version I heard from youtube annoyed me as well. Gameplay-wise, not too different from XIII, except the "battleground" thing is back, where touching a monster/enemy teleports you to a stock battleground to fight in. Paradigm Shift system is still in place. Can't say much from just those two hours of gameplay, but it's definitely more immersive than XIII, just as advertised. With supposedly multiple endings and a ton of extra unlockables, this sould keep me amused for quite a while. Now when the hell are they going to release FF Versus XIII?!
  4. They might as well have made it Bumblebee Maximus at that rate. Little bastard's probably had three dozen classes of toys of him in every form and size by now. As for Optimus Maximus, after looking at the pic a second time, he doesn't look too bad. Won't be buying him, though; but get a Metroplex or Trypticon on the shelves, and we'll see. I remember owning a KO Devastator set as a kid. Identical in every way to the original, except in color. IIRC, the color pallette was all over the place; red, blue, orange, yellow, etc. In fact, it kind of reminds me of ROTF Devastator, but better in every way. As much of a fan as I am of the movieverse designs, ROTF Devy looks like the technicolor hunchback of Kaon or something.
  5. I'm with you on this one, although articulated ankles might entail separate parts for the limb combination. That's not a problem for me, though, since I'm more into displaying my figs than playing with them. Depending on how Bruticus turns out, I'm game for Menasor. Stunticons were always my favorite combiners. Makes me wonder why they had to modify Optimus as a character for that. They could have used any of the more famous city bots like Metroplex, Fortress Maximus or even Trypticon for the job. That way, even if the kids won't bite, the adult collectors would for nostalgia's sake.
  6. I liked the Transporter movies for their crazy action and silly fun. As long as Safe doesn't take itself too seriously, I'll probably enjoy it.
  7. Generations line? Then it's all deluxes, then. I remember some people saying Fall of Cybertron's got its own dedicated line like TF Prime [ *turns and spits at the thought of clear plastic arms], though. Good to hear Generations is still alive. BTW, "Optimus Maximus?" Looks ugly. What's a city bot, btw?
  8. I miss the Generations line. It seems like only Takara is carrying on that line as United now. You might well be right. And all the more likely if they're including hands, feet, and other necessary parts to help in combining into Bruticus. Still, Brawl and Swindle look pretty nice even if they're going to be smaller figs. In fact, I'd say they look great for figs that have to also transform into limbs for a giant robot. I wonder if they'll be making a slightly smaller Bumblebee. The WFC one is standing head-to-head with Optimus, and looks ridiculous.
  9. I'm so pissed off at the dinky RID figs that the only one I'm willing to buy is Soundwave because I really like his design, and because he's movie-esque/WFC-esque enough to "absorb" into either of my collections. Oh well, at least the FoC line seems to be getting more and more promising. I've been wondering about the same thing. I was half-expecting Onslaught to be a voyager, acting as Bruticus' torso. On another matter, I hope they won't try to force the whole "perfect transformation" thing as far as the combining feature is concerned, and give us extra parts like hands and stuff for Bruticus.
  10. Back when the WFC toys were first released, I heard that the reason they were all deluxes were because they were released under the Generations line. There was no WFC label for the toys, just Cybertronian Optimus, Cybertronian Megatron etc. Supposedly, Generations is uniques in that it's more of an all-encompassing line--comics, games, Classics re-releases. Hopefully, since FoC is a dedicated line for the game, we'll be seeing bigger classes of toys. I'll save the rejoicing for until the whole complete set of Combaticons are in my display room, perfectly transformed and merged into the almighty Bruticus. The whole TF Prime FE fiasco has taught me not to celebrate too soon when it comes to toy announcements.
  11. Definitely getting deluxe Jazz, but will try to hold out for a larger class for Shockwave and Optimus. Actually, maybe I'll pick up deluxe Shockwave, as he scales in with WFC Megatron and Soundwave. BTW, the FoC line will be getting different classes since it's a dedicated line for the game, unlike the WFC figs that came through the Generations line, right?
  12. True. The HT versions have the best head sculpt for Deunan by far. I guess I should contact that guy who wanted to sell those figs and see if they're still available.
  13. I'm actually torn between the blue version and the black one. The black one is nice, but somehow I just like the blue one better. I dunno, maybe I've gotten used to seeing Arcee as a blue bike after a whole season of TF Prime. Robot Kingdom is HK based? Never knew that. I'll give them a try if my local hobby store doesn't bring in PE Arcee. Thanks.
  14. I guess compared to TF's in the 90's, DOTM figs are a marvel of engineering. Thing is, the ROTF line was IMO a big leap in toy engineering and intricacy from just a couple of years after the 2007 toyline came out, with leader class Optimus being an example. I remember being really impressed by all the clear plastic they used for the headlights on many of the ROTF vehicle modes of the deluxe figs, as well as realistic silver paint on Sideswipe and Sideways. The 2007 movie line had painted-on headlights on the deluxe figs, and some of the toys weren't nearly as screen-accurate as the ROTF line--just compare the two voyager class Starscreams from both lines. Sure, ROTF Starscream has its issues such as weird arm articulation and his hands sticking out in jet mode, but aesthetically, it is more screen-accurate than the 2007 voyager version. I had high expectations for DOTM, thinking it would top even the ROTF line, but when I saw that the toys were marginally smaller and there were less paint apps on the toys [ROTF Sideswipe had silver paint apps on his whole alt mode, whereas DOTM Sideswipe is bare gray plastic], I was disappointed. But all in all, I still found a few I liked in DOTM such as Skyhammer, Topspin, Sideswipe and Bee. I guess voyager Ironhide had potential, but the exposed weapon ports on his alt mode roof and sides, and his noticeably smaller size from the 2007 mold put me off buying it. Seriously, even deluxe figs like Bumblebee and Sideswipe had covers for those damn ports.
  15. Nope, just haven't been collecting figs until a few years ago. As a matter of fact, anything before the 2007 movie is before my time. If these were decades old issues, I wouldn;t know anything about it.
  16. HT obviously has the better face sculpt.
  17. I'm actually eying the Perfect Effect [Not] Arcee. I've always wanted a sniper for my TF collection, and the blue version fits the bill perfectly. I just hope my local hobby store is bringing it in; living in SE Asia, ordering from American stores like Robotkingdom and BBTS is going to bring the cost of shipping through the roof.
  18. @ Tober: Actually, the stretching and puffing rubber isn't as bad as I imagined. The articulation is decent enough, and much better than HT's Batman--I heard Batman's knees straighten by themselves after you try to bend them. Would be nice if Deunan's knees could bend more than 90 degrees, though, but it looks like they're resticted by the thickness of the rubber behind the knees. Those Hot Toys snap kits [the smallest ones in the pic] look quite good. If they're still available, I'd happily settle for those to save displaying space.
  19. Honestly, it's more of a "guy in a gas mask" than Zaku. And thanks for the heads up on the Ray. As much as I like the Rex and its raw mechanical form, I've never played the first MGS on PS1, and only started becoming a fan of the games after playing MSG2 - Sons of Liberty. My deepest impression of a metal gear is and always will be the Ray.
  20. Same level of plastic gorgeousness...although I can't tell the difference from the last time.
  21. Nice collection! On another note, are HT's figures height accurate? I've got an RE5 Jill Battle Suit version fig and Bruce Lee fig next to each other, and they're both roughly the same height. Bruce in real life was 5" 7, while Jill is supposedly 5" 4. I know 3 inches is insignificant when scaled down to 1/6, but I do wonder. Anyone care to compare an Arnie T2 fig [he stands at 6" 5 in real life, right?] with another fig of "regular" height?
  22. Nothing I can do about it at this point; already paid 100 USD deposit for the Tumbler pre-order. Well, there's always the possibility of a future Ray. IMO, I think the Zaku is a pretty different story. Rex is obviously way more popular and pretty darn accurate to the one in the game, while the Zaku is simply a "reimagination" of the mobile suit in 3A's signature design style. I've been reading comments about the 3A Zaku at hobby forums, and many weren't exactly heaping praises on it. Their major complaint was that it just didn't look enough like a Zaku, and you could easily mistake it for another 3A Popbot figure if no one told you anything about it.
  23. Officially out of funds to buy this. I had to make a choice between waiting for them to announce this or take the chance to pre-order the HT Tumbler, after missing the chance to get the Tumbler the first time. It was a difficult choice but I had to choose the Tumbler--don't even know when the Rex is going to be announced. Hopefully if it's released at around Q3 this year, I'd have recuperated enough of my fig funds to buy this.
  24. You mean Takara TF toys in Japan are similar in pricing to Hasbro toys in non-US countries?
  25. Even in Asian countries, Takara products are generally more expensive than Hasbro ones, even the movie lines that don't boast any extra paint apps or chrome.
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