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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Ace Combat 4 was one of my fav games on the PS2, period. While I know you don't play a game like that for the story, I actually did like how the story and how it was told. Sadly, I doubt I'll have the skills to paint those cammo apps. Then again, I might just buy it and build it a couple years later, when I get better at masking and painting cammo patterns.
  2. You guys are lucky. Over here (Malaysia) we have to pay import taxes for anything above 500 MYR (140 USD), which includes shipping cost into the total!
  3. I don't like the frosted canopy and the skinny arms. Is it just me or is the nose strangely angled downward a bit?
  4. The proportions are rather chunky compared to Peter Weller in the actual suit. Reminds me of the size difference between the CGI Iron Man and RDJ in an actual Iron Man suit...but in reverse. Makes you wonder how thin an actor has to be to fit in that Robocop suit and look proportionate. I remember watching the TV version of Robocop, and the actor looked ridiculously bulky in the suit.
  5. BFII was the only Battlefront game I played, and remains my first and best taste of Star Wars gaming to date. I was never a fan of MMORPG's or anything online, so I passed on most of the other SW games. SW The Force Unleashed was decent, but it just doesn't hit the spot. There's just nothing quite like trudging through the chaos of a scifi battle in stormtrooper armor, IMO.
  6. I loved BFII. Hell, I literally played the disc to death; the game just refused to load one day, after a good four months of repeated play. I'd kill for a BFIII, but only if the campaign mode is offline. I've heard too many horror stories about a$$holes online exploiting game glitches and throwing bitch fits through the text messaging system.
  7. What's with the weird hip articulation? Makes the batrroid look like it's trying to hold in it's pee while on guard duty. Just glad I picked up most of my favorite VF-1's while Yamato was still making them.
  8. The waist joint looks kind of funny, makes him look like he's wearing re metal diapers. Don't like how the ratcheting is exposed on the elbow joints either. The pics on the webpage don't show any accessories--would be nice if a pair of up-tilted palms were included for Iron Man's trademark repulsor blast pose.
  9. Out of curiosity, how does Springer scale in with Optimus? IIRC, Springer made his appearance only after Optimus died in the G1 cartoon, which means there might be no comparison shots from the cartoon itself. But using Hot Rod(imus) to "bridge the gap," shouldn't Springer be right about shoulder height next to OP?
  10. I've never bought any Valks from them, but from that one Figma purchase I did make, they provide quick delivery and good customer support. After Amiami's no-refunds-or-exchanges thing, I thought I'd found a good alternative. Now it's back to HLJ. I'll be missing you, Otacute!
  11. Sadly, that's way out of my budget for now (need to replace my home theater system) . Money aside, I never did like Shockwave's G-1 aesthetics. I don't hate it, but I prefer FOC or BH Shockwave's design to the original G1. Thankfully, Takara's MP designs almost always include some subtle design updates instead of following the 80's G1 proportions and detailing to a tee.
  12. Still looking to score a Springer, but passing on Blitzwing. Might have to forgo even Springer, seeing as my home theater system's been acting up recently, and I need to save some cash for a possible replacement. Metroplex is a confirmed no-go at this point. @mikeszekeley: I wanted to get BH Shockwave as a neo-G1 stand-in, but figured he's too small to scale in with the likes of MP-Starscream and Soundwave. Come to think of it, just how large is Shockwave supposed to be? IIRC, he's about Megatron's size in the G1 cartoons. The FOC game makes him look much smaller, only about shoulder height next to Megatron.
  13. Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this, but there isn't a home theater thread here. And since I use my home theater setup mostly for video games, this is the only thread I can think of posting this in. (Thanks for putting this in the right thread, Azreal!) Anyways, after at least 12 years of faithful service, my Altec Lansing ADA 890 speaker set is starting to act up, the subwoofer turning on and off on its own. Maybe it's trying to tell me it's ready to go to home-theater system heaven. Anyways, I'd appreciate it if you guys can recommend a good home theater system that's similar to my ADA 890 set in terms of sound quality, size and price. It'll have to be a satellite speaker set, due to lack of space. My budget is around 330 USD, max.
  14. Damn, and I was hoping to buy the 1st one. Resin kits are way above my modeling skill level. And at 100 USD?
  15. I can't give any specific input about the quality of Medicom figures, but as you're dealing with a fig dressed in a skin-tight suit, you'll probably have to deal with limited poses. Even if you can stretch the suit for more dynamic poses (HT Appleseed figs) the suit will eventually stretch out permanently if you leave it in that position for a prolonged period of time. The HT Jill Valentine Battle Suit fig I got is mostly posed in a neutral standing pose, because I didn't want to risk damaging or stretching the suit.
  16. @ VF-1A-FAN: Is that a "stock" DX-12 or a custom? Looks awesome on the bat-pod! @ Kicker: In a fit of extreme envy because I can't afford the price or space for a second Tumbler, I'll have to point out that the cammo Tumbler is not 100% screen accurate, as the one used in the movie has a cannon mounted on the right side, which was used to blow open the gates of Blackgate prison.
  17. Thanks for replying, Valk009! I'll definitely give the UV Cut clear coat a try.
  18. I've heard long ago that lacquer and enamel clear coats will yellow eventually. Recently, though, I read an article that says acrylic lacquers are non-yellowing. The lacquer paints that supposedly yellow are nitro-cellulose lacquers. Here's the question: Nippon's Pylox line of paints are described as "acrylic modified alkyd nitro-cellulose paints." So, does that make it a non-yellowing acrylic lacquer, or does it still yellow because it's still nitro-cellulose? Pylox paints are a cheap alternative to Tamiya paint for me, although I'll be limited to dark colors if they do yellow. I'll also have to stick to the more expensive Tamiya clear coats (confirmed as synthetic acrylic lacquers, and thus yellowing resistant), or use Future floor polish for gloss coats. Any advice?
  19. Logicoma? Would that be something of a precursor to the manga's Fuchikoma?
  20. Not crazy about not-Optimus. Severely lacks the IDW design's slimmer, athletic proportions, and the head sculpt looks like it could do with a lot of improvement. I'm almost positive Has/Tak can make a much better toy...as long as they stick to what they've been doing for Generations voyager Springer.
  21. Damn, Blitzwing's jet mode looks all hollow and gappy from the top.
  22. @Kicker: Thanks for the link! That bat symbol and cape on your customs DX12 is certainly an improvement. 12 faceplates and 5 heads?! That's awesome! Damn, the massive collection you two have are probably worth ten of thousands...probably hundred of thousands in kicker's case. @ prometheum: I just read a CDX review of the Spartan mkV, and damn, it's a thing of beauty. The weathering on it is just gorgeous.
  23. Bane looks so in character being able to hold his vest straps like that! From your description, the mod sounds pretty nasty, and with his rubber skin cut, that probably means he won't be able to go shirtless anymore. Would it be better to just get an HT heavy type body and put Bane's head and clothes on it? Thing is, I'm not sure if the heavy type body is able to bend its elbows as much as the Arnold body.
  24. Thanks for the tip, Kicker! Got any tutorials on how to replace those arms? Money's kind of tight with all the pre-orders I've made, so it'll take a while before I can find the spare cash to get an HT torso for the arms. BTW, when you said terminator arms, did you mean an actual Arnold fig, or sone of HT's stock bodies that are compatible with the Arnold fig. Getting an actual Arnold one might be too expensive for me considering after-market prices, not to mention wasteful. Wouldn't know what to do with the rest of the fig.
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