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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Thanks for the heads up, MT. What's a good substitute for IPA? The only stuff my hardware store sells besides methylated spirits and industrial lacquer thinner is acetone (definitely too strong for my plastic airbrush) and kerosene. AFAIK, Tamiya only sells enamel paint in bottles. If you have an airbrush, you can thin down the enamel paint and spray it through the AB.
  2. I've been sticking to Playstation consoles for three generations now, so I'll definitely be getting the PS4--though not until the initial bugs have been solved, and the price goes down a bit. I might even wait until a must-have game shows up. X-Boxes have never interested me, despite the massive popularity of Halo and Gears of War.
  3. FFVIII: Yeah, I hated the Laguna parts, too. But not nearly as much as I hate the magic drawing thing. Not a fan of the "scavenging stuff to upgrade your weapons" system either. It's kind of fun, but it can get extremely annoying when you have to pour hours just to get that single item you still need. FFVI: I've been meaning to play that game just to see for myself if it really is that good, but I don't know where to find a copy of it. I've never used PSN at all since I bought my PS3, so I don't know the first thing about downloading games. And with that user account scare a while back, I'm not keen on registering. Is there some place where I can buy and download it into my computer?
  4. I did a bit of googling, and methylated spirits is also known as denatured alcohol. Basically, it's alcohol with methyl added to make it undrinkable. Would that work?
  5. I've been hunting around for a good 3D printer, and this one called Up! Plus (aka Afinia in the USA) seems pretty good. It won the "Best Overall Experience" award in Make Magazine or something, apparently. At 1.5k USD, it's not a bad price, and since I was able to find a local online seller, I'm definitely saving up on shipping cost. I'm currently waiting for the UP! Plus 2 (due for release in June this year), which features auto-calibration. BTW, what autoCAD programs do you guys recommend for a complete beginner like me? I hear Blender is pretty good. A question on Shapeways: Just curious here. I keep seeing people upload their designs and add-on parts for figures in the website; do they make any money from the downloads?
  6. I dunno, most poeple I know of bought and liked Dirge of Cerberus--though I can't say for everyone else. I've heard some great things about FFVI, but never did play it. I'll admit it; I'm a graphics snob. Now if SE were to give that a revamp and give it the CG treatment, I'd be happy to get a copy of it. Yeah, the Draw skill was pretty damn annoying, especially the rare "good stuff" that you had to run around blindly while mashing the circle button (or was it the square button?). I'd rather stock up on ether like in FFVII any day.
  7. Sorry, my bad. I meant to say that the window cleaners used to clean off the Future are ammonia-based. But if alcohol is good enough to clean out Future, then it's problem solved. BTW, can I use methylated spirits instead of alcohol? It's the closest thing to alcohol that my local hardware store sells, and the pharmacies don't carry IPA for some reason.
  8. Incidentally, they fired the current CEO and replaced him with the company accountant. And his first decision as CEO was to cancel all "stagnant" franchises and focus on mobile and social gaming. Good point. Everything they made that had to do with VII sold well.
  9. Better graphics overall, as in completely redone FMV cutscenes and in-game graphics...or just up-scaled FMV cutscenes? If the in-game graphics are the same ones from the original PS1 game, I really don't see a reason to buy it. On the other hand, if they did a complete overhaul, I'd be willing to spare some cash for it. Truth be told, I bought my first PS console just to play this game way back when. That said, I wonder why they chose FFVIII instead of VII. I know they re-released VII with some added online features a while ago, but graphically and play-wise, it was the same FF VII they released on the PS1. IMO, FFVII has an overall better storyline, and frankly it's one of SE's most loved and bankable games.
  10. Many thanks for the tips, Noyhauser! I'll try out that Future/Windex/Tamiya matte mixture one of these days, and report back later. They don't sell Windex here; I'll try using Kao Magiclean window cleaner, which is said to be a good enough substitute for Windex when hand-brushing Tamiya paints. Should do the trick. As for airbrushing, I'm a little concerned about using Future through my AB, after reading some articles saying that ammonia damages the copper interior of the airbrush. Some say that just back-flushing ammonia-based cleaners is safe, but I think I'll wait until I have an extra AB before trying it out. Planning to get one of those HG airbrushes from Tamiya this Christmas, anyway. I can then use the old plastic one to AB Future. BTW, is Alclad aqua gloss acrylic based? With only a small spray booth and no respirator, I try to avoid AB'ing enamels or lacquers is possible.
  11. Maybe their idea of stealth is to paint it up in kid-friendly bright colors so it'll appear as a harmless little RC plane in the eyes of the enemy...before suicide-bombing you. That sounds eerily appropriate, given its country of origin.
  12. About that Iranian drone: where are its cameras? If it's non-combat like the Global Hawk and is guided via pre-programmed flight routes, then it's understandable. But what with the missiles/rockets strapped to the thing, wouldn't they need to see and aim at the target?
  13. @Noyhauser: You mentioned cutting Future with Tamiya matte. Can I still hand-brush it onto the model like unmixed Future? I've heard unconfirmed comments that the Tamiya matte might mess with Future's self-leveling properties. I do have an airbrush, but it's a very basic single-action one with non-adjustable air pressure, so AB'ing Future might be too difficult with such equipment. Besides, I don't want to risk having any of it drying inside the AB. BTW, those are some very beautifully built planes!
  14. X-02 and Falken: Whatever my opinions are regarding their looks, they were the planes I used exclusively after unlocking them in AC4 and 5 respectively. BTW, is it worth trying to unlock it in AC5? Does it perform as good or better than the Falken? I'm tempted to dust off my old copy of AC5 for old times' sake--I pray that I still have that game save in my memory card. Took me ages to complete that damn tunnel mission. It wasn't the dog-fighting, but escaping the damn tunnel that repeatedly crashed my plane! CFA-44: Shame that it doesn't perform as well as it looks. High stall speeds? Must be hell during those missions where you have to destroy ground-based targets or shoot out AWACS planes. Did you say RAIL GUN and Itano Circus-style missiles? Well, at least you won't have to worry about aiming and getting close enough for the targeting computer to lock on. Honestly, nothing short of a Klingon cloaking field is going to shield that thing from detection by radar or even the naked eye. I'm by no means an aviation expert, but shouldn't missiles have stabilizing fins? Looks like something they cobbled together using stuff you can buy out of Home Depot. And seriously, what is that thing stuck to the bottom of the drone? I'm not kidding; it looks exactly like that pot my late mother used to boil soup in.
  15. IMO, it most likely has to do with the character dying early in the show or something. Objectively speaking, I like the TV Kakizaki color scheme a lot, and bought his Valk the as soon as I had the spare cash. Besides, Vermillion Squadron just wouldn't be complete without him. *edited for typos.
  16. Thanks for the link, Ghost Train! I'll email them and see if they do ship to Malaysia. Incidentally, I found a local company that sells 3D printers, but the contact page insists that I insert a company name and office telephone number. I'm only interested in buying one for private use, not starting an actual company or anything.
  17. There's no SU-23? Well, it has to be one of the Sukhois. Could be the Berkut (the one with the forward canard wings, right?) or some other. It's been ages since I touched AC4, sadly. X-02: Oops, my bad. I could be thinking of that prototype plane from AC5, the one where you had to bomb out 2 factories to unlock. As much as I like using the laser cannon and the cockpit design with the fiber-optic screen, the overall aesthetics is kind of gaudy. Funny thing is, now that I'm looking at some googled pics of it, it does have a certain elegance, if not for that stork-like long nose. Actually, it depends on the color; looks much better in the black Razgriz scheme than it's original red. How many other fictional prototype planes are there in the AC franchise? I remember there was one I just hated. I'm still not crazy about the X-02, but it does have a certain beauty in high-speed mode. I'm just not a fan of the "W" shaped wings when it's cruising. CFA-44: Damn, that IS a gorgeous plane. I've never played AC6 due to the mediocre reviews, but I might just buy that game on clearance just to fly that plane. Love the black and white color scheme.
  18. @Ghost Train: Can I actually get my hands on the one you bought? As in, do they ship to Malaysia? I checked the international page, but it doesn't have a branch in Malaysia. A question about materials: so far, the only place I found that ships 3D printing internationally is a German company called 3D2print. It sells filaments instead of cartridges. Would this work with the machine you bought? BTW, what's Repraps?
  19. Never read the manga, TBH. Maybe it's time I started doing so. I never felt the need to do read them, since the Oshii movie seemed to encapsulate the whole Pupper Master arc.
  20. I've always preferred Pitch Black to the sequel. Pitch black had a more focused story, and IMO better characterization. The grown-up Jack angle was promising but didn't really play out all that well, and the whole Necromonger thing just wasn't my cup of tea. Chronicles was fine overall, but Pitch Black is still my favorite of the two.
  21. By 1.5 and 2.0, did you mean the two Stand Alone Complex seasons or the Mamoru Oshii movies? Just curious is all.
  22. Very true. I used the SU-23 a lot, IIRC. Might have to choose a color scheme that contrasts those of Yellow-13, as both planes look so similar in design. Wouldn't mind using that prototype plane you had to unlock in AC4 for Mobius 1. The design's kind of gaudy, but it is one of a kind, and supposedly the best plane in the game. Chopper was annoying, and Nagase whining about Chopper's death was even more annoying. AC4 told a more subtle, and honestly, a better story with a twist in the end. I love the way it was told from the eyes of a child caught in the middle of the war, and how it was depicted in anime stills. The atmosphere is just so much more emotive than the usual in-your-face CGI cutscenes.
  23. I can only blame myself for missing out on the VT-1. While the knurled hinges played a big part in my procrastination, I was juggling three separate collections at a time (TF Masterpieces, Hot Toys, Yamato valks), and barely had the cash to spare for a breakage-prone high-end valk. That, and the fact that I was too much of cheapskate to have one of Veef's shapeways hinges shipped to me from the USA. ...and I never knew Graham gave out free VT-1 hinges.
  24. Storywise, it's probably the best among all the PS2 era AC games. AC5's story was good too, but I can't deal with Nagase's overly-dramatic pacifism. If they do include a template for masking, I'm definitely getting the kit. Maybe even two kits, if the price is right--one for Yellow 13, and another for his wingman (or should it be wingwoman?) The video game nerd in me would also like to scrounge around for a similar-looking handkerchief to place next to a built Yellow 4 kit. BTW, that Raptor kit looks sweet!
  25. I don't know about toys, but Kotobukiya's released a couple of Jehuty kits, as well as a Vic Viper kit. Revoltech also released some ZoE kits as well.
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