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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Well, at least he's green, and a military vehicle. Probably would have been too much to ask for him to be a jeep, considering how Sideswipe turned out in ROTF.
  2. It doesn't? Must be a typo on the CDX article, because it said it was a die-cast version of ED. I can do without Murphy's face in the generic Robocop release, but it would have been nice to have it included in the "docking station" version. Damn, I have absolutely no luck in scoring news credits...
  3. Anyone hear about the HT Robocop announcements? They're releasing 3 items from the 80's movie: ED-209, Robocop, and Robocop with docking bay (aka his "maintenance" chair). All 3 are made with die-cast metal, and come with sound effects. The price is a real killer, though. Sucks that the Robocop fig doesn't come with Murphy's head without the helmet, just three mouthpieces.
  4. Thanks for the heads-up, MT! I had a feeling it was too good to be true.
  5. Honestly, I'm more concerned with the bot designs themselves. Pretty indifferent to the car modes; they've all been flashy and eye-catching since the first movie, so it's nothing new. That's exactly what I was thinking. Well, the Sam character would likely not have existed at all, since Bay doesn't do urban (none of his movies in the past have featured any "non-hero" type protagonists). Lennox and Epps would probably be the stars of the show. In all likelihood, those tweets came from his staff, or even "hired fans." It's typical propaganda; can't have people dissing you on your own website.
  6. I'll second that. I caught a few eps online, though sadly the eps were incomplete. Hoping to find a boxset at a local DVD store.
  7. Hard to believe this bike was designed way back in the 80's. It's just so effing beautiful and timeless.
  8. Thanks for the tips, Jardann! Never occurred to me to backflush the AB outdoors--one of the few times I'm actually glad I bought that battery-operated Tamiya compressor instead of the more heavy-duty but less portable ones. I heard that Tamiya acrylics can be made much more durable if you thinned them with lacquer thinner (Tamiya's own brand, at least) but I guess that would be too risky to do without a respirator. One more thing: The user manual for my airbrush says it can be used to spray enamel and lacquer paints. Does that mean the o-rings inside it are made of Teflon?
  9. Yup, it's him. Our friend Steve here wanted his little ET reboot with the whole "boy meets alien" thing, and pretty much overrode what Bay and the writers were initially planning (whatever that might be, though Bay hinted at something less urban and more military). And since he's the producer and one of Hollywood's big kahunas, Bay and Orci/Kurtzman had nothing but praises for his idea...in public, at least. FYI, he's also partly to blame for the stupid comedy in the movies. He kept encouraging Bay (who basically needs no encouragement when it comes to idiotic humor) to keep making those jokes. Bay kept saying Spielberg gave him high-fives whenever a joke appeared on screen, whenever he brought new footage to the man's house during production of the first movie. In the ROTF commentary, Orci and Kurtzman were also on record saying that it's the jokes that bind the difference age groups together.
  10. Personally, I was just happy because it was a sort-of hint that Arcadia wasn't abandoning the Macross franchise. Wouldn't touch that pink visor with a ten-foot pole, TBH.
  11. Good point, especially the part about Beast Machines. You basically just stood the toys upright, and that was the whole transformation sequence. When I first heard that Bay was going to redo the designs and that Hasbro was going to simplify the designs of the toys, my first thought was that Hasbro wants simpler designs to make toys of, and that they'll be going the WFC/FOC route with more "traditional" designs. But now that you mentioned Beast Machines, things might go horribly bad for the TF4 toys. As for ROTF Devastator, I think after the massive success of the first movie, Hasbro basically went into overdrive with the toys and souvenirs. They probably thought that the movie franchise was so strong that people will lap up just about anything that has to do with TF's. With that said, I think they'll limit things to subtle redesigns; I mean, the producers' statements keep pointing to them not wanting to rock the boat. Only time will tell, but I'm cautiously optimistic that Hasbro won't be going back to their Beast Machines days.
  12. I could ask, but I doubt he'll do it. I once asked him if he could start stocking some primer, and he just said nobody buys them, and I'm the only one who's ever asked for them. His answer to my rubbing alcohol request will probably be the same. He does sell lacquer thinner, but I'll have to upgrade to a much stronger spray booth before being able to safely use it for thinning paint and cleaning my AB. Interdental brushes? Sounds like something I can certainly use for my AB. Some recommend piper-cleaners, but I heard they can damage the insides of the AB. I've been using paper towels and it takes a long time to get things done, almost as long as my spraying sessions. I'll definitely look around for these at the local pharmacies (aka drug stores).
  13. There's just one problem with that. Hasbro needs to make toys out of those designs, and that's only going to make it harder to make toys out of than the "junkyard look."
  14. I've always wondered why those Global Hawks were so big. Now I know. That's what I was thinking. Since it's a model kit, you can paint that part any color you want to.
  15. That's doubly true for combat drones, as you'll need it to be big enough to carry all those missiles.
  16. @derex: Thanks! No Windex in my neck of the woods, but I'm going to try a few other local brands of window cleaner and see which ones can be used. @EXO: That sounds like a great idea! Not something I'd experiment on my one and only airbrush, though, TBH. I'll try it out ony my old plastic AB if and when I get that HG AB later this year.
  17. I just did a bit of googling and some modelers advice using distilled white vinegar to clean Future and even acrylics paints from your airbrush. Does this actually work?
  18. So it's basically just an Xbox One problem, right? Good thing I'm only planning to get the PS4. My broadband has a fair usage quota, so I can't afford to keep it online all day. Kinect stays on all the time? Yeah, that's really creepy. I'm glad I was never a fan of Xboxes.
  19. Chad sounds similar to "chutt" which is a vulgar word for penis. Richard, when pronounced improperly, also sounds similar. Certain locals who aren't fluent in English tend to pronounce Richard as "lee-chut." You've got to be kidding... Ironically, Fuk (or rather Fook) means prosperity in Cantonese. I've seen many Chinese try to get around it by avoiding the "F" by spelling it as "Phuque." Honestly, I think the parents of this guy must have hated him to have named him Fuk U. It's almost like a bad racist joke. That said, the use of the word fell out of favor even among non-overseas Chinese who don't have to worry about being made fun of by foreigners. The main reason is because it's old-fashioned, kind of like the Chinese version of Herbert, Earl, or Norman.
  20. 24 hour/registration? What's that? I've been reading up on some IGN PS4 articles, and supposedly, you don't need to connect to the internet at all unless you want to.
  21. LOL! I wish you WOULD send me some booze; I need a drink after as all this searching for IPA substitutes. In this case, I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and keep using Tamiya's own brand of acrylic thinner to clean my airbrush. They last a long time when used for thinning paints, but I can just see the contents shrinking in the bottle when I use it to back-flush my AB. If my wallet had hands, it'd throttle me right now.
  22. On the TF forums, her name is getting more attention and discussion than the fact that she going to be in TF4. And now you know why many non-Caucasians adopt "western" names when living overseas. ...But on the other hand, Primus help you if you're a foreigner named Chad or Richard living in Hong Kong. Those fluent in Cantonese will know what I'm talking about.
  23. You'll be surprised how fool-proof a can of spray paint and some quality masking tape can be...not to take any credit away from you, Jet7! BTW, those borders on the mechanical areas of his chest are so clean, that I wonder if you actually took the toy apart for painting. I gotta say, it's a very nicely done paint job.
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