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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Thanks for the tip, Chronocidal! The tools you mentioned (subtraction, union) are locked in the free version. Fortunately, I found a free Boolean tool plugin, and I'll give that a try later. Either way, I'll have to give Gmax a try one of these days. As I'm still exploring 3d rendering, I'd like to try out different rendering programs and see which ones suit me the most (Blender is NOT on my list of choices, I can guarantee you that much ).
  2. Does anyone know how to cut spherical holes into a model using Sketchup? I'm trying to make a ball-joint and socket for a TF head, and am not sure how to go about it. The ball joint isn't much of a problem--I just made a cylinder, put a downloaded sphere on one end, selected the cylinder and sphere, and then selected "create a group". Thing is, I've no idea how to cut a ball socket into the bottom of the bot's head. Any idea, anyone?
  3. In my defense, I don't collect SW figs and thus have no idea what's going on on that front. So, what's the problem with the SW toys? * edited for typos.
  4. Coupled with the recent Generations offerings, I'm starting to think Hasbro is finally beginning to appreciate the potential of the adult collector market.
  5. I offer no apologies to a company stupid enough to put rubber legs on a figure, massively increasing the risk of poor QC, which results in a bent leg and a broken ankle joint. My poor FF XIII-2 Lightning will never dance again...not that it could dance to begin with, but it can't even f**king stand on its own.
  6. Not sure what to make of it, really. It's a GI Joe jet pretending to be Jetfire, whose G1 toy itself was basically a "borrowed" DYRL VF-1S Hikaru.
  7. Japanese McFarlane? I'd say that a pretty accurate description! Probably the only thing keeping it in business is the fact that SE hold the license to a lot of cool games, than Playarts can make figs of the characters.
  8. I thought I'd give K another chance, and after trudging through the first 3-4 eps, it started getting a lot better. I'd like to have seen a more comprehensive backstory, though. I'm also getting addicted to Baka Test, and this is the third time I'm watching it.
  9. I only gave Blender a try because I heard it was popular with the 3d printing crowd--it didn't occur to me then that the majority of that crowd also happen to be experienced professional 3d rendering experts. I thought I could tough it out, but none of the damn controls made any sense to me. F**king sculpting tools were next to useless, and the only thing I managed to do right after tinkering with the software for a whole day was merge a cylinder and a cube...and that was after I spent over an hour googling for tutorials. Sketchup is definitely more layman-friendly than Blender. That's a great idea! The latest version of Blender can export straight to stl, which is the only thing that kept me from uninstalling it. Theoretically, you can save a model you rendered using Gmax as a file that Blender can open, and then export it as an stl file. If Gmax is free, I'll download it and see if I like it better than Sketchup. Does that mean I won't have to worry about scaling my model in the right size while I'm rendering it (i.e. I can draw a 10-inch cube and resize it to a one-inch cube using the printing software)? The UP! Plus2 comes with bundled software, which I hope will allow me to scale the model correctly.
  10. Unscrew the knees? I heard that you have to leave a gap between the knees, though. I didn't notice any screws near the knee area before, but I'll bring my VF-22 out of storage later and recheck. Thanks! Muchos Gracias! Wish I had that video the last time I transformed my VF-22 Gamlin. Saved and ready for reference when I bring out the VF-22 later tonight.
  11. The more I look at the pics, the more I like it. While I'm still not getting it (buying the 3d printer eliminated out any possibility of that) I wouldn't mind actually owning it if I had the cash to spare. Sure it's gaudy, but it's a good kind of gaudy...if that makes any sense.
  12. I could have won a Guinness world record for "most expletives shouted in 48 hours" in those two days I was using Blender.
  13. I hate Playarts figs. That rubbery texture is annoying, and when used to make the figure's legs, make it almost impossible to stand up on their own. Not a fan of the shoulder joints, either.
  14. IIRC, HT made an announcement way back when that they were working on the new rebooted version of Captain Harlock. Has that been released yet? Apparently, Square-Enix's PlayArts Kai is also making Captain Harlock figs of its own, along with that chick in the purple suit (I've never watched the anime).
  15. Wow, it sounds like the perfect software for 3d printing. I'll definitely keep this on my top 3 choices list. Some of the 3d renders that came up when I was googling the software look really good.
  16. I'm really happy to have stumbled on the Up! Plus2. It's super user-friendly, and basically outperforms everything in the market right now, including Shapeways. The minimum wall thickness is 1mm. Thanks for the recommendation on the CAD software, but Rhinoceros 3D seems a little too pricy for me, at 995 USD. I spent about 2420 USD for the Plus 2, which is a lot more than I initially expected, since the prices at online stores had it 1600 USD minus shipping. Not sure I can spare another 1K on software. I'm currently use the free version of Sketchup, which isn't half-bad. I even found a plugin that lets you export to STL format. Thing is, some of the more useful features are locked, and you'll have to make do by "Frankensteining" it with various plugins. I'm considering getting the Pro version (approx. 500 USD), but thought I'd try out other stuff first. In terms of user-friendliness, how does the Rhino3D software compare to Sketchup? I tried Blender for a couple of days, and it drove me up the wall. Just couldn't wrap my mind around it--though in my defense, I've never studied AutoCAD before. I've heard that one of the main selling points of the Plus printers is that the quality is good enough that you don't need to do any touching up on the model, other than remove it from the board and slicing off the support structures. I even read an article saying that in a test between the Plus, Shapeways and several other 3D printers, the Plus picked up on all the details of the subject (an owl). The Plus printer managed to print out even the nostrils of the owl, something even Shapeways failed to do. I applaud this beautiful plastic middle finger standing bravely in the face of HG.
  17. Okay, I'll try that out.
  18. I own one of the original GT-R Alternity Primes (the black one) and I hope the design for the new ones have at least improved. The paint on the trunk got scratched when I pegged the leg parts together, and his "abdomen" plate refused to peg in after only one transformation, because the tabs wore off. I'm really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the new Alternity toys, too, xtrentonx. Still haven't pulled the trigger on the one in my local hobby store yet; I just don't feel like paying that much for a faulty toy. BTW, I used to be very excited about the race queen fig, but damn, those arms! She looks like a fricking cyborg with all those joints. That said, having a figure to bring out the scale of the TF is nice.
  19. Just placed an order for an UP! Plus 2: Looked it up because it was the only one with a local supplier, and provided on-site support and a 12 month warranty. Heard plenty of good things about it, and it also has auto platform height and level calibration. Been tinkering with Sketchup to see if I can come up with some weapons for my figs. BTW, can anyone recommend a good and affordable 3D scanner?
  20. Just my two cents' worth, but I say go with Yoko. Yamato's practically defunct now, and it's products will only get scarcer. Gundam, on the other hand, will always be there.
  21. What he said. But...the challenges did keep me occupied for quite a while. That said, there really isn't any solid replayability once you're done with the challenges.
  22. You can also use chalk pastels diluted with water and a drop of detergent to break the water's surface. Great for weathering and panel-washing.
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