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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. I agree. With my first impression of her being from the anime with a feminine voice and all, I just can't see Hanji as anything other than a girl. A male Hanji would be like, I dunno, a metrosexual Professor Hojo (FFVII) or something. Well, what the franchise being as popular as it is, I guess he couldn't be bothered to improve his drawing skills.
  2. Well, that's more than enough reasons to give the manga a second look. BTW, how's Hanji gender ambiguous? She's always seemed like a typical obsessed female scientist, as far as I know. The only one that ever got me wondering was Armin.
  3. I'll give it another try. BTW, has Isayama improved his drawing skills at all, after all this time?
  4. Well, it's always good to end a season with a cliffhanger to keep the audience interested. I wonder if the 3rd season's delay is to get more people to buy the manga. Honestly, I'd read the manga if the artwork weren't so..."minimalist." I actually tried reading from where the anime left off, but after a few pages, I just gave up. Agreed. The thing is, they won't even have to wait for the next big thing to overtake Shingeki no Kyojin's popularity. I lost interest in Lost (no pun intended) after the 3rd season as the series began to drag on, offering an ever-expanding cast and meandering from one back story to the next. The wait between seasons doesn't help at all. While I'm still intrigued by Shingeki no Kyojin's story, my patience won't last forever.
  5. If you combine that with 3D-printed accessories (sanded, painted and detailed, for the usually non-DIY-inclined 1/6th scale collector) you guys could be making some decent money.
  6. I was thinking they might be using the Wolf thing to make things boil over between Rick and Morgan, and maybe cause a showdown, all the while making the viewers guess whether Wolf Dude could truly be reformed. So much for that theory.
  7. Thanks for the link! I must have been remembering a totally different freeware from AutoDesk. The screenshots of FreeCAD's UI look a lot like Sketchup's, and hopefully just as intuitive. Definitely giving this a try.
  8. With her tailoring skills, you could actually start a 3rd party business for 1/6th scale clothing. Seriously, there's a growing market out there, especially with collectors customizing their own "civvie" version of live-action comic characters.
  9. I missed out on the last half of the 5th season (not by choice; just some technical issues with the local cable company). Strangely, I don't seem to have missed all that much. It's almost like Hershel's farm all over again.
  10. WOW. I guess I should stop whining about how long 2D CGI takes to render. I thought Autodesk discontinued FreeCAD. I think they have a newer version, but if I recall correctly, the new version one doesn't allow file saves.
  11. LOL, true! TBH, quality animation does require the kind of hardware he's using. I've yet to do any CG rendering of my own yet (still polishing my sculpting and box modeling skills) but the tutorials I've watched kept talking about leaving the computer on overnight to complete a 100-pass CG image render. I can only imagine the kind of hardware it takes to render/animate CG visuals.
  12. Yeah, I've always wondered how Peter Parker could make a suit like that with minimal tailoring skills and equipment. I mean, the suit and eyepieces can be cannibalized one way or another, but the intricate web patterns on the suit...
  13. Just my 2 cents' worth here. What with most if not all 3D modeling software being designed for 64-bit, there's really no such thing as too much RAM or cores on a processor. Certain software don't really make use of higher-end hardware, though, such as Sketchup and Wings3D. No matter how powerful your GPU is, or how much RAM you have, things start to slow down after you reach a certain amount of polygonal density due to the software's own limitations. At 5000 polys, Sketchup models start to get all "jittery" when you move them. Blender and Wings3D can handle denser models (somewhere around 10k to 15k IIRC). ZBrush, though, remains stable at over 1 million polys, as it's designed that way. If you're planning to do rendering on your computer, I suggest you max up your RAM capacity and/or get a graphics card with as much dedicated RAM as possible. BTW, if you're into box modeling, I totally recommend Wings3D. All it took was a 3-minute intro video, and I was already getting the hang of it within a day. I'd like to recommend Blender, but it's not exactly the most user-friendly UI (nominated for understatement of the year). I do use it occasionally for specific work (retopology, refining low-poly meshes, etc.) but I do the vast majority of my hard surface and work in Wings3D and sculpt exclusively in ZBrush. Wings3D is also good for blocking out low poly base models, though. I've been making do with a 5-year old laptop with 4GB of RAM and a Core i5 processor, since I hardly do any rendering work. I recently bought a Dell XPS 8900 (i7 processor, GPU with 4GB dedicated RAM, 16GB DDR4 RAM and 2 TB HDD) to make use of ZBrush 4R7's 64-bit version, and planning to do some illustration rendering (as in non-animated CG artwork) on Blender Cycles or Keyshot. Definitely under-powered compared to ChaosYeti's PC, but it'll do for a ZBrush > Keyshot/Cycles workflow for CG illustrations. Hope this helps.
  14. VT-1 all the way. I've been hoping for a (non-exploding joints) reissue for years until Yamato bit the dust, and now that hope falls on Arcadia...or Bandai.
  15. Are the Hi Metal R Valks the same size as figma figures (I don't own any)? If so, I think Good Smile Company has some "base-model" figures as just naked humanoids, which might be an even better choice. They come in both genders. I don't remember the name for them though; you might have to search GSC's main site. Hope this helps.
  16. She looks certifiably huggable in that nekomimi crash helmet (can't wait for the figma figure)! In that case, I'm gonna burn through the next 2 seasons to see more Celty. Which isn't to say that the other characters aren't interesting, but Celty just steals the show. BTW, I just finished the first season of Assassination Classroom. Didn't expect to like it as much as I did.
  17. True. Frankly, It's nice to know that the author is at least legitimately expanding the plot lines with actual "meat" in them instead of just phoning it in.
  18. I don't mind if the story stretches on for another season or so, but only if it doesn't start meandering in an attempt to squeeze more money out of the series.
  19. Been binge-watching Bubblegum Crisis 2040. Now I see why everyone's been longing for a BD remaster. DVD quality's not too bad, but the series deserves the Blu-ray treatment. Also discovered Mezzo DSA. The animation quality holds up pretty well for an anime from the early 2000's. Love the over-the-top action scenes. At the same time, trying to catch up on Durarara, starting from the 1st season. I'm only 3 episodes in, but it's surprising how little screen time Celty's got. Even more surprised that she doesn't seem to be the star of the show.
  20. For the life of me, I could never tell one Spidey suit from the other. But then, I actually thought the Mark IV suit from IM 2 was a repaired Mark III. Nice! I'd kill for a diecast Mark VII release.
  21. I second that. He actually looks good enough among my MP collection. I might not even bite if TakaraTomy decides to release an MP Springer in the future.
  22. From what I've read, HT's biggest problems with QC mostly involves rubber materials. Either due to inexperience or other factors, the rubber materials on some of their figs can suffer from cracking (ED-209's infamous dry-rotting dome, even on the more recent version), "leaking" (IIRC, an early TDK Batman fig's suit suffers from chemical reactions between 2 different rubber types), and discoloration (early Iron Man crotch parts suffered from "pink briefs syndrome"). That said, it's mostly a case-by-case thing, and newer versions do benefit from improved R&D. As for the ASM Spidey fig, if you're more particular about the quality of head sculpts, I suggest you go with HT. With a few exceptions (RE Retribution Alice and IM 3 Pepper Potts), their heads sculpts are generally more realistic and accurate. Just my 2 cents' worth, though--I'm by no means an expert on 1/6 figs.
  23. Sorry to hear about your Vader fig, Derex. HT is known for making lifelike head sculpts and highly screen accurate figures, but QC can be hit-and-miss in certain ones. Their ED-209's suffered from "rubber rot syndrome" on the black dome parts and rubber leg joints--both the original release from several years back as well as the more recent one. A lot of collectors got burned when they thought HT had fixed the problem with their second "renewal" version.
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