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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Been lurking around at gaming forums, and while some have started to shift back to "Camp XB," others are still cautious. The always-on Kinect thing is still there, which worries a lot of people. As far as the US, the 1 has a good chance of recapturing the market, given that XB and its FPS games are always a hit with Americans. Not sure about the rest of the world, though. BTW, what's up with Windows 8? I've heard a lot of complaints about it, but not specifically what's wrong with it. Tough judging by the amount of rage, it's probably much worse than even Vista. If the term "douchebag" were added to a dictionary, it will be accompanied by a picture of his smug-ass face.
  2. I don't read up on XBox news usually. I was only drawn to the recent XB fiasco because almost everyone was talking about it. In that case, I guess the 1 is safe from piracy...for now...if what I heard about BD's being hacker-proof is true.
  3. Yup, one way or another. If they don't hack it for the DRM and online checking, they'll still do so for the ability to play copied games. BTW, does the One still use HD DVD or whatever they were using for the 360? I'm no expert on console engineering, but from what I've been told, the only thing that saved the PS3 from being hacked and modded was the Bluray disc.
  4. My wallet, is tellin' me no, but my glass shelf, my GLAAAAAASS shelf, is tellin' me yeeeeaah.... ... Ain't no way I'm skipping on this one. I just hope it's the middle or fall of 2014; need some time to save up some cash. Seriously, every other new collectible announced from now will be skipped in favor of the Arcadia V3(?) YF-19.
  5. BTW, and I'm just totally speculating here, do you think MS might reinstate their online checking DRM bullshit after sales have stabilized? For a company to have even come up with this authoritarian BS in the first place, I wouldn't put anything past them.
  6. Apparently, it only happens if you've upgraded your HDD. Those still using the original HDD's are reportedly unaffected.
  7. Anyone know where I can order clear plastic filaments? The distributor I bought the printer from doesn't seem to carry clear ones. That aside, is it safe to use filaments other than the ones sold by the same place you bought the printer?
  8. It's called the UP! Plus 2, otherwise known as the Alfinia or something in the US. Where did I buy it? Well, I just found this website that promotes the printer, got hold of a local reseller (based in China, but has resellers internationally) and ordered one. Retail price is about 1600 USD. +- But when you factor in the reseller's profits, I ended up paying over 2400 for it. On the bright side, everything was set up and installed for me, and tested to make sure it works fine, and all I have to do is text the guy for technical support in case I need help with something. There's also a 12-month warranty for it.
  9. I was hoping the same thing myself. Not sure how true this is, but some say that game companies start off developing games for the weaker system (XBox 360) first before porting it to the stronger one (PS3), resulting in the stronger one getting dragged down with glitches and poorer graphics than the system itself is capable of handling.
  10. Money talks. Still sticking to the PS4, though. Never been an XBox fan.
  11. Welcome on board Edson! I just bought a 3D printer myself, and I'll just add my 2 cents' worth here. One of the guys who delivered the printer said that clear plastic always comes out foggy/frosted when 3D printed. Honestly, I don't know how true this is, but that's what he said. At most, you can use clear filaments for tailights or landing-gear lights, which don't need to be clear and transparent. Not sure if this also applies to Shapeways--since they seem to be able to print things in glass and silver, they might be able to print out clear canopies. BTW, are you printing this at Shapeways or using your own printer?
  12. Glad I never got around to upgrading that HDD.
  13. Wasn't the movie actually made with a sequel in mind, what with
  14. Just gonna leave this here. TF-related, disturbingly hilarious and makes you wonder if the poster was serious or just trolling.
  15. In that case, you're in luck. Takara Tomy's consistently prioritized screen-accuracy for the MP TF's over toy-accuracy.
  16. Recently got hooked on Sket Dance. Much funnier than I expected--great for killing time and winding down after a long day. Occasionally watching an ep or two of Gunslinger Girl Il Theatrino. I started out thinking it was the second season of the original series, but it looks like a reboot of some sort.
  17. ...although The Venerable WM Cheng is likely too busy working on actual movie sets to be taking commissions, though.
  18. That is some seriously beautiful artwork--I might just download that pic and find a shop to print that on glossy paper for a poster. The contents of that box, on the other hand.... Honestly, the fighter mode is probably the prettiest of its three modes, which isn't saying much.
  19. ^ ^ Promising, but I'm tired of seeing another Bumblebee or Optimus from the movies. In any case, self-transforming robots would be a bitch to design for the movieverse ones. Too many parts that simply disappear or magically contort into crazy shapes. Not even sure if the thing has enough memory to keep track of all those different parts.
  20. Jetfire is the G1 toy that Hasbro "borrowed" from Takatoku's(?) Macross line. But since Takara and Takatoku were rivals back then, the former objected to the appearance of a rival company's toy appearing in the TF cartoon, which was also aired in Japan. Hasbro was obliged to make some aesthetic changes to the cartoon character and renamed him Skyfire. Hasbro, however, still sold the toy in the US, but named it Jetfire. Long story short, Jetfire = G1 toy, Skyfire = G1 cartoon character. You can read more about it here. Hell, everything I posted here was taken from that page.
  21. That's the very first thought that crossed my mind when I looked at the pics. The battroid's proportions are all wrong, and the hips have been brought up way too many times to warrant another mention. While I understand that some of those issues might have to do with the transformation and all, can't they at least make the head a little smaller? Any damn fool can see it's way too big for the rest of the kit.
  22. I heard somewhere that, starting with MP-10, TT is currently running through a list of 1984 TF characters/toys before even thinking of moving on to the later ones. If that's true, Skyfire will have to wait a while. But if that were true, what about that recently announced poll?
  23. Wow, this is like the MW Modeler Hall of Fame here! 505th, the only thing on your post I find more attractive than that Galactica kit, is your avatar.
  24. TBH, the question of whether to clear coat a model assembled or in pieces is a more a matter of economics than anything else, IMO. You'll almost certainly be using more of the spray when you spray the model in pieces. I've only ever clear coated a model kit in parts when building my Gundam Exia, to avoid dulling the clear green plastic GN drives or whatever they're called. Took up about a can UV Cut and two thirds of a can of Tamiya's flat clear coat. Pretty sure I'd have used far less spraying it as a completed kit. As for decals, yes, be VERY careful when spraying lacquer-based clear coats (which most clear sprays are) over decals. In fact, certain Tamiya ones actually have labels on them warning against doing so. I've never used acrylic clear coats before (couldn't get my hands on them) but the only ones I've heard of are sold in bottles, and have to either be airbrushed or hand-painted on. You can try using Future Floor Polish (now known as Pledge) as an alternative; it can even be hand-painted, since it self-levels. I panel line mine the Danny Choo way! Basically, I panel line the model using a Gundam fine marker and immediately wipe off the excess with tissue paper. Looks every bit as clean as a good panel wash, if not better. I've even managed to lightly weather the edges by adjusting the amount of ink I wipe off.
  25. Printed the sample bracelet last night. It's a thing of beauty, seriously. None of that rough texture you usually get from Shapeways. Even the print-lines are almost unnoticeable, especially in white.
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