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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. It's only natural. (Sort of) new company, new mold, new management, new price point, fluctuating currency. Right now we can only base our assumptions on what Yamato did in the past, and from Arcadia's other releases like the VF-1S Roy.
  2. Gosh, I am so f#@king glad I bought the bulk of my VF-1's before Yamato went under. An 8000 yen increase? I could buy a Figma figure with that kind of money. An extra stand and a few option parts can't possible cost that much. At this rate, I hate to imagine what they might ask for a reissue of the VT-1 Super Ostrich. Seeing as I now own a 3d printer, I should have just grabbed the Yamato version, cracked hinges be damned. I can print as many frakking hinges as I want right now.
  3. Blame it on the human brain. It's hard-wired to find human facial features in even abstract shapes and objects. It's how we read emotions from another person's expressions. Something called pareidolia, I think. Personally, I'm indifferent about cars having "faces". If you try hard enough, you'll see a face in any vehicle. Hell, you can even make out a head from ED-209's "torso", and it doesn't even have headlights or sensors to pass off as "eyes".
  4. Damn, the sight of that car just never fails to take my breath away.
  5. My thoughts exactly. Having extra missiles and FAST packs are cool, but not when it drives up the price. Added to that is the fact that a toy that large in box that large, is sure to be taxed to kingdom come. Depending on how much I've managed to save up when it's released as well as how much it's priced, I might just buy it. But odds are, I'll be sticking with my Yammie V2 YF-19.
  6. Been a PS gamer since the first PS console, and still don't feel the need to buy the X-Bone. BTW, I've no idea how many hours I've spent playing DW8 the past two weeks. And I have no idea why I can still find so much enthusiasm for a game that's been rehashing the same characters and plot for the eighth time now. That said, the "three elements system" and hypothetical routes offer a lot of replayability. Also, unlike DW7, each character now has his unique EX weapon. Well, I guess there's a reason why story of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms survives until today. It just doesn't get old.
  7. Combined mode is all kinds of awesome, but Onslaught's proportions could be better. His head looks small and mishapen. As with most 3rd party combiners, it's probably too rich for my blood, but it does look nice.
  8. I personally hate that his non-trailer alt mode reminds me of G1 Wheelie's. Really doesn't look like something a Prime, or ever the ultimate glaidator that he's supposed to be in the Hexatron comic, would transform into. I wonder how much he'll cost if he's the same size as Hexatron? I'd like to see HG even try to slap a C&D on a Chinese 3rd party company.
  9. @ 1/1 LowViz Lurker: Duly noted. Like I said, they're not exactly perfect, but I'm willing to live with those flaws, as they're acceptable to me. Frankly, the gullet doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would before I bought the V2. In fact, I don't even care if the chest doesn't lock; it stays in place well enough as long as I don't move the fig around too much. I treat my Valks as display pieces anyway, and rarely handle them. If there's one reason I'd buy the Arcadia YF-19, it'd be for the more proportionate battroid mode. That, and the missile gimmick.
  10. Not paying a cent more than what I paid for the YF-19, which was around 20,000 yen. I know the prices of Yamato's VF-19 were way higher than that, but it's just a personal threshold I gave myself. Frankly, I'm quite satistifed with my V2 YF-19 and YF-19 DN. They're not perfect, but they're good enough that I'm not determined to spend a huge amount for an improved version.
  11. It's HT; the only time you SHOULD be surprised is when you CAN tell it's a fig.
  12. Just brought Hexatron back from the store. He's a thing of beauty. I can't really find anything to complain about, other that some rather overly-tight areas and a rather pointless gimmick, in which he's able to remove his helmet, but inside it's just a "bald" head. I suspect there might have been a second helmet for him to wear, but was canceled. I do love the convertible shurikens! They feature retractable blades, and become his hubcaps when not in use. It's pretty hard to get his fingers to grip them, but once you do, they're really a sight to behold! So far, I've only transformed him into his wolf and star cruiser mode, and both look very nice. The wolf's head has pretty decent articulation, and the start cruiser looks the part. He's a very heavy toy, despite the lack of die-cast metal. I think he's got a crapload of quality plastic on him.
  13. Meh. To be fair, though, the new ED looks a lot better than what they put up on the site the first time around. Either way, the 80's one is still more iconic and definitely more recognizable.
  14. Ditto. I missed out on the original Armada SS for the simple reason that I hadn't started collecting toys back then. This is a great opportunity to finally own the toy, and an improved version at that!
  15. Just finished The Last of Us. I don't think I've ever been so depressed playing a video game before. The setting is just bleak, and the realistic CGI just makes it worse. That said, I don't think a video game's ever made me care so much about its characters like that either. The storytelling and characterization, while unoriginal and predictable, is expertly presented. Unlike most characters designed to make you go all warm and fuzzy inside, Ellie in the beginning does absolutely nothing to make you like her. As a player, I feel exactly as Joel does in my indifference towards the abrasive, potty-mouthed 14-year-old kid. But as the story unfolds and she lets her guard down, she starts to endear you to her in the subtlest ways, without you even knowing it. Kudos to the game director. I noticed a glitch during a new game plus playthrough. It seems that whenever I pick up and use a new weapon like the revolver or bow, the game either hangs or I some of the controls stop working. Anyone else experience this, too?
  16. Just started TLoU. Man, you'd have to have been lobotomized not to feel anything during that intro clip. And yes, now I understand why you guys said the humans were more dangerous than the infected zombies. The AI is scary! I threw a brick to get some guy's attention, hoping to sneak up behind him, but he stopped way short of where I wanted him to be. I tried a second time, and the whole crew came over to search the area! The AI here is leagues smarter than what I faced in Hitman - Absolution.
  17. Just a minor heads-up. I just checked my Lambor, and found that under certain lighting (dim or "warm" light), the hologram can look a little like the fake one. I brought the box out into the patio, and one then did I see the hologram. Good thing I bought the very first batch (so it can't have been a KO), and checked that my Sideswipe has the original's "evil eyes."
  18. At first glance, I thought it was a Japanese anime production. Like everyone else said, nice graphics, but given the comments about the plot, I'll only watch it from a video streaming site or something.
  19. Judging from past TF movies, I think trying to figure out a potential TF character from it's alt mode is probably pointless. In ROTF, Sideswipe was a silver Corvette concept, and Arcee was 3 bots rolled into one character. In DOTM, what was rumored to be Mirage and Wheeljack turned out to be a red Ferarri TF named Dino and a blue Mercedez named Que. That said, I'm holding some hope that that black and silver truck turns out to be Motormaster. Or, it could be just a black and silver truck.
  20. Which is why I'm hesitant about buying transformable kits. The very least one would like to do with these kits is to give them a clear coat to get rid of the plasticky finish. But with so many moving parts, it's hard to avoid scraping paint or clear coat off during transformation.
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