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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Wow, that's cool. How's the articulation on this?
  2. That's a ton of awesome packed into one single accessory! And here I was, tinkering with Sketchup and making plans for a 3d printed version...so much for that. Then again, I guess I can still use it for my own Yammie YF-19.
  3. That's some awesome 3D renders! I know exactly how hard it is to render something in 3D--took me over 2 weeks just to complete a scale version of MP Grimlock. That said, I didn't have the actual head, and had to rely on a set of pictures a helpful friend took using his own MP Grimlock.
  4. Finished Splinter Cell - Blacklist, including the solo campaign and all 4E missions, unlocking all six pieces of stealth and assault armor. Bought all SC-type weapons and fully-upgraded them (pistol, SMG, assault rifle, sniper rifle and shotgun). ...and lost all progress when the frakking game froze during a save in the Site F mission. I had to redo everything, but this time, I took the time to copy the save data to a thumb-drive after every mission. Good thing I did, as it froze again during the LNG Terminal cutscene with the fireman. The damn game's been lagging during inexplicably during several of the later missions sometimes, and there's little you can do except restart from the latest checkpoint, as it'll usually only get worse until you either reach a cutscene or complete the mission.
  5. Not exactly thrilled by the trailer. Seriously, did they HAVE to do the Ironman "facemask flip" thing? It's like how everyone started using slow-mo bullet scenes in their movies after it was popularized in The Matrix. And after seeing the metallic suit, I like the black version even less. "...something more "tactical."
  6. Am I seeing tampo'ed UN Spacy symbols on the sides of the nose? Or are those just pre-applied stickers Mr.K applied for the photo session? BTW, I see those same light boxes being sold at HLJ.
  7. I wouldn't mind paying 50 dollars for a Ratbat and a Cybertronian Laserbeak. But knowing TT, Even if they do sell Ratbat individually, he'll be packed with Squawktalk in order to tempt/coerce/force you to buy the next 2-pack consisting of Beastbox and some other random cassetticon.
  8. Never been a fan of Soundblaster, so it's hard to justify buying it just for one cassette. What are the chances of Ratbat being sold individually later, I wonder?
  9. Canting the intakes forward? Mind explaining in more detail? I almost never display my YF-19 in GERWALK mode (the fighter mode is just too damn sexy) so I have little experience in that particular mode (GERWALK).
  10. Gorgeous pics, VF-1A Fan! Is that the stock cape, or a custom one? The one that cape with my DX12 isn't quite as supple as the one you've got. Or did you soak it in softener or something?
  11. To be fair, though, that pic of the Yamato version wasn't posed that well. This might be a slightly closer comparison, pose-wise: Sadly, it still doesn't hide the hollowed back of the thighs.
  12. Same here. The Yamato 1/60 still holds up pretty well in my eyes, but that GERWALK mode on the Arcadia version just blows it out of the water. But depending on how much Arcadia's asking price is, I may have to pass, especially if my local hobby store doesn't bring it in. Import taxes and shipping will be brutal for something of that size and price. 260-300 USD is the absolute maximum I'm willing to pay for this, and only if I'm pre-ordering from a brick and mortar store. My Yamato 1/60 sort of takes away a bit of the urgency to own another YF-19, gorgeous as the Arcadia version is.
  13. All this while I was thinking it was just a prequel that recaps her earlier days in the military. I agree, why bother with an alternate universe? Motoko's origins have already been well-established and there's nothing wrong with it. I've got my own theories about this, if it isn't actually an alternate universe, but we'll just have to wait for the second OVA.
  14. Anyone played Splinter Cell: Black List yet? Thinking of buying it, but it'll be one of the last game I might buy for the year, having already spent so much recently. Any thoughts in replay value and general opinions? I heard that Michael Ironside isn't voicing Fisher this time. How much does it affect the game?
  15. I just watched GITS Arise - Border 1: Ghost Pain. Is this supposed to be a pilot episode or a movie like Solid State Society? Honestly, it's not as bad as I feared, but not nearly as good as the first Oshii movie. The plot is standard GITS fare, and pretty good, all things considered. Her origins are very different from the one stated in GITS: SAC 2nd Gig, though. But since SAC was produced with Masamune Shirow's involvement, I guess that cancels out the legitimacy of the Arise version.
  16. For the time being, I'd be happy if they re-issued the VT-1 Super Ostrich at a reasonable price (200-250 USD?).
  17. I didn't notice that rail on the canopy before in the pics of other collectors' Batmobiles. Was it built in or something you just added for stability or something? Either way, HT has truly outdone itself with this replica. Now why can't they put light-up panels on the Tumbler's dashboard, too?!
  18. This is me working part-time as an advertizing mascot in Chinatown during my high school years. Look, it wasn't exactly a safe neighborhood, okay? The cops were all on the take.
  19. The gun mode is kinda crappy. but I do like the bot mode. I agree with Valkyrie Hunter D; it does have more imposing proportions. I'm a little concerned about the back kibble, though. Frankly, it's a tad disappointing after MMC's awesome Hexatron fig. That said, I'm still pre-ordering it of my hobby store brings this in. I just noticed something. Is he supposed to be ALL clear purple plastic? I hope that's just photoshopping, because that would be horrible. I have no need for a "ghost" Shockwave. Oh, and I just realized he's not going to be MP scale, but Classics scale. Frak, I guess I'm not buying this, then; the whole purpose of my getting a rebooted G1 Shockwave was to display it with my MP/neo G1 figs.
  20. Nothing a bit of putty, some glue and a small sheet of plastic can't cover up, though. Unless something's actually supposed to plug into it. Gosh, that's a creepy possibility. Even from the first pic, you can some robot bits just hanging underneath. It probably wouldn't be so bad if the colors weren't so starkly contrasting, though.
  21. I'd buy that for a dollar.
  22. Looking good there, MickyG! Love the cammo patterns. BTW, those shoulder "lights" seem to be especially prone to paint chipping. Even on the VF-1D Virgin Road and VF-1J Max Type, Yamato included a caution note to remind you to be careful when transforming that particular area. As for getting better durability from your acrylic paints, Tamiya officially recommends thinning their acrylics with lacquer thinner (of the same brand, of course). You'll need a powerful spray booth and/or respirator to use lacquers indoors, though.
  23. Good one!
  24. Or worse, a naked Guld strapped to a BDI multi-tentacle harness walking towards him, and there's nowhere he can run.
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