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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. I heard that Artograph ones are the largest hobby booths in the market; it could easily hold a Hasegawa 1/48 scale YF-19. They're also pretty expensive, at 500 USD and up.
  2. Many thanks for the heads-up, Gunny! I don't usually do more than one MG sized kit at a time, so clogging shouldn't be much of a problem. I'm a rather "economical" painter when it comes to AB'ing and spray cans, so the booth should be able to handle spray cans if I'm careful. I don't usually do any mass spraying, as in spraying dozens of parts in a single pass. Question: If I use lacquer or enamel paints, do the filter and booth hold up to (industrial) lacquer thinner if I use it for cleaning? Also, do the LED strips from Ikea work with this? The top of the booth is curved, and I'm not sure if the LED strips can bend that much, if at all.
  3. Looking good there, MickyG! BTW, did you solved the issue with the paint scratching during transformation?
  4. I haven't watched a Jackie Chan film since Mr. Nice Guy, or was it that last Police Story movie with Nicholas Tze? His last few movies didn't even interest me enough to get the DVD's, but this one looks interesting.
  5. Glad to see Megatron finally making it back to the leader class list. I hope the design's going to be either the IDW bomber or Tank. Pretty sure Hasbro's staying away from guns (except Nerf designs, which I don't want). I don't collect BW figs, so a T-Rex Megs would be pointless for me. Loved the show, but didn't really like the toys. Jetfire's a bit of a surprise, considering the whole GI Joe fiasco with HG. Good to see Arcee's getting a deluxe fig, too. Jhiaxus's presence in the list probably means it's likely be inspired by the IDW design, which I'm perfectly okay with.
  6. Sure thing. I don't have any ongoing projects for now, but I'll probably have it set up and tested out before the end of this year. BTW, it's 3 cubic meters per minute airflow (or 107 CFM) is the bare minimum recommended by OSHA. Not the greatest, but at least it makes the cut for lacquer and enamel airbrushing, considering the price. I guess rattle cans aren't recommended for this thing.
  7. One last, and kind of off-topic question. Can I use industrial lacquer thinner on my Tamiya acrylics or should stick to the more expensive Tamiya lacquer thinner to be safe?
  8. Haha, that's nothing! You should see how some people in my country cram up to five electrical plugs onto one multi-socket adapter!
  9. Glad to hear that I won't need to be replacing those filters too often. My DIY booth needed a filter replacement after every 3-4 paint sessions; good thing those kitchen hood filters are pretty cheap, and I only need a small sheet of it. And thanks for the heads-up on the lighting. Even on my DIY booth, the lighting was pretty poor, and I had to make a holder out of cardboard for a mini flashlight to hold over the rim of the booth (ghetto-style, baby!). Guess it's time to get a proper lamp for the job. I've tried looking for AC filters everywhere, but it seems the local hardware stores just don't sell them. In Malaysia, almost all AC units are split types and the condenser units are mounted high up the walls, instead of at ground level like what I've seen in pics of American AC condensers. Almost no one services their own AC's here, other than the occasional washing of reusable filters in the indoor unit. BTW, those Paasche filters look almost identical to the kitchen hood filters I'm currently using for the DIY booth, and the price is more or less the same. I guess I can continue to use those, in this case.
  10. @Berttt: That is absolutely gorgeous! Out of curiosity, do you guys have custom-built dish washer-sized spray booths? Most normal sized ones don't look like they're large enough for a 1/48 scale plane to fit into.
  11. Holy crap, that's both crazy and impressive at the same time! I'm not even sure what I'm looking at here! How the hell did they do that, painting up a 3D object and make it look 2D?
  12. Thanks for replying, MickyG! I'm glad to say it should be safe for lacquers and enamels. After googling for hours and getting nowhere with the conflicting info, I stumbled on a DIY spraybooth article, which explained that "squirrel cage" blowers are preferable to the common axial ones, because the motors are usually located away from the direct airflow and therefore safe from the risk of sparks. Armed with a flashlight, I peered into the exhaust and found that the booth does indeed use a squirrel cage blower. That means it's safe to use lacquers and enamels on it. I guess that "not intended for flammable paints" clause was just pasted there for all lower-end booths that typically use axial fans, like the Master, Expo and Sparmax...except this particular one actually happens to use a squirrel cage blower instead. tl;dr, just found out it uses a squirrel cage blower, which means it's perfectly safe for lacquers and enamels. The question now is, is it strong enough to use with these more more toxic paints? BTW, what do you use for filters on this thing, MickyG? Will the common kitchen hood filters do the trick?
  13. At long last...I finally bought a proper spray booth! Just happened to see it being brought in at my local hobby store. While looks like a Tamiya Spray Work booth, it's not. It's a no-name model (there's logo with the name My Hobby on it, but the company doesn't seem to exist), but the specs are pretty decent. It can suck in 3 cubic meters of air per minute, which is at least 3 times that of what my current makeshift fan can do. The question is, will it be strong enough for me to use spray cans, enamels and lacquer paints indoors? Here are the specs: Fan Power: 20 Watts Voltage: 110 Volts Air Flow: 50 LFM Absorption Capacity: 3 cubic meters per minute Thanks in advance for any advice! BTW, many of the sites selling this and other brands of spray booth keep saying these are "not intended for use with flammable or explosive materials." Thing is, alcohol and solvent based paints are always flammable, whether it's acrylic (except for the specially-formulated water-based ones), enamel or lacquer. In any case, since the fan is actually located to the side and out of the way of airflow, shouldn't that make it safe against flammable paints? Is that just some legal gibberish that I don't have ot worry about?
  14. I'd buy it for 800 dollars...of it can make gourmet pancakes for me in the morning before taking out the trash.
  15. Crap, seems like Matterform doesn't ship to Malaysia. Now I'll have to look for a new 3D scanner. I'd seriously appreciate it if anyone can recommend a good 3D scanner.
  16. Thanks, I'll check that one out. So, basically all I have to do is connect the PS3 to the TV using an HDMI cable and plug the headphones (via the mixamp) into the TV? UPDATE: I just browsed through my TV's user manual and came across this: Surround: "S-FORCE Front Surround": Available for normal stereo broadcast and 5.1CH broadcast surround audio, and the audio input from connected equipment. Does that mean if I connect my PS3 to the TV via HDMI cable, activate this S-Force Front Surround, and plug in a pair of headphones, I'll be able to get at least simulated surround sound from the headphones?
  17. Can anyone give me advice on choosing a good pair of headphones for gaming, and how I can listen to Dolby Digital sound on it? I've been looking to replace my old home theater system for a while now, and I thought maybe headphones might be a good alternative--saves space, no need to keep the volume down past midnight, and super portable. I've set my sights on the Philips Fidelio L1. Is this suitable for gaming? My main concern is the ability of headphones to process Dolby Digital surround sound. I hear that some headphones actually have separate surround speakers instead of "simulated" surround sound; those would be preferable.
  18. Pretty damn late to the party, but I just watched the first ep. ...holy crap. I don't think I've given such a damn about an anime in a long time. Can't wait for my ISP's fair usage quota to top up again and continue with the rest of the series. Might as well start looking for an online shop that still has open pre-orders for the Mikasa figma while I'm waiting.
  19. That's exactly what I was expecting, too. Never even heard of this Jada before. Honestly, the first thing that comes to mind when I see that name is Will Smith's wife. To be fair, the 4" toys themselves don't look too bad, except for the "diaper crotch" syndrome the one on the right. Articulation remains to be seen.
  20. Aw man, I'll have to pay extra for shipping again, most probably HLJ. The local hobby store's pre-order for Mikasa was sold out age ago. Good to know that it's actually going in a fixed direction instead of wandering off the main plot like Naruto does oftentimes. I guess I'd better start watching, then! If anyone's looking for me, I'll be holed up in my man cave with a month's worth of MRE's and water, huddled over my laptop marathoning the series.
  21. Thanks for the advice, guys. I think I'll try out the emulators first. Never used an XBox controller before; not sure if I'll like it. If the emulators don't work so well, I'll then try out the XBox controller.
  22. Slightly off-topic, but can I actually connect the PS3's controller to a laptop via USB cable and use it for PC games? For that matter, can I use it charge the controller?
  23. One of the reasons I'm hesitant to start on this show is the possibility of it ending up as long-winded a Naruto, as someone posted earlier. Also, I don't want to end up hunting for a Figma Mikasa figure after watching the show, just like I did with Fate/Zero's Saber.
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