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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. I'm a little confused here. I thought clear coats (most of which are lacquer-based) are what you use to seal your paints in the first place. I noticed, however, that Tamiya's TS line are supposedly "acrylic lacquers", which I take to mean that they're safe to apply directly on acrylic paints.
  2. That's not a guess...that's a given. BTW, just got this back from the store:
  3. Wow, it's not even completed and ALREADY is looks this awesome! Can't wait to see the kit fully assembled and painted up!
  4. Wait till you see what's inside the box...
  5. Sorry, the pic isn't mine; too lazy to take pics. ...but yeah, brought Catwoman back from the store. Will be picking up Revoltech Raiden from the store today, hopefully.
  6. Seems like a fun action flick, if nothing else. Definitely worth a rental.
  7. Well, I'm not against all Japanese TF's. In fact, I was hoping for Galaxy Convoy to win, for the simple reason that I missed out on him back when the toy was still available. I wasn't even a collector at the time.
  8. Maybe, depending on the price. Thing is, I'm not sure if I can see myself buying a figure whose character I know nothing about, and one that's almost certainly expensive. Coupled by rapidly shrinking display real estate, I'll probably reserve the cash and the space for something else.
  9. Star Saber...I've heard this name being tossed around a lot in TF forums, and it's apparently very popular in Japan, and among those who enjoyed the G1 TF anime. Not my cup of tea, TBH. Most likely not buying this if it gets made into an MP toy.
  10. Not sure how I feel about buying a separate prologue to the actual game, even if it's cheap. Unless Ground Zeroes is essential to the story-telling in Phantom Pain, and the latter feel incomplete without the former, I'm not buying it.
  11. At this point, I'm so glad I've actually got enough patience to wait it out until a new console's "teething problems" are solved before putting down the cash for it. I actually waited 2 full years after the PS3's release before buying it. Probably won't wait that long for the PS4, depending on whether any good games get a release next year. Update the firmware on your TV? My damn TV can't even connect to the net!
  12. FF 15? Is that what they're calling FF Versus-13 these days? I'll be waiting for that to appear before taking the PS4 plunge, or if and when Star Wars Battlefront 3 comes along...or not, if there's actually a PS3 version for the latter.
  13. Display both the PS3 and PS4 vertically side-by-side (at least 4-6 inches distance from each other) or one on each side of the TV.
  14. Thanks for the info on CoD:G, guys. Sounds like I'll be picking it up. BTW, I noticed something very strange when I was testing my new home theater system. I tried playing Fall of Cybertron on it, and some of the in-game dialogue by the primary characters crackle when the letter "s" is pronounced. It only happens with FOC; I tried other games but everything else was fine, thankfully. Anyone experience this as well?
  15. Is Call of Duty - Ghosts (ps3) worth the buy? I'm a huge fan of Black (PS2), but haven't been able to find a worthy stand-in. Back to COD-G, IGN gave it about 8 points out of 10, and the solo campaign's playtime (10 hours) is decent for its genre. If it's anything like Black, I'd be really tempted to pick it up. FYI, I'm only in it for the single player campaign; not interested in online multiplayer. UPDATE: Sorry, my bad. I meant Call of Duty - Ghosts, not BF4 You kidding me?! 7-8 hours? That's almost as bad as the headset Sony made for the PS3. Well, at least it can be recharged even when the console's powered down. You're right, though. Time to look for a long micro usb cable.
  16. Me too! I'm currently playing through Ace Combat 5, Tekken 4, and Guilty Gear X2.
  17. Speaking of Sideswipe... The f^&king gutter in my house's balcony got flooded last night, and some of the boxed TF's I placed on the floor in an adjoining room got soaked through. The biggest casualty was MP-12 Lambor. The only side that didn't get turned into a soggy paper towels was the front. Well, at least the instructions and fig itself was fine. Not like I was planning on reselling the thing, thankfully.
  18. Thanks for the info! I'm buying it, then.
  19. To the guys who've played Arkham Origins, if I jumped into it without having played the previous two Arkham games, will it feel more like an incomplete story? Also, how's the replay value?
  20. For the price they're asking, those things shouldn't have to be replaced at all.
  21. TT's making Acid Storm but not TC or Skywarp?!
  22. Thanks for the list, David! I did a search, and most other off-the-shelf lacquer thinners have more or less the same stuff, except some also contain acetone, toluene and a few other hard-to-spell chemicals. I wonder if the extra stuff would make much of a difference.
  23. That booth you've got sounds awesome! You wouldn't have any problems going heavy with a rattle can using that thing, at 375 cfm. BTW, cardboard? Damn, I thought it was at least made of plywood.
  24. IIRC, The Major's always been somewhat mannish in the animated movies and shows.
  25. Damn, that's a beautiful fighter mode. And finally, they decided to tampo the flying kite symbol on the sides of the cockpit. Would have bought the thing for that alone, if I could afford it.
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