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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. I think there are different bow strengths for hunting and target practice crossbows. The latter is probably weakened to prevent over-penetration. Damn, can't believe I walked right into that one . Which is why I've decided to record the eps on DVR. The fast-forward button is the number one killer of cable TV commercials.
  2. One should hope so. Well, fingers crossed. Clearly, I haven't been doing my homework. I never knew there were so many non-posable figurines of SAC Motoko made. And that last one...please tell me that's just some guy's amateur attempt at customizing a Motoko figure. Still, sad that there's little to no love for the Oshii movie version. It was the movie that got me into anime in the first place.
  3. Me too. Given that Oshii's movie is one of the classics of the "golden age of anime" (the 90's, at any rate), I expected a ton of figs and statues to be made for it. Hell, even SAC stuff seems rather lacking in comparison to other comparative anime/manga franchises. It took MF like 13 years after the series to finally produce a Motoko figure. I know there was one other company that produced a Motoko fig, but that just makes 2, and nothing for the rest of the cast.
  4. $500's way too rich for my blood--even $200 is way too steep, given the low currency rate where I'm at now. I might settle for Kotobukiya's Logicoma kit if HLJ has it on sale. Trouble is, I never build the kits I buy.
  5. I can't believe I didn't know this existed. Must have confused this with both the Fewture and Revoltech ones--passed on those 2 because they didn't even come with static figurines to pose with the Tachi's.
  6. Good point. Wouldn't want the feminist brigade burning bras in protest of the show. Seriously though, to be perfectly honest, I have almost zero recollection of the original show--last time I watched it was when it first aired in the 80's. Now that you mention it, I vaguely remember some other guy who bites it early on and gets replaced by the princess.
  7. So they're going with a "sausage factory" team this time around?
  8. I've been hoping for years that MF might someday make an Oshii version Motoko and Batou.
  9. Just caught the latest ep on my DVR.
  10. GU-11

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Is it strange that its actually those acrylic keychain/character stands that made me decide to pull the trigger on buying these Valks? Ah, the power of moe.
  11. It actually looks WAY better without the turbines on the wings. Between that and the removed black striping, the fighter mode looks much sleeker.
  12. I hope this doesn't become a habit. I don't mind applying stickers, but depending on the quality, they peel off with time. And there's bound to be an ugly crease running down the middle since it's supposed to sit right smack between the 2 halves of the forearm.
  13. It stands at 25 centimeters tall in robot mode.
  14. Lost interest in Figmas for a while, but this is certainly on my to-buy list.
  15. I like the design concept behind them; robot head on an organic body. Depending on whether I have anything left over from my recent HT Iron Man pre-orders, I might go for the Ghost Mode edition.
  16. The Rook illustration is gorgeous! The art style is spot-on! Looking forward to seeing more!
  17. Given the size of them, dagger stands would be just about right. Not sure where you could buy these, though. Maybe check out some online edged weapons shops.
  18. The odds can't be any worse than that Russian guy who wanted to sue Kojima over the MGS theme song. Honestly, I find this version somewhat more believable. The "gaijin" version seems a little on the fantastical side.
  19. Yeah, the original movie did not age that well. That said, both Cheng and Kwok really looked the part, the latter in particular. It's like they stepped right out of the pages of the comic. At 9 inches long, those blades would make a pair of awesome desktop deco. Do they come with stands?
  20. To be fair, for someone who hasn't drawn professionally (not even as a hobby?) before his manga debut, he's done pretty well. Speaking of his origins, I remember reading somewhere that he got the idea for the story after an incident at a cafe where he worked. If I'm not mistaken, a really large foreigner who didn't speak Japanese physically threatened him or something, and he got the idea of an impossibly strong force that you can neither communicate with or reason with. Is this a true story or just a rumor that some of his fans made up?
  21. I remember seeing a complete set of 7-8 Storm Rider swords (1/6th scale) at my local hobby store once. Very nicely detailed and realistic, but I didn't pull the trigger on it since I don't own the accompanying 1/6 figures. Yeah, Ma is a really good traditional artist. I've never read the comics, but I've seen some illustrations during a Hong Kong comic artwork exhibition in Malaysia way back when. I guess switching to CG is inevitable for professional artists, what with almost everything going digital nowadays--easier editing, color corrections and even the ability to recycle artwork. The live action movie was a major hit, though it's more of a CG fest, with almost no actual martial arts involved (mind you, the 2 main actors are known more for their looks than anything else). The same can be said for the Pang Brothers sequel (Storm Warriors)--visually, it was a near-complete ripoff of 300, complete with CG blood and comic-style CG backgrounds. Story-wise, the first movie was much better. The sequel ended with a cliffhanger, but given the mediocre box-office reception and mixed reviews, we won't be seeing a 3rd movie any time soon. The Taiwanese TV adaptation is pretty decent as well. The first one was kinda meh, and one cannot unsee Vincent Zhou (Jet Li's lesser known classmate from his wushu academy days) that an awful wig, but the sequel told a much better story with less ridiculous costumes and hair.
  22. Nice finds, aaajin! I used to be a fan of the 90's live-action adaptation. The "Mighty Sword" is more commonly known as the Ultimate Sword. By far one of my favorite sword designs ever.
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