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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Thanks! The fact that the cockpit lights up is awesome. There aren't that many accessories, though. The Ghost comes with a katana and fabric robes, and there's a fully-articulated pilot with his own weapon, and he's clad in real fabric. And that's about it. LOL! Yeah, I'm really wracking my brains here figuring out where to display the fig when it arrives! That thing's so huge that it's too tall for the standard shelf space of a DETOLF! I'm actually considering getting it its own pedestal! That is one awesome Zoid! I was tempted to get one myself, but then I realize I just don't have the skill to replicate that kind of weathering. But damned if that isn't one gorgeous mech.
  2. It's already up for pre-order at my local hobby store. International orders should be popping up soon in other places.
  3. That's a relief! Which means I'm not out of the woods yet, am I? The original Yamato release was priced at around 150 USD according to the discontinued page I found at HLJ; hopefully it won't go beyond the 200-250 mark. I hope I won't have to resort to the infamous Ramen Diet to be able to afford it. Hopefully it'll only see a release in Q4 of 2014.
  4. I was personally hoping for just the armory and accessories. Without the DX12 fig, the price should have been a lot less.
  5. It's a pretty big investment for a non movie/anime/game affiliated figure, but there's just so much awesome packed into it that I could help myself. Now I know why it's called the Fullmetal Ghost; it's been basically haunting my dreams! It's also a whopping 18 inches tall, and weighs 7 kg (around 15 lbs).
  6. As much as I'm hoping for a VT-1 or VF-2SS, please let it not be until 2015. I've got so many heavy hitters pre-ordered for 2014 that I can't afford another one.
  7. Do pre-orders count? Because the deposit I had to pay for this thing has already cost me a lot: Also pre-ordered the MGS4 Ray kit:
  8. Just pre-ordered the kit. I'll probably give mine a matte finish so I won't have to go through the trouble of looking for the right tone of teal to match the box art.
  9. TDKR Armory set: Includes a crapload of accessories as well as what is basically the DX-12 fig without the Bruce Wayne HS. Comes in 3 combos: (Armory + Alfred Pennyworth + Bruce Wayne in a suit), (Armory + Alfred) , (Armory) See here for more details. Personally, I've been looking forward to this...and now I realize I can't afford it after having just pre-ordered the ThreeZero Fullmetal Ghost.
  10. Whoa, hey! You guys weren't talking about me over-scrutinizing or whatever, right? Because I wasn't even complaining. Hell, I don't even have an Arcadia VF-1S. All I said was that I only just now knew about the slanted skull thing after all these years, and now I'm a little self-conscious about it on my Yammie VF-1S's--period.
  11. @ Bertt: Absolutely gorgeous work.
  12. I have a horrible habit of buying stuff all across the board. If it looks good, it's bought. I don't even like M7, and yet I bought the VF-22S Gamlin because it looks cool in black.
  13. Wow. If they could paint a slanted skull on an actual multimillion dollar fighter...I guess I really shouldn't sweat the small stuff on my 150 USD fig.
  14. I'm not a fan of the truck, but the buggy looks awesome.
  15. I hate to say it, but that stand looks rather obtrusive. That said, there's really no way around it. The foot bases Kotobukiya uses on its kit won't be able to support the sheer weight of the 3A Ray, or stabilize it sufficiently.
  16. Ignorance really is bliss. I knew nothing about the crooked Jolly Roger symbols on Yammie VF-1S's until now. ...and now I can't stop staring at the damn skulls.
  17. Thanks for clarifying that, but what's with the teal colors? I googled some pics of MGS4 Ray just ot make sure I didn't remember it wrongly, and it wasn't teal, and it certainly wasn't glossy. It's hard to tell from the in-game lighting, but it looks more gray rather than teal.
  18. Glad to see I'm not the only one using Battlecry as a "substitute" for a proper Macross game. IIRC, Invasion was poorly received compared to Battlecry for various reasons.
  19. I'm a little confused by the pics. Isn't that teal-colored Ray supposed to be the Three A one that costs 400 USD? Not sure if the one below is the Kotobukiya kit or a different color scheme of the Three A Ray. BTW, I've never seen a teal Ray before. IIRC, the Rays that showed up in MSG2 and 4 were olive drab. And the one Raiden fought in MGR had the Desperado LLC colors.
  20. 1. VF-0S 2. YF-21 3. YF-19
  21. Arcee desperately needs an MP fig. The 3rd party ones just don't cut it with the funny-looking face sculpts. Cyclonus and Galvatron are a given. Unless MP Springer is significantly larger than the Generations one, the latter is good enough for me.
  22. That's good to know. If I'm fortunate, maybe some extra stock might trickle down to my local hobby store, so I can buy one without paying extra for import taxes. Or, hopefully, there are other cheapskates out there like me who are also waiting for a sale on that extra stock before taking the plunge.
  23. This being essentially the same base that was designed for the YF-21, it makes sense that it would support similarly large and/or heavy Valks.
  24. Thanks for the clarification. I guess I can perish the thought of getting any extra YF-19 stock on the cheap at an HLJ sale. In this case, I'll just have to make do with my Yammie 1/60 scale YF-19--at least it's not the 1/72 scale version.
  25. My dog can unlatch doors, and I never taught him to do so. I have another dog who's deathly afraid of him, so I keep him in a dog kennel sometimes. The other guy figured out how to unlatch the kennel from the outside all by himself. It's not exactly piloting a plane, but hey.... So yeah, I'm voting for the dogs.
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