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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Thanks, David! That makes it dry transfer, then--the sheet's white. One of the main reasons I don't like dry transfer is that once it's on the surface, it'll likely stick there. The last time I used dry transfer decals was on my MG Exia, and that didn't exactly end well. Foolishly tried to lift a decal up and readjust, but part of it stuck to the surface without any rubbing. With dry transfer, you pretty much have to get it right on the first try.
  2. Finally found some time to open up a recently-purchased MG Aile Strike Gundam RM version. Reading through the instructions now and hopefully will be able to get started soon. BTW, are the decals dry or wet transfer? Been ages since I last built a model kit; can't believe I can't even recognize the difference anymore.
  3. Nice artwork, Vepariga! Does she use a special fighting technique in order to use that sword effectively? Gotta agree with Knight26, it does look impractical. The only viable way of attacking seems to be vertical slashes-still seems cumbersome, thoguh. edit: Never mind, question answered. Dem Japanese and dem crazy anime weapons...
  4. I just marathoned nine episodes in a row. Instantly hooked! The anime is certainly prettier than the manga, making it much easier to enjoy the story and it's awesome characterization. This is by far one of the best anime shows I've watched in a long time.
  5. Roadbuster is a definite must-buy. Still undecided on Sky/Jetfire--those thruster feet make him look flatfooted, but it could well be a case of being lazily transformed. "Evasion mode" leader class Optimus is a mixed bag. The general proportions in both modes are good, but the plastic looks very cheap, and the arms are ugly. He's going to need a ton of silver drybrushing, weathering and some custom parts to look presentable--good news for professional customizers, I guess.
  6. Just watched Cowboy Bebop - The Movie (yeah, just took me about 13 years to get around to it). Now I have to hunt down the TV series because I fell instantly in love with it. Also bought the DVD set of Shingeki no Kyojin, and will be marathoning it soon. Tried to read the manga, but couldn't get past the rather "rough" quality of the artwork. Local cable TV's airing Guilty Crown, too. Good enough to keep me interested.
  7. Please tell me that's not the leader class toy.
  8. My thoughts exactly. Haven't watched the movie yet, but that scene in the trailer where he fights his way into the building and takes one several ED-209's really reminded me of the cutscene where Raiden fights those GEKKO's in the Middle East.
  9. What's wrong with Figma? The quality, likeness and general articulation is pretty good. Personally, I haven't owned a single Motoko fig because it's harder to find a shop that sells the ones made by lesser-known companies (my local hobby store mostly brings in Figma and Revoltech), so the Figma one will be my first.
  10. I'm just happy there's a figure of her at all. Been hoping for Figma to get around to making one for years. But yeah, an Arise version would be great. Her new look's grown on me. I wonder if a movie version is in the works as well.
  11. Given the fact that it's a fan movie with a mere 500 dollar budget, it's exceedingly good.
  12. Wow, that's horrible. Sorry to hear what happened. It's a good thing the ambient temperature here is so warm that I'll never have to try heating the printer like that.
  13. Hopefully there won't be any in the actual movie either. I've had it with the almighty airstrikes. To be fair, the military presence wasn't nearly as bad in DOTM, compared to ROTF,
  14. That robot with his face transforming into a gun looks kind of cool. It's crazy, but in a good way.
  15. In that case, it's surprising that MG Rex turned out to be game-accurate. Those pics I saw of Wood's take on Iron Man and the Zaku looks like he took his creative license a little too far.
  16. Yeah, but ninjas practice ninjutsu. not wushu. Modern Ninjutsu involves using chakra to walk on water, create clones out of logs and summon giant talking animals breaking bones, dislocating joints and maiming--practical, vicious, and subtle. That said, it's not very impressive on screen without added elements of "flashier" martial arts.
  17. Yeah well, if I didn't already have the Yammie 1/60 YF-19 and YF-21, it would have been a much harder decision. I just figured that I'd have to get an updated YF-21 in the future if I got the Arcadia YF-19, and it just wasn't worth the trouble or the cash. While the Arcadia version is certainly an improvement, I'm satisfied enough with the Yammie version that I don't feel much of a need for the new one, especially at that price. Yeah, a lot of people seem to think of the Gespenst whenever they look at pics of the Ghost, especially the head.
  18. Way to highlight the weaknesses of the toy by posting a comparison pic with MP-10 and ROTF leader class Optimus. It's articulated, though; I'll give it that much. The biggest problem here is that both Hasbro and ILM are basically pulling the movie designs in opposite directions. Hasbro is adamant in making simpler toys, while ILM, instead of making the designs a little simpler, actually did away with most of the car parts, making the new designs nigh impossible to transform without resorting to shell-forming. Frankly, I'm not even a fan of the new "King Arthur" look OP's got going on here, much less the toy.
  19. @Mechapilot77: Well, Industria Mechanika is a good place to look for original designs. Sadly, they're all either resin statues or garage model kits, and are mostly beyond my skill levels as an intermediate modeler. Still, the designs are gorgeous, especially the Rook and Drone Sniper. @xrentonx: LOL! If it's good enough to pass on the V2 YF-19, yeah, I'm definitely no regretting this purchase!
  20. I've pre-ordered one a while ago. I'm a massive fan of original (as in not affiliated with video games or movies) high-end figures like this. This fig just hits the mark on everything I like about robots: gorgeous weathering, fabric garments, cross-genre design, and it even comes with a fully articulated pilot figure to lend it a sense of scale. Truth be told, I actually passed on the Arcadia YF-19 to get this. The Yammie 1/60 V1 version's good enough for me (at least it's not the 1/72 scale one ), but this I gotta have!
  21. That, my friend, is a rather expensive way to kill time.
  22. Getting off-topic, but depending on the context, "chug" can be racially derogatory against Native Americans, or other aboriginal races in other countries, due to the negative stereotype that they tend to get drunk on just about anything they can get their hands on. Personally, I just call the whole damn lot neo-G1 (the toys, not the natives).
  23. Aw, sh!t. Should have read that more carefully. I though Takara was making a complex, MP-style version of the AoE OP. Whatever.
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