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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. The local hobby store is making me sweat bullets; still haven't opened pre-orders for Wheeljack yet. I hope I won't have to resort to buying it from HLJ and pay extra for shipping.
  2. What everyone else said: Briareos looks great, Deunan looks like a rejected character model for a new RE game.
  3. I'm currently breezing through easy mode on new game +. I wanted to take on normal mode, but the only piece of gear I've got that you might consider "strong" is the Stigma sword. I've still got a ways to go in buying some better swords and shields. In case you haven't noticed, yeah, I love overkill!
  4. I hope that's not the finalized style and design, because it looks like really amateurish fan art.
  5. Yeah, I'll connect the PS3's audio to the home theater system using a digital optical cable instead of the HDMI cable and see if it makes a difference. I'm hoping a different audio connection might solve the issue somehow. LOL! Yeah, I only found out about that new game plus device after I realized I couldn't stagger Bhunivelze enough without Aerora on all 3 schemas, and escaped to equip them. After returning to the cathedral, there it was. Ultimate Lair isn't that bad when you're dealing with the small to mid-sized enemies. It's the giant monsters and magic spammers that are a headache. A large portion of them are pushovers if you've sufficiently leveled up, and have set up a schema that you use exclusively as a shield (Snow's Ghost Hood or Preta Hood are the most invaluable items for this). Too bad your default weapon and shield don't remain as their Ultima forms when you replay the game--then again, they'd probably be overkill, what with the ability to upgrade your weapons. I'll do one more normal or easy run, and then take on hard mode, next.
  6. Never mind. Totally owned the fight after getting the Ultima weapon and shield before the final fight. Sort of off-topic, but has anyone ever experienced crackling sounds on their home theater systems when playing certain games? During the FMV's in Lightning Returns, there was an annoying crackling sound whenever the characters spoke words containing T's and S's. It's the same thing with the in-game cut scenes in Fall of Cybertron. I initially thought it was a loose wire, but this never happens on other games or DVD/BD movies. Is it normal for home theater systems that this happens with certain audio sources?
  7. Can anyone give me tips on how to beat Bhunivelze in Lightning Returns? I haven't fought him yet, but after getting my ass kicked all the way back to the ice age by Earth Eater Omega in the Ultimate Lair, I'm not sure if I'm ready to take on the final boss. Too late to do any more side quests, and I don't have enough money to buy any of the superior rank weapons and shields. This late in the game, I don't want to have to restart and hope to complete more quests the second time around, in order to strengthen myself for the final battle. Any way to start a new game + and double my stats through redoing side quests? I really miss level grinding.
  8. Yeah, I just only noticed the numbering on each main mission. I actually finished Mission 3 (Angel of Valhalla) before realizing I'd skipped Mission 2. Everything seems pretty easy at Luxerrion now.
  9. Thanks for the tips! As embarrassing as it is to admit, I'm playing on easy mode. Even so, it's just about manageable; not too easy, but easy enough that I can fight most enemies without breaking a sweat...so far. There are still plenty of monsters that I still wouldn't go near, though. Fortunately, I scored a mediguard from one of the desert monsters, and it helps a lot. It's not a common drop, unfortunately, so I might have to hunt for more of those things to get enough for at least 2 of my schematas and a few more to synthesize.
  10. I'm just 8+ hours into the game, and damn, the enemies are no pushovers. I'm staying away from those mech things in the Luxerrion graveyard for now. That said, the game play perfectly balances linearity and free-roaming, where every region had a quest or two that ties into the main plot, as well as the characters from XIII. The battle system is ridiculously addictive. I'm not sure how I feel about making you level up through quests instead of fights, though. Sure, it's a new take on things, but quests take time, and that's something you can't ever waste in this game. On the plus side, it eliminates the need for level-grinding. One minor problem here is the lack of regenerative spells. EP regeneration only works before or after battle, and potions don't do much good after your HP extends past a certain amount. Hope sells X-potions but those cost more EP than I'm willing to spare. It's like this game actually tries to keep you on edge, like how those old (read PS1 era) Resident Evil games do so by limiting the amount of ammo you can find. Or maybe I just haven't come across a regenerative schema yet? So far, I've been to Luxerrion, Yusnaan and the Wildlands, but none of the outfitters stock any "healer-type garbs".
  11. @ plastik: That's probably one of the most well-organized, "high-end" looking displays I've seen. I wonder if I could find some of those rope clip things locally; they'll certainly come in handy when I display the Fullmetal Ghost.
  12. Like most other Gundam kits I've bought, I know next to nothing about the Turn X, but I really want one. Love the design.
  13. Just finished Guilty Crown. I've only read mixed reviews of it, but I really like it. The ending was one of the few ones that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Nice plot twist at the end. Been watching Space Dandy, too. Loving every second of its zany retro craziness. Next up, BTOOOM!
  14. Liking what I see so far. Then again, ROTF has dropped my standards for TF movies so low that if AoE turns out to be somewhere along the lines of Armageddon or The Rock, I'll consider it a masterpiece. Wahlberg's a definite improvement over Shia.
  15. Beautiful beyond words, especially the GBP Armor.
  16. Thanks for explaining, guys. So, non-Macross WIP's and buildups still in the workbench thread, and finished builds in the Scale Model link thread in the Anime and Scifi forum. Got it.
  17. One more dumb question because I absolutely suck at reading rules and regulations: Where do I post finished non-Macross kits, customs, etc., since the model kits forum is only for finished Macross stuff? There's a thread at the Anime and Scifi forum, but it says, "Scale Model LINK thread." Where do the actual posts go?
  18. Just to make sure I'm not mistaken: So from now on, the workbench and workshop threads are for Macross-related builds only. You can still ask for model-building advice (for non-Macross kits) in those threads, right? Also, are all non-Macross model kit builds (Gundam, AC, etc.) and 3D-printed items or CAD designs go to the Anime or Science Fiction forum as individual threads?
  19. Still keeping an open mind until I see better pics, but I actually prefer the Generations mold--to be very honest, but I've never really liked G1 Bumblebee's design anyway.
  20. Never mind part of a roof, stock was so scarce over here that my hobby store couldn't even fulfill all their pre-orders. Some lucky bastards who ordered early might have been able to score one, but I have to wait for the second run in April.
  21. If that Stronghold fig is more or less MP-10's size, the I guess the Speeder would be about as large as a deluxe TF. The Flak Bike looks interesting too, BTW, doesn't Kit Lau work for HT, or was it 3A?
  22. Yet to watch the movie, but I've just read Ender's Game. Hope the movie lives up to the book. I wonder if the scenes where Ender deals with Stilson and Bonzo is shown in the movie, given the complaints come people made against the novel because of them. Just as with Game of Thrones, I keep seeing the primary characters with the faces of the actors in the live action movie.
  23. That "evasion mode" Optimus is a voyager? All this while I thought it was leader class. Whatever slight interest I might have had in it is pretty much gone now, as it'll be out of scale with ROTF leader class Optimus. And someone has to tell Bay that the samurai are a class of warriors from Japan's feudal era, not China. Or is he going to make a joke out of Drift being culturally confused or something?
  24. And I thought Seifer's and Squall's gunblade fight from FF VIII was crazy! The action sounds awesome, though. I might check out the anime some time--been hearing a lot of good things about it.
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