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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. I do like the updated head design and paint scheme, although you just can't beat the classics. Back when Yamato was still around, the answer would have been a resounding yes. I'm not so keen on paying Arcadia prices, however.
  2. Sweet! I missed out on Red Alert the first time.
  3. Gorgeous build! What scale is it? 1/72? At 1/60, the Yamato fig was huge; I can't imagine how large a 1/48 SV-51 would look like. Probably can't even fit it into a standard spray booth.
  4. Glad to see you're getting along pretty well there! Get well soon and show us some new builds!
  5. Yeah, the TV series is quickly catching up to the books, and will probably overtake the books if Martin doesn't finish the next book, pronto. That said, I heard that Martin's already handed out some notes to the writers and/or producers containing details regarding the rest of the story, in case he either dies of old age or fails to complete the books before the TV series catches up. The TV series also seems to be deviating a little, which is refreshing, to be honest. I seriously hope they cut out most of the stuff with Danaerys's political struggles in Slaver's Bay. While it wasn't boring, it seems to just stagnate there, like Arya's training with the Faceless Men.
  6. LOL! The house has to take precedence!
  7. Wish I could pull the trigger on this, but the DETOLF is already filled to capacity, and almost every imaginable surface in my display room has been occupied by either HT figs or Valks. That, and the fact that I've currently got way too much on my plate right now.
  8. Good point. Personally, it's not an option for me because of I don't have their recommended brand of paints. Using equivalent paints from another brand might make it inaccurate at best, and turn out like crap at worst. I'm just not sure about mixing solid and clear colors together.
  9. Ray looks pretty good in matte colors--looks like they went with neutral gray. Almost reminds me of the ZOE Jehuty's colors. It's just crazy how hard this thing's colors are to pin down. The images from the game seems to shift between a pale grayish green to a drab olive and gray mixture. I might go for a full paint job and color it like that image in the magazine. The contrast between the pale gold and matte gray is gorgeous. Besides, it's a good idea to paint the kit, as there will be some sprue marks and seam lines in some rather noticeable places like the shins. If you want to hide those by sanding and filling the seam lines, there's no choice but to paint over everything. I can't wait to build the kit, Indigo, but right now, I'm in the middle of building a DMK Bumblebee kit. I'll have to finish that one first before taking on the Ray...hopefully by mid-May. BTW, I'd love to see your take on the Ray--if there's anyone who can do justice to this kit, it's you!
  10. That would be awesome, Crazydude! To be honest, my wallet's a little on the skinny side right now (just bought a compressor, ordered an airbrush, just paid a couple of model kits, and waiting for the Full-metal Ghost to arrive...not to mention saving up for a PS4) and I don't know how much the shipping's going to cost me, all the way from the US. Besides, a bottle of gray powder might not be something I'd like to import right now, so soon after MH370. BTW, if and when I can afford to buy some, can I pay you back via PayPal? Not sure how else to go about it.
  11. That's a real bummer. It looked like the perfect substitute for Alclad paints. I guess I'll have to make do with Tamiya metallics and maybe some of those chrome foil stickers HLJ's selling. Thanks anyway!
  12. That "Kosutte Ginsan" stuff looks like something that'll come in very handy for me, given how hard it is to find Alclad paints around here. I searched for it at HLJ, but couldn't find it. Is it even available at HLJ or AmiAmi?
  13. I finally decided to pull the trigger (pun intended) on the back-ordered HG III. I contacted HLJ, and while they don't usually get parts for customers, they said they understand that airbrushes will eventually need replacement parts, and kindly agreed to help me order stuff like needles and nozzles if and when I need them. I was kind of torn between the HG III and the Iwata Eclipse HP-CS, but the HG III seems easier to clean and maintain. I really like the HP-CS's self-centering needle feature, but it seems that self-centering AB's take more time to clean and maintain. My trusty Spraywork basic AB is a simple semi-double action trigger type airbrush, and even that takes about 10-15 minutes for a thorough cleaning every 2-3 paint sessions. I don't want to spend more time cleaning my tools than I spend using them. Either way, both AB's have gotten good reviews and are made by Iwata anyway.
  14. At least you'll get to see the show in its entirety. To call the local censorship board trigger-happy is an understatement--swear words, gore and even non-nude "love scenes" end up on the chopping board even if the movie's rated for mature content...like there's even any mature content left in it. I wouldn't even have known what happened to Cercei and Jamie if I didn't browse the GoT threads here.
  15. Just received my MG Ray kit! The box itself is a work of art! After reading the manual, I've no idea how I'm ever going to be able to replicate those glossy colors with Tamiya paints. While Tamiya has most of the equivalent colors, the same relative color from different brands will result in a slightly different tone. Mixing several different equivalent colors from a different company is almost guaranteed to result in an inaccurate color. The colors were also quite weird, at least two clears mixed with solid colors. I think I'll just stick to the concept art colors and just do an unpainted build. Will definitely do some panel lining and maybe copper or gold on the metal parts to highlight the kit and give it some contrast, though.
  16. That's certainly good news. It means the hose is definitely 1/8", given that it's too small for the basic airbrush. But that aside.... The airbrushing gods must really hate me. I went to the Tamiya store today, only to be told that they don't carry the HG III airbrush. Good news is, it's available at HLJ, but on back-order. Something else caught my eye, though. HLJ has this "original" Beauti 4 airbrush that's basically a customized version of the Airtex Beauti 4+. The biggest difference is that it has Teflon O-rings, making it suitable for spraying lacquer paint, as well as a larger 15cc paint cup. Is this any good? It's cheaper than Tamiya's HG III, and seems to have all the features that the HG III has, and it's in stock right now. The thicker body also means it'll be easier to hold. I'm really tempted to get this.
  17. Thanks, Kylwell! That's a great tip! I do have one more question; how do you tell the difference between a 1/8" hose connector and a 1/4 one? Is the difference big enough to notice with the naked eye? My Sparmax compressor doesn't specify whether the air outlet hose uses a 1/8" or 1/4" connector. I've heard that all Sparmax compressors use 1/8" connectors, but the strange thing is my Tamiya Basic airbrush actually sort-of fits into the hose--the basic airbrush's joint cap is supposedly a different size than the 1/8" hose connectors. Tamiya didn't specify what size the basic airbrush's hose connector is, but posts from other forums say it supposedly works with 1/4" hoses. Actually, I can only screw the hose in about 2-3 turns--it doesn't screw in low enough to reach the o-ring. Viewed with the naked eye, the hose connectors for the Saprmax and Basic Compressor look the same, though. I checked online, and the manual on a slightly difference version of my compressor (TC-610H instead of TC-610 which is mine) specified that the hose is 1/8", but the one included with the TC-610H is braided, and mine isn't. Also, the H variant has a metal casing on it, while mine doesn't--I'm not sure if there are any differences also, as in the size of the air outlet connectors. I just want to confirm this so I can just buy a hose or adapter at the same time I get that HG III airbrush, and get back home and start using the airbrush on the same day. Thanks in advance!
  18. Just one more off-topic reply for the road... That sounds about right. Actually, that sounds like how I used to draw as a kid, using angles and stuff to hide hands and feet. Wow, how's this guy still in business? And...back on topic. My local hobby store better start opening pre-orders for MP Wheeljack soon, cause I'm sweating bullets right now. HLJ has already stopped orders for WJ. Should have pulled the trigger instead of waiting on the hobby store.
  19. Sounds like he just stopped caring after he realized he could get away with just about anything. I still remember the comics boom back in the 90's. A friend of mine was obsessed with them. Hell, he even talked me into buying some Ripclaw comics. He seemed like a Native American Wolverine to me, but I liked the artwork. Is Top Cow still around anymore? Caught as in lawsuit, or someone just realized it but no one did a thing?
  20. Frankly, I'm not too big a fan of Big Convoy or beast-formers in general, but fair enough. Still, there is the issue of screen accuracy. I don't know whether the toy or the manga/anime came first, but Big Convoy looks consistent with it in toy form. Whether a toy is "good" or "bad" is subjective, but AoE Optimus is certainly NOT screen accurate. AoE Optimus was designed such that it's almost impossible for him to realistically have an alt mode, and only transforms on screen through "smoke and mirrors." Since the toy doesn't have the luxury of CGI magic, it has a ton of car parts hanging off him that aren't supposed to be there in the CGI, and simply hides inside a truck shell. I don't blame Hasbro for this, but the design itself is just ridiculous. If OP looked and transformed like that in the movie, I wouldn't have too much of a problem with it. I'd still have a problem with it, just not as much.
  21. Yeah, at this point, I just have to ask, "why bother?" Bay is pushing for ever more complicated designs, while Hasbro is trying to keep it simple for the kids. This whole shell-formers thing the Otpimus toy has going on here is beyond ridiculous. Then again, it is cheaper and more convenient to just get this, than to get a 1/35 scale Western Star kit and a (possible, but unlikely) DMK AoE Optimus kit. At least the deluxe toys don't look too bad.
  22. Oh wow, it's hilariously painful to look at some of those drawings! At least he knows what he's famous for, for better or worse.
  23. I keep hearing this Liefield guy's name pretty often. So he's basically famous for sucking at what he does? Kinda reminds me of Uwe Boll.
  24. Looking forward to seeing pics of that 1/12 Stick Ride Armor! For what it's worth, I hope you get well soon.
  25. Agreed on the first 7. Minibots? Not so much. They're impossible to scale in properly with the rest of the MP figs. I know, I know; the words "Transformers" and "scale" do not belong on the same sentence, but it's a personal peeve of mine. Kinda disappointed, really. It would have meant that UM would be somewhat cheaper and takes up less shelf space than a ginormous toy designed from the ground up. And thus, a new word was coined.
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