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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Wow, I had no idea. It makes perfect sense now, why he'd go back to porn. For the longest time, I kept wondering why he'd actually do the opposite of a manga artist's career, which is to start out doing "ecchi" stuff before going "mainstream."
  2. Yeah, with the way things are unfolding, that's certainly a possibility. I'm really curious to see what Cersei will do when Jon is at the gates of King's Landing, proposing an alliance against the White Walkers. Or when Dany rides Drogon straight into the inner courtyard of the castle. You know, those Red Priests all seem dodgy and scheming to me.
  3. I just read Pandora's wiki page, and it's in no way similar for GITS, not that I was expecting it to, honestly. If anything, it shares more similarities with GUNNM. Nice to see that Masamune hasn't completely given up on scifi. Can't say I blame him for going the porn route, though; who doesn't want to make a living drawing naked chicks? You have a point about the choice of guns being less fancy. I actually thought she was using an FN P90 until she mentioned it by name in the armored truck, that it was a Zastaba.
  4. True. The movie's tone would have become "bipolar" if Oshii had tried to inject the humor from the manga into it. Real-world guns? I clearly remember that the assault rifle the Major was using was a Zastaba (which the dub mistakenly called a "Zastaber"). I mean, there were real-life firearms being featured, like Togusa's Mateba (erronously pronounced as "Matever" in the dub) and the Uzi the ghosk-hacked guy was using, but I think The Major's weapons were all Seburo. I had to google Pandora in the Crimson Shell. The title sounds almost like a parody of GitS, but I'm intrigued enough to put it on my list of anime to watch.
  5. I've only read a few pages of the GitS manga (the infamous "lezbo three-way on a yacht" scene, to be specific) and I was totally caught off-guard by how comically Batou was depicted. I was so used to the stoic Oshii Batou. In any case, I think it would be a good idea to give the manga a try. It would probably seem like a completely different story, given how almost polar opposites the characters in the movies and manga behave. Speaking of decisions, I wonder why he quit making scifi manga--IIRC, it was right after the Kobe earthquake over a decade ago. Last I heard, he's focusing on manga porn artbooks.
  6. In that case, Arise's Major is definitely manga-accurate. She's also the coldest in comparison with her SAC and Oshii incarnations. BTW, is the manga version of her more expressive and, dare I say, playful? I could have sworn I saw a pic of the manga Motoko sticking out her tongue at Aramaki.
  7. I just watched GitS The New Movie. Not bad, but unnecessarily convoluted, and the "twist" at the very end was way too predictable. I do like the group dynamics, though, especially how everyone messes around with Togusa for being a rookie in the team. Is it just me or has the GitS Arise series become even more jingoist than SAC 2nd Gig? I don't know if this was the case in the manga, but the Oshii movies were more focused on philosophy and cyberization. Then again, given Japan's current political situation, it's only natural that they'd write the story the way it is. I also just finished the first season of Cross Ange, which is a surprise because I don't usually go for "fanservice-y" anime.
  8. I think she'll have to fight her way up from King's Landing first, unless the White Walkers reach the south before she does. I don't remember much of GoT's geography, though. Can she sail straight to the north from where she is? Come to think of it, she doesn't even know the White Wlakers exist. As for Sam, he stole Heartsbane, so that has to figure into the bigger picture somewhere down the line, since Valyrian steel can kill White Walkers.
  9. Good point. She's been through a couple of betrayals in the past, and it's probably hard for her to tell friend from foe. Then again, Ser Friend Zone Jorah might have opened her to the possibility that some people can be redeemed after all. At this point, I'm curious what she'll make of Euron if and when they meet. Roused, yes, and very much terrified. The moment the Dothraki reach the shores of Westeros, they'll make the Wildling raids seem like nothing. But in the long run, they won't likely be able to subvert the Westerosi indefinitely. If the Dothraki were patterned after the Mongol hordes, history has proven that it's much easier to conquer than to rule. Also, the Dothraki probably never experienced a winter in their lives (I could be wrong, though). And this winter is said to be one of the harshest and longest ones in history. They'll probably die from the cold by the thousands.
  10. Roose's death was a bit of a surprise; I actually expected it to be the other way around. I mean, he should have seen it coming from a mile away. It's not like he doesn't know the kind of person Ramsay is.
  11. The MK42, 45 and 46 were also diecast. I think they're gonna go with the diecast thing for a while, especially as an excuse to revisit older designs. I wouldn't mind picking up a diecast MK.VII myself. Yeah, I like the look of the MK. 46 too. It's a refreshing look from the more blocky designs in IM3. As for favorites, I gotta go with the MK.IX. It's got an uncharacteristic bulkiness around the legs that I really like. with the chest of the MK. VII, which is IMO one of the sexiest IM suit chest designs I've seen, barring the MK. 46. Sadly, I can't buy anything from the Sideshows site. It just won't ship to the country where I'm at. And my local hobby stores either don't or can't bring in exclusive versions.
  12. A gorgeous rendering of my favorite valk! BTW, lol at the Donald Trump test background!
  13. And...it gets more expensive if you want old shell-head to pose with Cap: I just hope I have enough for this after paying for my diecast MK1 War Machine.
  14. I didn't know there was a Macross fanart thread here. Those drawings are awesome, Drew!
  15. Beautiful renders! If I may ask, what software did you use?
  16. Ah, the infamous "hands sticking out from the jet mode's a$$" on ROTF voyager Starscream.
  17. Yup. The half-hidden katakana apparently says, "April Fool."
  18. Word of caution; don't use those crotch hooks on a rubber suit--should be okay for photos, but not for extended periods of time. I've seen pics of TDK suits with two rather embarrassing indents where the testicles would be. BTW, if you have a TDK® Batman and a 1/6 scale Tumbler, resist the urge to place him in the driver's seat. The rubber material around the thighs will crease if you bend them too much. The Batman Begins fig is reportedly okay, but not the TDK ones.
  19. Nice! IIRC, the Keaton suits weren't really designed for dynamic movement anyway. He couldn't even turn his head in the actual suit. TBH, the Keaton suits are my favorites. The heavy leather cape really lends an air of intimidation. Sadly, I'd already had too much on my plate when these were released, and had to pass.
  20. Nice! You've got some serious art talent, Hikaru!
  21. How on God's green earth does one take a gorgeous illustration like this and end up with that? Damn, that looks more like Motoko's male stunt double!
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