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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. A very good point, but in the anime, Isamu looks like he's got a pretty "average" build, unlike the taller and more well-built Guld. My theory is that Yamato probably fouled up the scale for the VF-11B, and had to make another mold of the Isamu pilot to fit into the cockpit. If you think about it, it would be far more cost-efficient for Yamato to just keep using the mold for the YF-19 Isamu gummy if they could, rather than to go through the unnecessary hassle and make a brand new mold of a different sized pilot with an identical design and paintjob...just to depict a different pilot. If the appearance of the YF-19 Bird of Prey and Double Nuts are anything to go by, Yamato is more than inclined to recycle still-usable molds and designs.
  2. Amen to that! Speaking of scale, let's not forget about the size differences between the Isamu pilots for both the YF-19 and VF-11B. Both gummy figures are of a totally different size (you'll never be able to stuff a YF-19 Isamu into the VF-11B), despite the fact that these are two figures made by the same company, are of the same scale, and are piloted by the very same pilot.
  3. Um, can I split my vote? I watched the TV series as a kid (does Robotech count?), and only recently got to watch DYRL on Youtube. For nostalgic reasons and the fact that I liked the color schemes of the TV version VF-1's more, I would have voted for the TV series. And strange though it seems, I actually prefer the more drawn out story-telling of the TV series, with the exception of Max's rather rushed and disjointed courtship with Milia. As for DYRL, it's technically superior to the TV series in all aspects, including animation quality, mecha designs (not crazy about the minimalistic color schemes, though), and more focused story-telling. Also, I like the fact that Minmei is far less ditzy and more assured of herself here than in the TV series. But since DYRL is a lot fresher in my memory, I'll vote for the movie.
  4. The problem with these high-end figures is that they're not only complex, but also relatively fragile (Bandai VF's seem more robust, but all that paint on those DX Chogokin's just invite scratches like fleas on a dog). It just wears you down mentally when you're either worried about scratching or breaking something off throughout the whole process of the transformation. That said, the VF-11 and even the YF-19 Double Nuts are a joy to transform, since you don't have to worry about fragile shoulders due to their different transformations compared to the VF-1's. As for the VF-1's, if not for the threat of breaking shoulders, they'd be pretty fun to transform. The one VF model I find the most complex is of course the YF-21/VF-22S. The first time I transformed the YF-21, I needed both the manual AND a youtube guide to make it from jet to battroid.
  5. Thanks, guys! I'll be preordering the Anniversary PLUS. Hope there will be some confirmation on the VF-0A Phoenix soon.
  6. After having missed out on the earlier VF-1S Roy and VF-0A Phoenix releases (a blessing in disguise, in retrospect) I'm seriously thinking of preordering an Anniversary Plus (currently on "backordered" status in HLJ) and the upcoming VF-0A reissue. Thing is, I'm worried that Yamato might pull another stunt like they did with the GBP-1 VF-1J Hikaru set, and reuse old stock with the fragile shoulders. The review from Scorched Earth states that it's "rumored to be safe", but there's so far no confirmation on whether it is or isn't. Anyone have any news about this? Also, I've heard rumors of fragile shoulders on the VF-1D. Would it be wise to stay away from this one? Dammit, why do all the most popular, most symbolic Valks have to be the ones with shoulder issues?! Anyways, thanks in advance!
  7. 1/60 VF-1 = 5 (VF-1J Max with SUPER Pack, VF-1J Millia with SUPER Pack, VF-1D Virgin Road, VF-1J Hikaru with GBP-1 Armor [preordered] 1/60 VF-11 = 1 (Macross Plus VF-11B Thunderbolt) 1/60 VF-22S = 1 (Macross 7 Gamlin Kizaki) 1/60 YF-19 = 1 (Macross Plus Prototype Unit 4, Double Nuts) 1/60 YF-21 = 1 (Macross Plus YF-21 "Omega One") Total = 9 Just ordered : VF-1A Max TV Version Currently eying for clearance sale at HLJ : VF-1D, VF-1S Roy Focker Strike Valkyrie Anniversary Plus (if there's enough stock to last until sale time...), VF-0A Phoenix, VF-0S Roy (again, if stocks last until the next sale....)
  8. A TV version of ANY SDF-Macross character would be nice. Didn't watch DYRL as a kid, so I have no connection to the story or the characters at all. Any 1/60 Regult/Glaug/"green-Rau" would also be a welcome addition to my Yamato Valks!
  9. GU-11

    Supah Happy Party Set!

    Oh, cool! There's international shipping, after all! Still saving my pennies for a VF-1S Roy Anniversary and reissued VF-0A coming this April, but once I can spare some cash, I'm gonna get me a few sets of 1/60 figs to go with my Valks!
  10. Thanks, all! Baby oil should be easy enough to find.
  11. GU-11

    Supah Happy Party Set!

    Darn it, I don't live in the US! EXO, I don't suppose you have any plans to ship these outside of USA in the future, do you?
  12. BlueMax, you're a godsend! sidearmsalpha and M0n5t3r, thanks for the additional info! I've only seen Armor-All at my local hardware store; is that okay as a lubricant?
  13. Great. Now I'm basically tossing coins in the air, trying to decide whether or not to attempt a DIY fix. Guess I'll just give it a try and see if it's easy enough; if it takes more force than I'm comfortable with to extract the hinge pin, I'll just stop before risking any damage. Oh, well.... In any case, I really appreciate the replies. Thanks!
  14. GU-11

    Supah Happy Party Set!

    Awesome! EXO, do you sell these in a set, or are they available individually? Seriously needing a Millia and Max figure in their flights suits. How much is a single set going for, anyway?
  15. About ordering the hinge parts from Graham, I remember he mentioned something about only letting those with hinges that are already broken order from him, and he wants proof in the form a pic of the broken shoulder. Either way, like you suggested, I think I'd better not risk it. I'll just be careful when moving the shoulder hinge and forget about trying to fix it if there aren't any stress marks on it...and I'm keeping it in a sealed separate room in case it DOES cause male pattern baldness. BTW, love the pic!
  16. Phew! All in all, I guess if I see any stress marks on the plastic hinge, the pin's definitely coming off for a filing. Disgruntled, minimum wage factory workers and poor QC...WTF, Yamato? And yet my heart still flutters every time they announce a new perfect-transformation Valk... So, in short, I would actually do more damage if the hinge pin went in head-first? How can I check to see if it did go in head-first?
  17. I agree! The intakes look better than even those of the Yamato figs, and actually look like real intakes instead of just fixed turbines carved onto a black-painted square. Top marks! I hope this isn't considered hijacking the thread (a thousand apologies if it is), but I've always hoped that Yamato would someday manufacture a 1/60 scale full transformation VF-2SS, despite the nigh impossible odds. I realize the anime got some pretty bad reception after its release, and was further damned by the fact that Kawamori never participated in it, but at the end of the day, the VF-2SS still has enough fans of its design to warrant at least a limited release.
  18. Wow, missing landing gears and kneecaps? That's horrible QC! Do the factory workers there hate Yamato for making them work overtime or something?
  19. Thanks, guys! Lots of great info. So pushing out the pins will stress the plastic? Would it be wishful thinking to believe there are methods to more gently coax the pins out? If anybody knows, please do tell. I don't want to end up doing more damage to the thing by trying to fix it. In any case, I just plan to transform it once into Battroid and display it either in GBP-1 armor or as it is, and probably will not be transforming it for the next few months. After all, the Hikaru type VF-1J is at its most iconic in Battroid mode. As wasteful as it might seem, I'm hoping Yamato might someday release a 1/60 -1J Hikaru with NON-exploding shoulders so I can display it in either GERWALK or jet mode, and leave the -1J that came with the GBP in its armor as a standalone display. Eugimon, I actually heard that the -1J's that came with the GBP is almost definitely old stock from previously unsold standalones and/SUPER packs--most of which have knurled hinge pins. But might there be a chance that Yamato (thanks for Graham) has already been made aware of the problem, and is working on replacing the hinge pins in later batches? In fact, I'm actually kind of relieved my GBP still hasn't arrived at my store just yet; hoping it's a re-issue with fixed shoulders, or I might get lucky and get one of the later standalones with smooth pins. Anyways, keeping my sweaty fingers crossed. BTW, how do you fix a cracked or already broken shoulder? And is it safe to use cyanoacrylate on plastic? Sorry for the informed questions; I'm extremely wary about trying to fix a high-end toy. Again, a million thanks to all for the great info.
  20. Hi, all! Newbie (and long-time lurker) reporting in. I've pre-ordered a Yamato 1/60 VF-1J Hikaru with GBP Armor back in November '09, and only after reading Graham's and Scorthed Earth's review did I realize the VF-1J's got the dreaded "exploding shoulder" problem--so much for thinking that all post-VF-1D Valks are safe. Anyways, I've heard that you can actually manually remove the hinge pins and file the knurls down with a metal file. Is there a guide somewhere here for that? How do you remove the hinge pin, actually? Thanks in advance!
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