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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Looking at the chart, the average Zentraedi looks like a child standing beside a battroid. Does that mean that Zentraedi are actually supposed to be much smaller size compared to Valks? Sheesh, Breetai must be the Goliath of the Zentraedi world, if that fight scene with Hikaru's -1J in the TV series is anything to go by.
  2. That's sweet, bro! Almost half the price of what HLJ is asking for, and the shipping's cheaper, too! And then there's that special giveaway item thing! Thanks!
  3. Dammit, HLJ just stopped all preorders for the TV VF-1S's, at the SAME day I decided to preorder the Roy! Praying they'll have enough stock for a backorder once the first batch arrives.
  4. GU-11

    VF-1A Max TV

    No reported shoulder hinge problems so far, but the hip bar is kind of a hassle to fit in and out of the nosecone, compared to the newer designs like the VF-1D Virgin Road.
  5. Dude, I salute you! Never would have thought to look in the action figures section for an accessory. What the heck was HLJ thinking, putting it there, anyways?
  6. I did check out HLJ's site (personally prefer to buy from them), but the search engine yielded nothing. Somehow Bluemax found this link to the Super Parts. Honestly, I'm still wondering if I can somehow scrounge some extra funds to squeeze in Hikaru's Super TV VF-1S into my already burgeoning to-buy list. Currently waiting for TV Roy VF-1S, VF-0A, and YF-19 to arrive and eventually go on sale, unless it goes into "low stock" status, in which case I'll have to buy them at full price. Owning both VF-1S's would be awesome.
  7. Bluemax, I can't thank you enough, bro! Problem solved!
  8. Hope I'm not not posting in the wrong place again this time; I wanted to post this in the SCOOPDA thread, but it only contained announcements and no questions. I've heard there's a weathering version of the VF-1 strike parts soon to be released, but I really need to know if Yamato will re-release its "generic" Super Parts for the 1/60 VF-1's. I'd like to buy the upcoming VF-1S TV Super Parts version, but Yamato is forcing me to buy both, since the two versions either comes with a Roy pilot only, or just the Super parts with a Hikaru pilot. Initially, I planned to buy a VF-1J Hikaru with Super Parts, and then use the parts and Hikaru pilot that came with the package on the VF-1S. Problem is, the one on sale at HLJ reportedly has knurled pins. So my only option of getting a VF-1S with both a Roy pilot AND Super parts is to buy both versions, which I hope I won't have to do if I can find a standalone Super parts set. If anyone knows if Yamato has any plans to release a Super parts set, please let me know so I can make a final decision whether to buy both versions or not. Thanks in advance.
  9. GU-11

    VF-1A Max TV

    Dude, I seriously hope you don't plan on putting a mostly white figure by the window in direct sunlight. UV rays would yellow that thing in a matter of one or two years. Admittedly, I'm a bit of an alarmist, but my Max VF-1A's still in its box, waiting for the day when I finally get around to "UV-proofing" my home office to display it.
  10. At the risk of sounding like a broken record: Awesome! I particularly like the Ivanov; love how you weathered even the inside panels of the air brakes and landing gear doors! Despite Yamato's near-perfect full-transformation fig, the way its turbines look like they were just carved onto the intakes really took away from the realism. Yours looks way better.
  11. Well, the HM's battroid mode does look marginally better than the Yamato ("more buff"), but it's 1/100 scale is a little petite for my tastes.
  12. Thanks for the heads-up! Gosh, I feel ignorant.
  13. HLJ's earlier June release has turned into a code red "backordered" status. Might be a delay on Yamato's part, or lack of stock. Haven't heard much news about the shoulder hinges, though. Hopefully, we'll know if they got rid of the knurled pins once a review pops up after release. Personally, I won't be pre-ordering any MacZero VF-0's until I'm certain those shoulders aren't going to explode.
  14. A thousand thanks, bro!
  15. Does HLJ have the TV Roy VF-1S up for preorder yet?
  16. Just great. I guess I can forget about buying the re-release, then...unless it goes on 40% discount like the Nora. At full price, it's just not worth taking the risk of owning a fig with floppy limbs. Gosh, it makes me wonder if they even HAVE a QC department in those factories. Incidentally, it seems Takara's moved its factories from China to Vietnam, supposedly to cut costs due to rising labor expenses in China. You can find the post in TF2005.com . It would be interesting to see if Vietnam makes better quality figs than China. If so, Yamato would do well to follow in Takara's footsteps.
  17. I don't think it's just mine, bro. Check out David_Hingtgen's post. As for the DN, yeah, I also prefer its blue-white-black color scheme a lot more than the original's beige. In terms of quality, it's supposed to be better than the early releases in original colors (recent re-releases are reported to be on par with the DN and BoP, and the "angled gunpod" problem is also fixed). That said, I'm still waiting for the eventual day when HLJ would place the original colored YF-19 re-release on clearance sale, for completion's sake, if nothing else.
  18. Yeah, talk about an oxymoron...a genuine knock-off. The mecha looks pretty cool, despite being shameless ripoffs of MF designs. The lack of heatshields is something of a bummer, though, and the "split-dick" design...kind of reminds me of the "prong-crotch" on some of the Bayverse TF's. BTW, is it just me, or does the guy in the red-and-black suit look like he's starting to lose his hair on his temples?
  19. YES! My prayers have been answered! Thank God I haven't bought the Anniversary Plus Roy yet. I'll probably save some cash buying this, instead. All I need now is a VF-1J Hikaru with FAST packs (that way, I can get the Roy pilot fig from the standalone set, and mount the -1J's FAST packs on the -1S Roy to be posed with Hikaru as an option), and my first-gen VF collection is complete!
  20. Okay, NOW I'm pissed at HG for denying me an English version of this game! The graphics are pretty decent, considering the fact that it's from a past generation console, far better than that technicolor mess that passed for buildings in RB: Battlecry. My friend actually handed down a Japanese PS2 to me, but where the heck do I find the game? Any online stores that still carry this title? And yeah, that Cat's Eye mission still haunts me to this day. Even with SUPER Packs and a YF-1R, it was a borderline nightmare.
  21. Make that near impossible. Damn near tore my nail off, trying to get the thing out...and it's still in there.
  22. One more I'd like to add: Predator - Concrete Jungle. Mediocre graphics, dodgy storyline, and the built-in limitations in cammo takes the fun out of controlling a Pred. Game mechanics were pretty wonky, too. And, of course, there's Robotech: Battlecry. About the most disproportionate game in terms of difficulty, and its age really shows in the graphics even for a cell-shaded game. Also, the way the enemy AI is designed forces you to stick to jet mode during space missions, and GERWALK mode during "protect-the-stadium/bridge" levels--using any other modes gets you killed really fast. Still, I keep coming back to it again and again, because it's the only game I have where I could control a Valk.
  23. I own a YF-19 Double Nuts, myself. Despite all appearances, the tab does nothing to lock the body in place. I'm not sure if mine's just an isolated case, but the flap behind the battroid's neck that's supposed to slide down and cover the neck parts in jet mode is extremely tight, and refuses come down. Anyone else with this problem?
  24. Heheh, in my first time playing through AC5, I simply gave up after failing dozens of times in that level, and only went back to it after a few months. AC4 and 6 were cakewalks compared to 5. That which does not kill me only made me stronger...and crazier, because I went straight back to that level on hard mode using free missions right after saving a new game +. Still trying to this day.... By the way, the easiness of the satellite level was kind of a surprise and a relief, after going through aerial acrobat hell in the fortress level.
  25. Good point. Overall, I think AC4 has pretty good game mechanics, but the point I was trying to make is that as part of a six game franchise, it's (and those of 5 and 6, as well) semi-final level is almost identical to the earlier games. Fly into some super fortress and shoot at a weakspot/energy generator/ballistic missile and kill yourself a few times trying to get out of the exploding tunnel--done to death. Technically speaking, AC4, 5 and 6 are far above subpar in terms of gameplay and even storyline (especially in AC4's case), but the whole Luke Skywalker vs Deathstar thing has gotten very old, and it almost ruined the games for me.
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