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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Glad to hear everything got fixed!
  2. Good points. It is surprising to see so few reports of SV-51's breaking since it's release, considering how thin and lanky most of the parts are. In fact, I've only dug up one case of stress marks on the wing hinges in MW. Fragile and difficult to fix...but pretty.
  3. Well, that sounds like very good news for me! The packaging for the Nora is among the larger sizes for Yamato VF's (hold the lid up, and a small dog could probably use it as a shelter ), and the whole box is quite hefty with all the accessories in it. It cost me over 30 USD to ship, even at 20% discount for EMS. That's a third of the Nora's price on clearance sale! Hopefully, Yamato's gonna reckon that it would ultimately cost them more to get back the busted fig, which could well be the case, since such a large part of the fig becomes useless when the hinge breaks.
  4. I know. Ironic, isn't it?
  5. Like Troyness said, even among the "safe" VF-1's, there will be a couple of "bad apples" dues ot the delicate design of the Valks. But as for the more notorious ones: VT-1 (knurled hinge pins), V2 VF-1S DYRL Roy Focker (TV Roy and Anniversary Plus Roy are reportedly safe).
  6. Heheh, actually I mean the plotline itself was plausible given the fact that it's the early 80's we're talking about...not the action scenes. AFAIC, "Disgruntled Vietnam vet steals prototype super-chopper to hold a hostage to get back brother, and ends up working for secret governmental agency" is at least slightly more believable than "ex-cop solves crime with talking car." Don't get me wrong, though. I loved KR as a kid, but the premise itself isn't exactly believable.
  7. A million thanks, Chronocidal! Oh gosh, that's looks like a massive undertaking if I ever saw one. How the heck am I supposed to tell HLJ which parts to get, when even I'm confused by the vast amount of parts there are? Well, I'd glad to know at least it's doable. I guess I'll just have to trust Yamato to be smart enough to include all the necessary parts. Honestly, I'd rather fix the thing myself if they asked for me to send the busted fig back to them. Packing the thing and queuing at the post office is WAY more trouble than tinkering with the fig on a workbench. Guess I'll just have to sit tight and see what Yamato decides to do. Thanks again, man. I owe you one. Thanks for offering to help, Mickyg! Knowing my amateur-level skills in fig modding/fixing, I'll be PM'ing you pretty darn soon. As for HLJ's replacement policy, their HELP page states that: "...We will arrange to supply you with replacement parts or a new item (at our discretion) at no charge. In some cases we may request that you return the damaged item to us, but in these cases we will credit you for the postage you pay to do so. " I just hope they'll get me a new item without asking me to send the busted one back to them for whatever purpose. It's not just about the money for postage; the trouble it takes to send it back to them is also a major pain. Besides, what the heck would they want with a busted fig, anyways? Recon it for resale? BTW, did Overdrive ask you to send the busted one back to them?
  8. Exodus is a novel written by Alex Irvine, and chronicles the rise of Megatron and OP in the pre-civil war era on Cybertron. From what I've read in the reviews, the premise is interesting, depicting Megs and OP as like-minded friends before the eventual falling out (think Prof. X and Magneto). Some of the elements in the novel ties in with the WFC game, but with minor differences. For instance, Zeta Prime in WFC is called Sentinel Prime in the novel, and the events unfold differently in the game and novel, although both have a similar ending.
  9. What's so bad about Airwolf? Sure, the protagonist's name was weird (who names his son, "String-Fellow"?) but the story was plausible (if not realistic), and the chopper (IMO) looks way cool. To each his own, I guess. Viper? I agree. Just another KR wannabe.
  10. Heheh, always glad to help fellow "burn" victim.
  11. Yeah, talk about bum luck. First the VF-1D, and now the Nora. The Nora, pretty bird though it is, is far from perfect. The left swivel joint on the thigh on my Nora was pretty loose, and the tailfins seem floppy. IMO, the biggest problem with the SV-51 and YF-19 is that many of the parts are glued together instead of using screws, which makes it a bitch to fix floppy joints.
  12. To Cent: I remember Macross Fanboy saying something about the availability of replacement parts from Yamato playing a part (no pun intended) in how fast you get your replacements sent to you. In my case, the guy that handled my complaint (a Japanese guy, I recall) about the VF-1D replied only once, and refused to reply any further requests for an update on the situation. I emailed him after waiting over a week for an update, but nada. After the third unanswered email, I contacted HLJ directly at trouble@hlj.com instead of using the guy's personal email address. Another guy took over, and the parts were shipped the next day. Maybe you should try emailing the main address (trouble@hlj.com) again and ask for an update. There's a possibility another, more cooperative, guy might take over.
  13. Thanks for the info, Chronocidal! In their email reply, HLJ said it will contact Yamato and see what they plan to do about it, which basically means the ball is now in the hands of the manufacturer. They also said Yamato generally opts to send replacement parts. I'm not against replacing the parts myself, but the VF-1D's leg replacement seems like a cakewalk compared to this. I hope Yamato has the common sense to make sure that the hinge is actually replaceable before sending me replacement parts. Better still, I hope they have the sense and decency to send me a replacement fig if it doesn't look like it can be repaired. I've told HLJ that the hinge looks like a bitch to replace and I'm not even sure if it can be replaced at all, and I'd prefer a whole fig. Keeping my fingers crossed, and hoping HLJ/Yamato will budge. In any case, if you find a way to replace the hinge, please do tell me. Thanks, man! I'll try rubbing a candle on the seat and see how it goes.
  14. You'll have to excuse the overly large pics and grainy look: same borrowed entry-level camera. It's that hinge that holds/connects the whole wing to the body. And my apologies to the MW site maintenance crew for the giant pics: I couldn't remember where I downloaded that resizer to. Won't happen again.
  15. Transferred from: Can You replace the SV-51's Wing Hinges? a.k.a. Yamato's Inferno.... Yeah, I got Yamato'ed again. To keep a long story short, the SV-51 Nora type I bought from HLJ came with a busted left wing hinge right out of the box (the left hinge split apart, and the right one has stress marks on it). I emailed HLJ and attached photos. They replied, saying they'll contact Yamato, who will probably send replacement parts. The thing is, the hinge doesn't look like it can be easily taken apart--at least not without replacing a huge chunk of the torso. The hinge seems to be connected as a single piece to the torso itself, and the underside looks really complicated. I know next to nothing about the mechanics of the SV-51 toy, and have no idea how the thing works. If anyone here has tinkered around with his SV-51 before (as in taking it apart), I'd really appreciate it if you could verify if the hinge can actually be replaced, what parts I might need to fully replace the hinges (I'd like to specifically tell HLJ what parts to get for me, in case Yamato leaves out a couple of important components--redundant, I know, but you can never bee too careful), and how to actually go about this procedure. Thanks in advance.
  16. Understood. Copied and pasted to the relevant thread.
  17. Damn, that is one HUGE budget for kiddie fodder! If only they could have gotten better actors for the show. You mean the one featuring Micheal Knight's "son" and a black Mustang? Yeah, that one was bad. I've never seen such a huge gathering of uncharismatic actors on one film set in my life. Sadly, the magic of the original 80's show is lost forever.
  18. I've got lots of love for GERWALK, too. It's what sets the VF from apart other transforming jet mecha. Heck, it's the VF's signature mode! That said, the YF-19/VF-19's GERWALK is probably my least favorite of all.
  19. Yeah, I got Yamato'ed again. To keep a long story short, the SV-51 Nora type I bought from HLJ came with a busted left wing hinge right out of the box (the left hinge split apart, and the right one has stress marks on it). I emailed HLJ and attached photos. They replied, saying they'll contact Yamato, who will probably send replacement parts. The thing is, the hinge doesn't look like it can be easily taken apart--at least not without replacing a huge chunk of the torso. The hinge seems to be connected as a single piece to the torso itself, and the underside looks really complicated. I know next to nothing about the mechanics of the SV-51 toy, and have no idea how the thing works. If anyone here has tinkered around with his SV-51 before (as in taking it apart), I'd really appreciate it if you could verify if the hinge can actually be replaced, what parts I might need to fully replace the hinges (I'd like to specifically tell HLJ what parts to get for me, in case Yamato leaves out a couple of important components--redundant, I know, but you can never bee too careful), and how to actually go about this procedure. Thanks in advance.
  20. Man, those toys were WAY expensive, IIRC. The concept was cool, though. Kinda like a primitive prototype of the Wii.
  21. Thanks for the heads-up. Any advice on how I should deal with this problem (as in how I can stop the paint on the fig from melting into the seat), or if placing a piece of paper/rag between the pilot fig and the seat the only solution?
  22. Same here. My SV-51 Nora just arrived yesterday (I chose EMS), and it was almost skin-tight in the box, with just a few "air-bags" on top. The bottom left corner got slightly dented, damn it. Luckily it was on the rear corner, so it doesn't look too conspicuous. BTW, I got Yamatoed again. The hinged that holds the left wing on my SV-51 is split, and it fell right off. Stress marks were all over the hinge. The right wing is still intact, but the hinge also shows minor stress marks. I emailed HLJ the same day, with attached photographs. I think this time they might have to send me a new one, since the hinge is built into the torso and it doesn't look like it can be replaced. I just hope they won't require me to send the broken one back, as it'll cost me a bit to ship it back to them, and it's way too troublesome. Most importantly, I shouldn't have to pay extra for receiving a busted fig.
  23. Heheh, well then, um...does Captain Power count? Granted, it was a kid's show, but the story was about as cliched as it gets. For some reason, the bad acting drove me up the wall as a kid. The toys were cool, though, albeit impossibly expensive. Wait, on second thought, Jason of Star Command has to be worse. All I remember of the show was the main villain (some Dom DeLuise lookalike named Dragos or something?) teleporting away just seconds before the good guys break into his headquarters, leaving only his red robes and eyepiece...every single time. If that ain't repetitive, I don't know what is. I always wanted that little robot, though.
  24. Does anyone still remember Streets of Rage? I had Streets of Rage 3 on my Sega Megadrive 2, and still occasionally play a few rounds. SoR3 and Street Fighter 2 are probably the only games I ever owned. All others were borrowed from friends and neighbors.
  25. The Highwayman, starring Sam Jones. I remember the helicopter, which is basically the truck's cab with the rotors and tail stowed in the trailer. I don't recall there being a car, though. I used to love that truck as a kid, but then I was too young to understand what the story was all about. My vote goes to ROTF. With given the premise of the movie (robots from outer space), no one expects to take TF movies seriously, but Bay really pushed my tolerance for dorky jokes way beyond the threshold. Over two hours of Sam's mom on a ganja brownie high, farting and drooling robots, spitting robots, leg humping robots....
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