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Everything posted by GU-11

  1. Heheh, the potato chip theory always applies in a Valk collector's life.
  2. Heheh, looks like a scene right out of a G1 episode!
  3. Thanks, I'll try that.
  4. Yup, the tracking number for my Nora Type started working yesterday evening. So I guess weekends do count in the 72 hour period. Cheers!
  5. You, sir, are a life saver! It it's at all possible, could you tell me what brand of spray/paint I can find this particular color of orange? I scoured the hardware stores in my neighborhood, going through the aisles of Krylon and Pylox, and the closest I could find (based on the color on the cap) was Tangerine and Light Scarlett from Pylox. The hobby store's pretty far, so I'll have to make sure I can find that particular color in the form or Tamiya or GSI paints before I go there.
  6. Besides the added stripes, "pilot number" and different pilot fig for the Shin type, the VF-0A Shin and "Unknown Soldier"/CF had slightly different tones of gray: Basically, AFAIK, the two are identical design-wise. To date, only the VF-0S and VF-0A "Unknown Soldier"/CF have been reissued. BTW, there's currently no news or even rumor of a reissue/renewal package for the Shin type, and the latest available one (the one that comes with the Ghost Booster) has received less than favorable reviews from Scorched Earth. As for the -0S, I guess its most obvious charm is the fact that it was piloted by a young Roy Focker.
  7. Thanks for the info, Froy. You mean the weekends don't count in the 72 hour waiting period? So I gotta wait two more days before the tracking number is usable?
  8. Great build, 505! Congrats!
  9. Just had my first (hopefully only) taste of an invalid tracking number. HLJ sent me a shipping notice for the replacement Nora last Friday, which included the wrong tracking number. I emailed them and asked for them to send me the correct one asap, as the fig could arrive any day, and I need to be home to receive it. Just to clarify: an incorrect tracking number isn't anything to worry about, is it? I mean, the item's still being shipped to me as normal, right?
  10. Thanks, MacrossJunkie. BTW, is it possible to "mix" colors using Gundam Markers (as in mixing ink taken from a red and yellow Gundam marker)? I don't think they sell orange Gundam markers individually, and I don't want t buy the whole marker set for just that one color, which I'll only use a drop of.
  11. Thanks, Chronocidal. It'll be a while before I can afford to pick them up (just bought a Ghost Booster and Macross display stand, on top of the YF-19 renewal package and TV Kakizaki), but it's good to know they're safe to buy.
  12. I have a question on the VF-11B's heat shield: does the upper larger piece cover the nub of the lower part? I had (foolishly) tried to pull out the smaller part of the heat shield with a pair of tweezers, and scraping off a bit of paint on the nub. Before I try to repaint it, I was wondering if I could just cover the nub with the larger heat shield part. I tried it, but the upper part seems to jut out. Is it even possible to cover the nub withe the upper part?
  13. AFAIK, if an item reaches a certain size and price (approx. 200 USD and above, I think), HLJ will ship via trackable option (usually EMS) no matter what you choose. Apparently, it's to ensure that the item gets to you safely. BTW, it's great to know that the DYRL VF01A's are improved versions! Are the boxes different in any way?
  14. GU-11

    YF 19

    That it all kinds of awesome! Thanks for sharing pics of such a great build, man.
  15. Well, the reason really lies with the design itself rather than Yamato. Apparently, the VF-22S is supposed to incorporate FAST pack elements in its overall design, thus doing away with the need for FAST packs at all. In other words, the -22S's belly plates come built-in with the necessary extra ammo and micro-missiles that are usually stored in a FAST pack. Also, the gunpods are stored inside the plates instead of outside. In short: the belly plates on the VF-22S was designed to look and function differently, and the whole idea was to do away with FAST packs altogether. Trivia: While technically Yamato could have been able to design the plates so that the gunpods could be stowed inside, they didn't for various reasons--could either be budget, technical difficulties, or that it would screw up the transformation. Or maybe they just didn't care. Who knows?
  16. Dude, did you paint the pilot fig yourself?! That's some pretty awesome details. Can't wait to see the fully-detailed X-Wing!
  17. Damn, in the end, I got nothing out of the sale. Already bought the YF-19 renewal package two months ago (measly 25% off), missed the 40% backorder sale on the Ghost Booster (settled for the 17% off in AmiAmi), and bought the original color Macross Display Stand at full price (really need a stand for my new YF-19, but couldn't stand the gaudy purplish blue version that was on discount). Meh, poo happens.
  18. QFT. The fact that I watched the scene in Robotech as a child, in all its 1980's American voice-acting glory, makes it all the more traumatizing.
  19. That transparent crab thing is missing on the Figma version. The Griffon Enterprises Figutto version includes one, though.
  20. I think it's called Black Gold Saw, or BGS for short. BTW, I heard from another forum that a sniper-looking BRS character named Black Matagi is scheduled for release some time next year.
  21. That's a thing of beauty. Would be perfect with a couple of Autobot emblems from Repro-labels.
  22. Meh, I just preordered the Ghost Booster on AmiAmi. 17% off is better than nothing at all.
  23. Despite my username, I've always been a YF-19 nut, and it's gunpod design remains my all time favorite. It's a departure from ll the barrel-shaped designs, and one of the few that can be reloaded on the field, enabling the pilot to procure additional ammo from a fallen comrade. But going on pure aesthetics alone, the VF-0's gunpod comes in at a close second. It retains the classic design of the GU-11, but sports an updated look, never mind that it's supposed to be the predecessor of the VF-1.
  24. Heheh, that little instructions sheet kinda scared me a little. Something about painting the little parts in prime colors before assembling for final details. If my modeling skills didn't suck, I'd buy and build this for an awesome display piece...which is just like saying, "If I could fly and punch through walls, I'd put on some tights and become a superhero."
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