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Everything posted by HEY BOYS


    Bandai DX VF-31

    Any shops outside of japan that you guys have confidence in pre-ordering from .? The only one that i know of is Angolz and i am looking for more..
  2. Can someone tell me besides stores in Japan and also ebay, some good online options to purchase and pre-order bandai macross collectibles ? Thanks
  3. anime-export
  5. And because most people feel this way, this is why unfortunately that we will not see an announcement till after bandai gets to sell lots of non armored valks, then they will come back for our cash for the second time with armored sets
  6. With what ami ami had the pre orders for you will be paying bout 37 dollars more goin through bbts $173 versuses $210 shipped
  7. Well Perhaps it does a bit however having the option of displaying the armored version from time to time is a must
  8. When version one was available for pre-ordering did you know at that time they will be making a armored version ?
  9. Yeah and instead collectors have to deal with bs like these prices http://www.ebay.com/itm/SD-VF-25F-Messiah-Valkyrie-Aruto-Type-Bandai-PSL-/260727421804?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cb490bb6c
  10. I hear ya, why stores like hlj and amiami dont have unlimited supply of the 1/60 frontier collectibles provided to them by bandai for the 1st 6 months to a year after release is beyond me
  11. I don't get why bandai makes such limited runs of these frontier collectibles, I just was looking around the web for the YF 29 that came out in what June, And not only is it sold out everywhere online but hlj is listing it as discontinued. When you come out with a new frontier release why is it that only 3 months after its release i can not go onto any online shop that sold them and buy one ? It is not like these are indivually numbered limited edition collectibles like sideshows premium formats for example. I mean come on bandai if they are sold out everywhere, obviously they our popular soo why not make more of them and have them available for everyone that is wanting to buy them for at minimum for six months if not a year after release .. What is bandai's possible reasoning for doin this ??
  12. Thanks mate and i see you are from australia an to that i will say Cheers
  13. Hey guys i do not buy as much of these type of collectibles as some members on this forums, will someone kindly tell me where i can pre-order the alto beside hlj.com and amiami.com because they i believe they are pre soldout.. Thanks very much guys
  14. ...................
  15. Thanks Man
  16. Hey guys late too the game here and i know alto will be released in october but i was wondering has it been announced when they will be releasing all the different jets and will they be releasing the armored versions or will the armored partss be only availabe as a web exclusive Thanks
  17. Breaking news bout finding the radiation levels 10 million timess more then normal equals w t h http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/03/27/japan.nuclear.reactors/index.html http://www.businessinsider.com/radiation-10-million-times-normal-fukushima-march-27-2011-3
  18. http://yokosonews.com/live/
  19. Workers are evacuated http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/afp/smoke-at-japan-nuclear-plant-workers-evacuated-operator/430602
  20. Hey awesome and glad itt arrived safe for you and thanks for the update bout hobbysearch.. Is is looking amazing all loaded up.. very cool
  21. Cool Thanks man
  22. Cool and thanks for the response and when you get that let me know how ordering from them turned out for you
  23. Heys guys i have not ever ordered from this company before, can someone who has conform that they are a good company to be ordering from for good customer service, shipping and packaging quality, etc ???
  24. LMAO
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