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Everything posted by Grapeape

  1. Thanks for the heads-up! Now, to figure out who'll be getting them in online....and when >___> <___< Assuming HLJ...
  2. WAY back in the day, I remember owning the Imai 1/72 Destroid Spartan, never could get my hands on the 1/72 Defender. Never got around to the Spartan before losing it in a most unfortunate plumbing related accident, LOL - so these reissues will be welcome. Now the question: proportionally and detail wise, the Spartan SEEMED like it was pretty decent, hopefully the fit isn't a total PITA, has anyone here actually ever built it? Or can comment on poportions,etc. of the Defender?
  3. Grapeape


    Yep, and they do a darn good job, most of the time
  4. Hey Cap, got mine yesterday and it's just...amazing! No clue how you managed to pack so much detail into the intakes, exhausts, and gear bays, but....THUMBSUP!
  5. Awesome! Definately interested, 1/100 and especially 1/72 for a Macross City warzone diorama I'm planning XD
  6. Can't wait for the eventual 40cm Thuverl Salan. Oh wait, CAN wait, need another model display case first Also, second the Meltran idea, especially Millia 639's Meltran Gun Destroyer from DYRL . Only problem, you couldn't use cucumbers, gourds, or baguettes for those
  8. Sadly, nothing on HLJ or elsewhere that I've seen But really hoping they do a VF-1S, a Super/Strike, and....A BATTROID eventually!
  9. 30cm length in 1/5000 scale? Count me in! My (er, your) Baby Scout Ship needs some friends
  10. Totally agreed! I'm in for one of the Qualamitz in both scales, if you make 'em, or one of the 1/5000 scale regardless. The dramatic scene where one makes a missile and mega-particle run was breathtaking (see crappy quality pic below). And, any other space cucumber or ARMD *hinthinthint* that you may make in the future
  11. Thanks for sharing - REALLY WANT the RVF-171, SF-3A Lancer, and Ghost! Wonder how good the odds are of a recast company offering these as kits eventually? >____> <____< Or better yet, a legit company offering a mass-market version?
  12. Ok, Payment sent for one kit!!!!
  13. I'm dreaming of doing a diorama of a Cat's Eye parked next to a Green Arrows Super Valk in the ARMD-01 hangar..... Hey, just *assuming* it also existed in the movie timeline XD. Payment ready to send!
  14. Great job! I would loves me one of these!
  15. Hey, IMHO, I either buy a few kits of lesser quality, or one of these.... ...it's not even a question worth asking - CAN'T WAIT. The cockpit looks BEAUTIFUL, even! :D:D
  16. Thanks! Would have never been possible without your hard work, though! And that is a GORGEOUS GP01FB! My fave Gundam MS designs ever are those from 0083 - (mostly) "believable" (for that universe) and not all bells-and-whistles flashy like Wing or Seed.
  17. Same here. CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS KIT!!!!!!!
  18. That is one HELL of an awesome Mk.2 Viper!!!!!! Okay, here's four more of Neptune's 1/2500 Salan Scout Ship....almost done!
  19. Hey cool8tor, fantastic job on both! I love the subtle weathering on the SV-51!
  20. This is BEYOND incredible - and, hey, do you live on a steady diet of pizza and RED BULL? Can't believe how quickly this thing is taking shape...from SCRATCH, no less!
  21. Agreed. I'd kill for the Meltran ships in 1/5000 scale too! By the way, any chance of a DYRL movie version.....BODOLZA? (just kidding)
  22. Awesome Can't wait to see our kit taking shape!!!!
  23. Neptunesurvey's amazingly detailed and also suitably biomechanical 1/2500 scale Salan Zentran Scout Ship. So far at the masking stage, before application of the green - we're using Russsian WW2 AMT-4 Green, seems most accurate to the color in the anime. EDIT: VERY sorry about that! I did create resized ones, then accidentally uploaded the full sized ones anyways! DOH!!!!! OK, here's the smaller size ones And Neptune - yep, actually, AMT-4 is a Russian WW2 forest green shade, so we agree
  24. Well, I'd recommend White Ensign Models Colourcoats - sure, they're in the UK, but they have great service and decent prices, even post conversion rate 0___0;;;; http://www.whiteensignmodels.com/acatalog/...Colours_46.html Ben
  25. Thanks for a rational reason to justify buying one......INVESTING ...sure, right, yup... *Sigh* Put me down for one please!
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