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Everything posted by fenrir72

  1. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Drossel? Was it shipped or personal? If the latter why didn't you have it replaced? I'm going by your being in Japan or was it a tour/area assignment? As for it being sticky, is it humid and hot in the Philippines? That or white plastics suck. The last would be unthinkable, might have been a knock off.
  2. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    No worries. The most damage would be is the box. Heck, even buying fresh figs amiami, I tend to get crunched box corners (I'm looking at you Six-shot). Back to mandarake....100% recommended as I still haven't gotten any lemons yet!
  3. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    There's a certain cutoff for Amiami to allow shipping unregistered. Iirc if a certain item is above Y7000 +(just inquire with their rep), they will no longer allow unregistered SAL.
  4. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Unless you have mad skill in painting it that is.
  5. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    hlj's advantage is yup they can cancel anytime. Though I wonder why they didn't implement some price shaving this time.
  6. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    double post sorry!
  7. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Given the scale, can it be done?
  8. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Amiami is still open
  9. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    hlj has a 1 per order limit and no discount. Amiami has a 3 order limit. The latter would be practical imho.
  10. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Preordered from Amiami.............just 1.
  11. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Same here. Mass release? Please ye gods!
  12. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Famous last words!
  13. Also, given the price, might also be a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery limited release.
  14. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Second batch reorder? April is quite a long wait!
  15. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    You'll live to regret it!
  16. fenrir72


    At your risk.
  17. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    It seems to be focused on specific posters by the looks of it. Heck, I didn't notice it until you mentioned it.
  18. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    My bad. I meant Elint Seeker
  19. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

  20. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Just picked up my CatsEye yesterday. Nice little bugger! And to think I passed up the original Bandai /Takatoku mold many years ago (always searched but always failed to get a VF1S)
  21. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Yup. By the time JP Post acknowledges that it arrived in local customs, it's either in my hands already or still in transit. Nope. It still registers arrival at my local post office (X indicates it already arrive to my country). Hit or miss at times if it accurately states it's already with customs or out of customs and in my hands already.
  22. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine just arrived, well technically, just released from customs. Also, the JP tacking system is simply sh*t 'cause according to the JPPost site, it's still at " dispatch from outward office of exchange"
  23. Anyone own the original Mugen Calibur or Roadbuster? Was it floppy in the thighs??
  24. Would that be a show what I just got? Like in HMR for example, most posts there are showcases of how many Valkyries you might have scored which by your definition should also be in the recent Macross toy purchase. As I mentioned, I tried using the site's search engine and couldn't find a match except for shawn's 2003 thread. Heck, even the Dorvack thread link was about the show. My purpose was to ask if the floppiness is "normal" for the connection part.
  25. I just got this(not the limited one) but the armored (desert browne/orange)one at that. He will serve as my TF Roadbuster owing to the fact that Roadbuster costs an arm and a leg these days. This one I got for less than $80.00 though from what I read, he cost $200.00 something back in 2009. He's got lots of accessories and diecast. My question is for those who owned the original Mugen Caliber or the TF Roadbuster is .....the groin/hip connection, was it as floppy as hell or is it just the CMs version? I just can't lock it securely(the split part) that makes up the thigh connection part. Is that normal?
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