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Everything posted by fenrir72

  1. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Glaug is available at amiami again.
  2. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Nope. Just pray on the day of the release there'll be extra stock. It happened with the Armored VF1J but not with the Hikaru DYRL VF1S
  3. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Amiami is more legit than hlj. Managed to score only one Glaug. ( I should count my blessings.
  4. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Lol! Thanks for the Regult clarification.
  5. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    amiami/hlj. Both were like so hard to search for in the site (hlj I'm looking at you) and by the time you clicked, it was like sold! In amiam's case, at 4:00 P.M. JP time day for official solicitation, the site was like difficult to acces then SOLD OUT sold out in like 3 minutes. I got lucky in another site with their waiting list system. If not for the waiting list luck, I'd have gotten the more expensive limited Roy Focker. At present, still on the waiting list for the Regult. So this is the second time Regult was released.
  6. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    My first two pain in the @ss to order HiMetal R series. Worth the wait.
  7. fenrir72

    Macross figures

    I'm a regular at Amiami. The points I collected for nearly a year,converted it to lessen the cost of the figure. I'm not sure how their system works but since I live in S.E.A.,I opted for SAL Parcel, which they allowed. It's got some tracking but not as expensive as EMS. received it after 10 days. Since you live in the continental USA, maybe EMS is automatic? In as much as I don't want to badmouth hobbysearch, (as I also purchase from them if amiami is sold out), now that's were wallet rape begins. They had a sale once on a figure, Kaitendo QB Nanael, about 50% off..........but they didn't allow SAL parcel, it was automatic EMS. That fig btw ain't half as big as Sheryl............more like a fourth the size of the box and still charged EMS. Ouch! I have ordered in the last 5 years as an online customer 3 SAL Parcels, Encore 20A, Sheryl Nome (very big alright) and a Daiki figure at 1/5 scale. Well, size and weight was justifiable on all three. As for customer support, mixed bag in that there's one who is kind of okay when responding ( I believe he is an American) while another responds like a brick (must be Japanese).
  8. Correct me if I am wrong, the next re-issue of the GBP parts only will ditch the plume of doom effect?
  9. I didn't realize, that's the item I bought....lucky me. (Didn't expect that's it's a limited item/edition)
  10. @ tober, well I kept on adding a bit of pressure on the lower "rib" part of the chest armor to get it to clamp/lock. The frickin' (left) shoulder armor just wouldn't lock properly
  11. Maybe you should revise the title to Sticky: the classic Yamato fail and or difference between ver 1 and 2 and 1/48 scale.
  12. Without discouraging any potential buyers of the set but I noticed the left shoulder armor doesn't lock properly into place. And yes, I finally got the breast armor to lock in.
  13. Didn't micron/jenius post the link on this subject in the other thread?
  14. I am not worthy...............
  15. You're micron? Gawd, I use that site as reference for a lot of Macross stuff! Great job!
  16. @ valhary, here are the pics you requested
  17. Being new to this figure genre(the Yamato version anyway), I'm quite surprised as to how nice V2 came out. Breakage issue aside with the curled pins, 1/60 ver. 1 looked malnourished. But comparing the 1/48 GBP armor to 1/60, aside from the removable missiles and more "detailed" decal format, almost negligible. Just as awesome. But, I noticed one thing, the chest part doesn't securely clamp to the Valkyries' chest. Is that like normal?
  18. Yeah I agree with the hands. It would have been nice if it looked more machine like.
  19. newbie question, where to buy the stand.
  20. Just got my Hikaru DYRL 1/60 Fast Pack + the Armor parts only.........very nice indeed!
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