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Everything posted by fenrir72

  1. I'm basically a low level Macross collector (HMR) but I do have single Yamato DYRL Hikaru 1/60 VF1S. The flat gray one. I would like to know if Yamato ever released this type of "white" before? Why am I asking? Please correct my hypothesis. Regardless if an item is Bandai/Takara/Yamato/Arcadia, they all use the same PVC/ABS with a different home grown recipe. Aren't you all concern of potential yellowing down the road? I like white as much as the next collector but a bunch of my TFs that have white in them are having yellow issues . Heck, even their royal blue parts are turning slight green.
  2. Box damage? Discount? That will never happen brother. The most they will do, amiami's case is inform you that the box is damage and if I still want the item regardless. (Happened to me with my TF Legends Broadcast)
  3. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    The translation was quite mechanical then. Hlj should have known better. Maybe called it Hikaru's Valkyrie or Hikaru type.
  4. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    I know. So is that a simple word play as in Hikara "use" used this Valk or used/pre owned?
  5. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    For those in the know, did Bandai ever explain why they opted not to include detail decals for their Macross MHRs?
  6. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    I wonder if this item is "used"? Hlj now sells pre owned stuff?
  7. They really need to hire a new feng shui adviser then . Opportunity seems to be their worst enemy.
  8. To clarify. the only time I saw an image of a Takatoku/Bandai VF1s in GBP armor was in a catalog that came in with my vintage Bandai VF1 A 1/55 figure. It had red and black patterns on his chest. Sorry for the confusion
  9. Seriously. I heard that story about Toynami too. True or did they just over promise a vapor ware/item?
  10. That's the catalog I saw. Jebusfrikincris!
  11. Bandai lost the Takatoku armor mold? Too bad. Btw, anyone here at MW even own one? I only saw it in one of the old catalog inserts in my vintage1/55 VF1A Hikaru colors.
  12. Vintage /re-issued Takatoku Valks still withstands the test of time. Just a question, has Bandai ever released/re-issued the armor for the 1/55 Valkyries? If not why?
  13. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Do the Zentran teams always come in three? One Glaug and 2 Regults? Or did I just mix up my Robotechs ( Macek's "protoculture" take about the "3 "petals for the flowers of life etc etc )and Macross? That would make a good justification to get multiples
  14. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

  15. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks. So the 1/200 decals from the Bandai kit is not a viable option.
  16. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks. So the 1/200 Bandai kit decals is a no go.
  17. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Need a little help. I want to pimp up my Monster. I plan to use the decals of the 1/200 Bandai kit. need to know, is the HMR Monster 1/200 or 1/100? Appreciate your inputs guys and gals.
  18. Another horror story for TyNi again. Uggh!
  19. Just asking, you can maximum fold the wings together?
  20. And if not, those sucka's will like get sold out in 0.00001 seconds post solicitation in amiami . I'm not complaining about them being expensive. It's the availability that gets me....... are there really limited stocks? Or just too much protoculture / overtech addicts in the world I wish this would be a 1/55 scale or like oversized HMRs. Can the battery/electronic gimmicks and just give us the Takatoku sturdiness for us oversized kids to enjoy!
  21. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Mother f...........
  22. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Me too
  23. Remember the original 1980s G.I. Joe Skystryker? That would probably be the scale.
  24. It's like wtfrk?! Sell out in 15 seconds? I should count my blessings with the HMRs but I do want a stab at those Macross chogokins but alas................
  25. fenrir72

    Hi-Metal R

    Sold out already! I betcha the same for amiami
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