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Everything posted by BaByLoN_G

  1. I am a complete fan of Macross. Macross II, Plus and Macross 0 I liked MOSPEADA as well. But here in Toronto, I can't find any Macross stuff in the comic stores. Everything is about GUNDAM. some toys are pretty impresive. I have no idea about GUNDAM. is good? Should I buy a DVD? if so, which one is good for a newbie like me? Should I forget about GUNDAM? thanks Gaston
  2. I found it. The song is VOICES... the funny part is that VOICES is part of Macross Plus ( subsecuent of Macross II ) ?. I believe that the guy that created the menu for the Bootleg just found a song from a "MACROSS" cd and put it into the animation.. Am I correct about the sond VOICES? Is it part of Macross Plus? Thanks Gaston
  3. Japanese anime dubbed to English? Are you Insane? I prefer even a BAD subtitle , but with the original Japanese voices. I remember my last disappoint. it was Spirited Away. It suposed to be the best Dubbing ever , the best techiniques, with a lot of good actors and dubbing directors. I liked in English ( the first time that I saw the movie) but then I saw the DVD again in Japanese and it was wonderful, almost like another movie. Gaston
  4. Hi, I just finished to watch Macross II.... Well, it is not the best , but is not so bad as some reviews. My question is this.. During the DVD menu ( Subtitles Selection, etc) I can hear a really nice slow and sad song. Female voice (In japanese) and some Marimbas as a main instrument The funny part is that song is not part of any of the Chapter of the OVA. I really liked that song , I am wondering if someone know the title, if is part of the Macross II cd. Etc. My copy of MACROSS II is a HK bootleg ( 2 DVDs in a nice Box ) if that can help Thanks Gaston
  5. I just wonder if BANDAI and SEGA will release a version of the new PS2 Macross game for XBOX . I am interested even if is in Japanese! Thanks Gaston
  6. Yes... I am the one. I will try with YAMATO. I just finished with my BANDAI collection. Gaston
  7. I wonder if Bandai will create an XBOX version....
  8. Thanks! I solved the problem Gaston
  9. another
  10. Another
  11. Here some pictures to clarify the situation!!
  12. Hi guys, My question is kinda silly but. I have no idea how to stand those toys. I got the figure, the stand and some kind of plastic (it was stiked under the stand) Some of them can stand be it self, but if I move a little bit the bookshelf they fall. But in the Lynn Minmay (school ) she has only one leg to support the whole figure... Help!! Thanks in advance Gaston
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