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Everything posted by TMBounty_Hunter

  1. They did actually get a booth this time but brought just the Figurerise and Star Wars stuff http://hobby.dengeki.com/event/338435/
  2. 1 hour until doors open at WF
  3. Ah, so you add a sacrificial clear layer. Didn't think of that. Thanks! What brand/type of cement do you use though?
  4. But doesn't model cement eat through paint? Seems like it would just dissolve and squeeze out all the silver paint if used in such a case.
  5. A few of these are currently on sale at Hobby Search http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10384637 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10389708 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10389709
  6. Clouding up I'm not too worried about. It's the silver paint being either a barrier to strong adhesion or the glue attacking/smudging the silver paint. White Glue doesn't seem like it would be strong enough to hold the clear parts for sanding them flush with the surface and itself does not sand very well.
  7. What's best way to glue those clear parts that are supposed to be glued on top of silver paint?
  8. Sheryl is definitely coming, they keep posting her on twitter. Just no date yet. I'm assuming we'll get one at WonderFest this month
  9. Hasegawa put up the painted sample photos: http://www.hasegawa-model.co.jp/product/65836/ Recycling the VF-25 pilot figure?
  10. I do believe the original announcement poster by Hasegawa for Delta kits has silhouettes for both the Draken and the VF-31. Draken just got first dibs because it's so much sexier.
  11. Oh thank god HLJ reopened the pre-order on the Hase Ba. It was listed as ORDER STOP for a few weeks now and I thought I'd miss out on it.
  12. http://hlj.com/product/PITTA0002 I've only recently found out about Tetra Model Works but they seem to have a ton of useful photoetch for general use
  13. Do people really not keep their order/shipping emails? I've seen this complaint in multiple places and it puzzles me. It's not like there's storage space issues these days and the emails are tiny anyway. I just chuck all mine in a folder. They often come in handy too because I don't have the best memory and searching the emails to make sure I actually bought the thing I thought I bought saves a lot of time vs digging through the massive kit stash every time.
  14. I bought so much stuff from HLJ that I don't know what I want to work on to enter.... ;_; But this really is some great motivation
  15. I get that they'd rather milk what's current, but there was a massive gap between Zero and Frontier, and a slightly lesser one between Frontier and Delta where they could have pumped out a few kits but sadly didn't
  16. For those that want the kit, HLJ has still has them in stock: http://hlj.com/product/HSG65833 Most other Macross kits by Hasegawa and Wave are also going on sale today. Gotta fill up that backlog :3
  17. Just paid HLJ for my Draken HobbySearch has the tree photos and manual scans up: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10410599 EDIT: It looks like you get a whole tree of polycaps and the kit only uses two. That's a great bonus :3
  18. Interesting to note, that last tweet seems to mention the Hasegawa VF-31 is due next spring. Also if you add the :orig tag to the photos you get the full res and these are big enough and in focus so you can see all the gritty molding detail. This Draken seems like it will be a great build. EDIT: Looking at the painted model it seems the gold was painted first and the blue on top. I seem to have constantly been told not to mask metallics since that might mess them up and/or not be a good base layer for another color. It also seems to me that putting the gold on after the blue would be a much easier masking job, so why did their in-house painter do what he did? D:
  19. Huge boxart is HUUUUUUUUGE at All Japan Model and Hobby Show Source: https://twitter.com/MasterFileblog/status/779134416295571457 So what will be your choice for painting the gold? EDIT: GOOOOOOOOOLD https://twitter.com/hobbylink/status/779153405029658626
  20. If you do that thought I wonder how much the disparity in panel line width will show. Bandai panel lines are FAT.
  21. Description says pilot is from another kit
  22. Yeah, pilots would have been nice. Not sure where I'll get mine from. Either the eventual Hasegawa VF-31 or if the Bandai ones goes on sale at HLJ. Just paid HLJ for my set of 2.
  23. It's out. HLJ hasn't sent a payment request for mine yet though.... Pics of the trees and manual up on Hobby Search http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10396131/10/0 I assumed we'd be getting a whole new resin cockpit tub, but it seems the resin part ride on top of the old tub. No new trees/parts aside form the two resin chunks. Oh well, should still be fun building best OTP. EDIT: thank god the black pinstripe decal is separate
  24. That info is on the Hasegawa site http://www.hasegawa-model.co.jp/product/28/
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