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Everything posted by TMBounty_Hunter

  1. EDIT: Full boxart shown here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DEs76NvUIAEC7lU.jpg:orig
  2. Nice view of the buttrod support point I have a feeling that we will not see a Battroid version for a while. I'm assuming there's a great expectation of mobility from the Battroid, while the Gerwalk so far appears to be fixed pose. The leg definitely are. The tweet here shows that maybe the elbow is movable, there's a round joint in there. The shoulder armor and the upper arm however appear to be single piece just like the legs. You're gonna need some very heavy duty joints for all this tons of plastic. EDIT: More pics
  3. More pics
  4. It's a separate tree for the bent legs, so these will likely be separate kits per mode like Hasegawa.
  6. Good shot of the figure being fondled
  7. Has VF-27 been forgotten by Hasegawa?
  8. *heavy breathing*
  9. Honestly I only want the Mirage 31, but getting Hayate might save a load of trouble getting a pilot figure for the VF-1EX pair I already have.
  10. Judging by the pic from Hasegawa's twitter, only Delta 5 decals and a single pilot figure are included I hoped Hasegawa would keep bundling Hayate and Mirage into the same box because it's best ship.
  11. Hasegawa Lil Drakens with Keith bundle announced Pic from Hasegawa's twitter
  12. Oh hey, that's my local IPMS chapter! I was at that meeting :3 I suspect this stuff is a by-product of development for all the SLA printers. If you're now really mass producing UV cure resin anyway, might as well market it in as many ways as possible, right?
  13. Those are some truly thick sprues if accurate. Would make a nice supply of rod. Did they say yet if this will be PS or ABS? The gigantic 1/12 Panzers that Max Factory released were ABS.
  14. Judging purely by the boxart, are we getting decals/parts for both Hayate and Mirage?
  15. Does anyone have the artist source for these Makina pics? I know it's from a twitter account that I've been to before but I cannot for the life of me find it using the usual methods.
  16. Three of them? Emerald Force joined SMS too? :3
  17. Official info says the song was by Yoko Kanno: http://www.pashplus.jp/anime/tvanime/46477/ 『ゴ~~ジャス』 作詞=ROBIN ROBINSON 作・編曲=菅野よう子 歌=シェリル・ノームstarring May’n Also some stills at the link Pretty decent crowd gathered:
  18. You'll get phone videos at least on twitter immediately as the video finishes. Then a bit more time for higher quality to trickle in.
  19. From what I understand this is not a full on movie but just a music video which will be aired on that AltaVision screen, meaning you have to be present at that location at the specific time to watch it or settle for a camrip. Other franchises have done this sort of thing before.
  20. Sheryl is due in August: http://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/6274/PLAMAX+MF+14+minimum+factory+Sheryl+Nome.html
  21. I think it's worth mentioning that 3D printing isn't magic. It's just another tool and like most tools there is a broad range where it could be used but a fairly narrow range where it's the best tool for the job. Also while the quality and availability of different technology has been greatly improving over the years there is still manual cleanup necessary for pretty much all of it. Keep the amount of manual work in mind when doing cost/benefit for picking a technology/printing service.
  22. Some nose-on photos
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