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  1. What would a Yamato 1/60 YF 21 be worth?
  2. How much is EMS and Fed Ex shipping generally? I don't think I want to wait for the cheapest option on HLJ.
  3. hoju71

    Macross 30

    I have two launch model ps3's, will they still play this game or do I need a slim?
  4. Will there be a group buy for this since it is a web exclusive?
  5. Hi all, Sorry if my topic is ambiguous. I am having a problem with my 1/60 yf19 and yf 21...specifically they no longer stand on their own. The hips feel loose on them and I wish to learn how to fix that problem and tighten joints if I need to down the road. Can anyone direct me to some resources for this or give me some tips? Thanks, Justin
  6. Hey everyone, I just got this game last weekend and have not played Ace Frontier, can anyone point me to a site that has basic info and translations? Thanks, Justin
  7. Will they be releasing the Ghost as well? I have looked online and can only seem to find the A not the B ghost for my OS.
  8. Thanks hulagu! I think I will pick it up then.
  9. Hello all, Sorry if this has been asked before but.....if I can't read japanese at all will it be a big detriment to me playing this game? I really want to get it but am worried that it will be all trial and error.
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